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I upgraded this morning, and restarted the computer. Everything booted normally. Once I get to the terminal everything is haywire. Sometimes I can type my username and press enter, but after i type my password and press enter nothing happens, its not like it hangs, it doesn't even return to the next line. Othertimes i will type one letter and that letter will start repeating itself to infinity. Im lost, and I can't even get into the computer to try and figure out whats wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated,
any ideas?
i still can't get into my box
try booting into your system using a livecd and reinstall shadow(?) by pacman --root=/path/to/root/ -U /path/to/pacman/cache/
You should be able to reset your password after chrooted too. passwd <enter>
I had a similar experience.
I solved my problem by re-installing the archCD0.7 and then downloading the kernel2.6.13 from ftp.
I had a difficult time in fighting the problem because the base install of arch CD would not upgrade to with pacman -Syu...I kept getting th keyboard repeat at arch log-in...not KDE log-in.
The problem did not re-occur with kernel 2.6.13 which is strictly Udev. I have Udev nomenclature in my lilo root= /dev/hda3 but all other nomenclature is devfs to allow the vanilla kernel to be loaded as well as 2.6.13.
I was unable to load by any means..even singly it failed to load.
I used ABS and PKGBUILD with the tar.bz2 download and derived the config file from the ABS kernel26 file. I generated a -custom config by installing CONFIG_CRAMFS=y . So the install was more than just a download and install. It is performing well.
As I understand the situation, symlinks are provided as part of Udev which allow the devfs nomenclature. I do not think I can change my lilo boot statement and fstab without losing the vanilla kernel install at boot prompt..called parallel loading.
Judd reports archCD0.7.1 will be provided at some time later to modify the vanilla kernel loading since the new kernels are all Udev.
I do not know the reason for my failure to load in keyboard and mouse are usb. You will find my battle covered in a thread in newbie forum. I received no answer that solved the problem directly.
Best of luck
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
I upgraded this morning, and restarted the computer. Everything booted normally. Once I get to the terminal everything is haywire. Sometimes I can type my username and press enter, but after i type my password and press enter nothing happens, its not like it hangs, it doesn't even return to the next line. Othertimes i will type one letter and that letter will start repeating itself to infinity. Im lost, and I can't even get into the computer to try and figure out whats wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated,
I have the same problem (e.g. the letter getting repeated to infinity, or hanging if I don't type right away) and it was because my keyboard was getting disconnected. I just unplugged it and put it back in and it's fine (usb). I don't have a fix for it though, I just take it out and put it back in
fedaykin, thanks.
i don't know why but i never thought to unplug the keyboard and plug it back in. so now i can get around the problem, but it would be nice if someone had some sort of fix (or at least could help me think of what might be causing it in the first place).