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OKay, I did a pacman -Suy the other day and things went south. But thanks to you guys, I got things pretty much back on track except for enemy territory. Before I did this upgrade, all I did was type makepkg... and pacman -A ... and then typed ET at the command line and it worked. Now, after I do the pacman -A ... and type ET I get:
bash: et: command not found
I read somewhere that it should be in the /usr/local/bin but when I go look there, the directory is completely empty.
What happened? How do I run it?
Sure it's installed? What does 'locate enemy-territory' give you? I installed mine using the installer rather than the pkgbuild but it put a symlink in /usr/local/bin. Maybe your symlink has gone walkabout and you just need to recreate it...
do a
pacman -Ql <pkgname>
And check where the app was installed (or maybe it changed name)
I did the pacman -Ql > test.txt
opened the file and found enemy territory. The executable is in
I wonder why it changed?
I don't know. You can use the comment feature of AUR to ask that question.
Thanks for helping me solve my problem though!