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What you want is tray. Check out trayer.
EDIT: Would it be hard to make "overline" instead of underline?
I like the idea What about making the underlines on the top of the bar when its positioned in the bottom of the screen ?
I think it would look better if underlines were at the screen edge, eg. on top when bar is on top and current behaviour when it's on bottom.
Does it support UTF-8 ?
Real men don't use backups, they post their stuff on a public ftp server and let the rest of the world make copies.
- Linus Torvalds
Does it support UTF-8 ?
I think it would look better if underlines were at the screen edge, eg. on top when bar is on top and current behaviour when it's on bottom.
I'll make it an option then. (As always, mind adding it as a github ticket so i don't forget it ?
When bar displays the characters using any font I try they become too spaced apart and off-centered. Looking at other people's screenshots of bar their fonts look fine, here is an example of what I mean:
The top is bar, the bottom is dmenu. My font string that I pass to dmenu is identical to the one I put in bar's config.h so I don't know why it isn't spaced properly. I have a small feeling that the launcher script I'm using may be inserting extra whitespace or something causing the effect but then again the spaces look too small to be white space.. I'm a bash noob but I'm learning Legitimate bug or my fault?
I think it would look better if underlines were at the screen edge, eg. on top when bar is on top and current behaviour when it's on bottom.
Latest commit adds toggleable overlines/underlines
The top is bar, the bottom is dmenu. My font string that I pass to dmenu is identical to the one I put in bar's config.h so I don't know why it isn't spaced properly. I have a small feeling that the launcher script I'm using may be inserting extra whitespace or something causing the effect but then again the spaces look too small to be white space.. I'm a bash noob but I'm learning Legitimate bug or my fault?
I assumed that all the fonts were monospaced so i used the same width for all the chars. This is now fixed in the latest commit.
Great, thanks!
But, here is a font size related bug. Ohsnap size 13 doesn't get overlined, but it does get underlined.
Size 12 solves it.
Offline - Font size 12 - Font size 13
But it will get underlined with both sizes.
This makes no difference for me, just wanted to let you know.
Last edited by Šaran (2012-07-25 18:13:46)
Thanks for the fix, font displays perfectly now. I found color related bug now though ;\. When I pass the color "#393C39" (grey) as any COLOR(i) it gets incorrectly interpreted as blue ("#3986CE" according to gcolor2). Here is my config.h.
The underline bug is fixed
The color bug might be due to the fact that Xorg has a palette for each screen and gets the nearest color if the specified one doesn't match, I'll look into it.
the latest version segfaults for me.. core dumped.
anyone else?
I will try and do again
Hello !
The bar looks very good and replaces well dzen. I just wanted to know if you are planing to add a PKGBUILD on aur ?
Thanks !
The underline bug is fixed
The color bug might be due to the fact that Xorg has a palette for each screen and gets the nearest color if the specified one doesn't match, I'll look into it.
Thank you! And goodbye dzen!
I can't compile it on FreeBSD 9.0.
I can't put out the error messages since I don't know how to copy from urxvt(sorry). But it seems like it doesn't find XCB or something. Can someone help?
There are couple of weird things I can't seem to figure out at all. Overline/underline doesn't work, it just draws a background colored line across the whole bar. Also BAR_BOTTOM doesn't seem to work until you use "bar -b" command. I can't find any errors
There are couple of weird things I can't seem to figure out at all. Overline/underline doesn't work, it just draws a background colored line across the whole bar. Also BAR_BOTTOM doesn't seem to work until you use "bar -b" command. I can't find any errors
Fixed the bottom setting problem, it was a very silly mistake When you pop on irc ping me so we can troubleshoot the underline problem as I couldn't reproduce it here.
I made this script based on one of the example by c00kiemon5ter iirc:
[[ -p $ff ]] || mkfifo -m 600 "$ff"
# desktop names
ds=(" One" "Two" "Three")
# layout names
ms=("Classic Tiling Mode" "Monocle Mode" "Buttom-stack Tiling Mode" "Grid Tiling Mode$
while read -t 60 -r wmout || true; do
if [[ $wmout =~ ^(([[:digit:]]+:)+[[:digit:]]+ ?)+$ ]]; then
read -ra desktops <<< "$wmout" && unset r
for desktop in "${desktops[@]}"; do
IFS=':' read -r d w m c u <<< "$desktop"
((c)) && fg="\\f2" i="${ms[$m]}" || fg="\\f1"
((u)) && w+='\f5!'
r+="$fg${ds[$d]} "
printf "\\\l%s\\\r%s\n" "$r\\c\\f1- \\f2$i\\f1 -" "\\r\\f1$(date +"%H:%M ")"
done < "$ff" | bar &
# pass output to fifo
monsterwm > "$ff"
Can someone help me making "One Two Three" appear as only "One" for desktop 0, "Two" for desktop 1, "Three" for desktop 2 if you understand what I mean?
Speaking of that, how does one pipe DZEN in a good way?
Can someone help me making "One Two Three" appear as only "One" for desktop 0, "Two" for desktop 1, "Three" for desktop 2 if you understand what I mean?
Mhh, I don't really understand your question but I noticed that you have an extra space in desktop "One".
# desktop names
ds=(" One" "Two" "Three")
Speaking of that, how does one pipe DZEN in a good way?
User called simon.swe has some configurations which uses dzen2, CLICK ME (github)
Last edited by Shinryuu (2012-09-29 04:09:49)