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Okay, thanks
kalle97 wrote:Can someone help me making "One Two Three" appear as only "One" for desktop 0, "Two" for desktop 1, "Three" for desktop 2 if you understand what I mean?
Mhh, I don't really understand your question but I noticed that you have an extra space in desktop "One".
# desktop names ds=(" One" "Two" "Three")
Well, my current code outputs like this:
One Two Three Tiling mode Time
I want One Two Three to only display one at the time, you get what i mean?
I have a problem of with I ask for help here.
When using bar, I try to load icons using this method ;
tags=('\ue010 foo')
and by that call on stlarch_icons. However, this does not seem to work. I have of course installed all the neccisery fonts, and recompiled bar. My config.h for bar looks like this:
/* The height of the bar (in pixels) */
#define BAR_HEIGHT 18
/* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */
#define BAR_WIDTH -1
/* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */
#define OFFSET 0
/* Choose between an underline or an overline */
/* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */
/* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */
#define BAR_BOTTOM 0
/* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */
#define BAR_FONT "-Misc-Stlarch-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-C-80-ISO10646-1","-*-termsyn-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
/* Color palette */
#define COLOR0 0x151515 /* Background */
#define COLOR1 0xddeedd /* Foreground */
#define COLOR2 0x282830 /* Black'n'Gray */
#define COLOR3 0xcc0f16 /* Red */
#define COLOR4 0x92b03e /* Green */
#define COLOR5 0xdc7802 /* Orange */
#define COLOR6 0x007799 /* Blue */
#define COLOR7 0x7d1b66 /* Magenta */
#define COLOR8 0x426870 /* Cyan */
#define COLOR9 0xeeeeee /* White */
Compiling goes just fine.
What, if anything, am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Shinryuu wrote:kalle97 wrote:Can someone help me making "One Two Three" appear as only "One" for desktop 0, "Two" for desktop 1, "Three" for desktop 2 if you understand what I mean?
Mhh, I don't really understand your question but I noticed that you have an extra space in desktop "One".
# desktop names ds=(" One" "Two" "Three")
Well, my current code outputs like this:
One Two Three Tiling mode Time
I want One Two Three to only display one at the time, you get what i mean?
Do you mean something like this?
If so here is my setup. If you don't use xinerama you will have to change it slightly.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ -p $ff ]] || mkfifo -m 600 $ff
tags=('One' 'Two' 'Three' 'Four' 'Five')
#layouts=("" "" "" "" "" "")
layouts=("" "" "" "" "")
function statusbar {
the_date=$(date +"%a, %b %d %R")
music_status=$(mpc current)
[[ -z "$music_status" ]] && music="" || music="\\b7\\f0 \\b0\\f7 $music_status "
echo "$music\\b7\\f0 \\b0\\f7 $the_date \\b0\f7"
while read -t 1 -r wmout || true; do
if [[ $wmout =~ ^(([[:digit:]]+:)+[[:digit:]]+ ?)+$ ]]; then
read -ra desktops <<< "$wmout"
for desktop in "${desktops[@]}"; do
if (( ${desktop%%:*} == 0 )); then
lmon+=( $desktop )
elif (( ${desktop%%:*} == 1 )); then
rmon+=( $desktop )
for ldesktop in "${lmon[@]}"; do
IFS=':' read -r x y d w m c u <<< "$ldesktop"
((c)) && label="${tags[$d]}" layout="\\b7\\f0 ${layouts[$m]} \\b0\\f7"
echo "\\l$layout $label\\r\\f7$(statusbar)"
done < "$ff" | ~/bin/lmonbar &
#$wm > $ff
while :; do "$wm" || break; done | tee -a "$ff"
works in herbstluftwm great stuff!
edit: why do you have those variable operators (?= and +=) in the makefile? i wanted to add the project to the AUR but the buildprocess fails because of them. makepkg predefines build variables.
Last edited by nem (2012-10-09 05:30:42)
@nem and @Ypnose : I agree, would be great to add this in AUR.
I did the pull request. Before it's accepted or not, I can build the package with my modifications:
Forgive me if this is expected behaviour, I don't believe it is.
I have two monitors, VGA1 1440*900 & LVDS1 1366*768.
Currently at the moment I run at the moment.
xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --primary --output VGA1 --auto --left-of LVDS1
This means that the screens are not aligned when I move over using my cursor. Is my current arandr setup
However if I use
xrandr --output HDMI1 --off --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 1440x132 --rotate normal --output DP1 --off - -output VGA1 --mode 1440x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal
which sets the screens to be aligned correctly. Bar doesn't show on LVDS1, it seems to think the top of is 132 pixels above the screen resolution. Is the arandr setup
Is there any way around this, as it annoys me that the screens aren't aligned when I move my cursor between them.
I tested bar in openbox and I can't get it correctly positioned on the screen. I only tried it with BAR_BOTTOM set to 1.
I have the same problem with Openbox. The following patch seems to help:
diff --git a/bar.c b/bar.c
index 58698e7..44d3b56 100644
--- a/bar.c
+++ b/bar.c
@@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ init (void)
/* Make the bar visible */
xcb_map_window (c, win);
+ xcb_configure_window (c, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y, (const uint32_t []){ BAR_OFFSET, y });
xcb_flush (c);
hellomynameisphil wrote:I tested bar in openbox and I can't get it correctly positioned on the screen. I only tried it with BAR_BOTTOM set to 1.
I have the same problem with Openbox. The following patch seems to help:
diff --git a/bar.c b/bar.c index 58698e7..44d3b56 100644 --- a/bar.c +++ b/bar.c @@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ init (void) /* Make the bar visible */ xcb_map_window (c, win); + xcb_configure_window (c, win, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y, (const uint32_t []){ BAR_OFFSET, y }); xcb_flush (c); }
Nice one Does it work fine under other non-tiling DE with this patch ?
@TheLemonMan: Sorry, I don't know. Openbox is the only one I have.
Hm, setting either the user-specified or the program-specified position (or both) helps too. This might actually be better than the previous solution.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2ebf437..3f94e7a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
CC ?= gcc
STRIP ?= strip
CFLAGS ?= -std=c99 -fshort-wchar -Os
-LDFLAGS += -lxcb
+LDFLAGS += -lxcb -lxcb-icccm
CFDEBUG = -g3 -pedantic -Wall -Wunused-parameter -Wlong-long\
-Wsign-conversion -Wconversion -Wimplicit-function-declaration
diff --git a/bar.c b/bar.c
index 58698e7..5bcdf60 100644
--- a/bar.c
+++ b/bar.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
+#include <xcb/xcb_icccm.h>
#include "config.h"
@@ -341,6 +342,14 @@ init (void)
/* Set EWMH hints */
int ewmh_docking = set_ewmh_atoms (root);
+ /* Set position */
+ xcb_size_hints_t size_hints = {
+ .x = BAR_OFFSET,
+ .y = y
+ };
+ xcb_icccm_set_wm_normal_hints (c, win, &size_hints);
/* Quirk for wm not supporting the EWMH docking method */
xcb_change_window_attributes (c, win, XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, (const uint32_t []){ !ewmh_docking });
One question! I have some weird problems with different fonts such as anorexia. Why the text is so close and shrinked?
/* The height of the bar (in pixels) */
#define BAR_HEIGHT 16
/* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */
#define BAR_WIDTH -1
/* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */
#define BAR_OFFSET 0
/* Choose between an underline or an overline */
/* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */
/* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */
#define BAR_BOTTOM 0
/* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */
#define BAR_FONT "-Misc-Stlarch-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-C-80-ISO10646-1","-*-anorexia-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
/* Color palette */
#define COLOR0 0x202020 /* Background */
#define COLOR1 0xddeedd /* Foreground */
#define COLOR2 0x303032 /* Black'n'Gray */
#define COLOR3 0xf54844 /* Red */
#define COLOR4 0x92b03e /* Green */
#define COLOR5 0xec9d08 /* Orange */
#define COLOR6 0x007799 /* Blue */
#define COLOR7 0x6b0f38 /* Magenta */
#define COLOR8 0x426870 /* Cyan */
#define COLOR9 0xeeeeee /* White */
Last edited by Shinryuu (2012-11-09 14:38:53)
Can somebody explain to me why i cant use bar with my script?
Here are my:
- bar config.h:
- .
I can see last 3 characters of script output but only at the begining of the bar. I'm not sure what to do. Here is the shot:
I need to see here whole line as displayed in terminal not just the 2 end digits from date )
I start bar like this: | bar -p
Retarded font is retarded. Fix commited
:'( thanks
Can somebody explain to me why i cant use bar with my script?
Here are my:
- bar config.h:
- .I can see last 3 characters of script output but only at the begining of the bar. I'm not sure what to do. Here is the shot: need to see here whole line as displayed in terminal not just the 2 end digits from date )
I start bar like | bar -p
I think you have to modify your code a bit, it didn't work here either. I was able to make something to work when I changed things like this:
keyboard_indicator() {
if [ ! -z "$(setxkbmap -query | grep "layout" | awk '{print $2}' )" ]
echo -e "$(setxkbmap -query | grep "layout" | awk '{print $2}' )"
echo -e "??"
time_and_date="$(date "+%H:%M %d%m%Y")"
echo -e "$time_and_date"
# keyboard indicator
kbd="$(setxkbmap -query | grep "layout" | awk '{print $2}')" kbdstat="\ue14a"
# date and time
date="$(date +"%R")" dstat="\ue016"
# and in the end of the script
printf '\\b2\\u2 %s \\br\\ur %s' "$kbdstat" "$kbd" "$dstat" "$date"
printf '\n'
Last edited by Shinryuu (2012-11-12 08:05:20)
Thank you, i will try it out tonight.
p.s. Actually, your fix makes a lot of sense (as in bash scripting). I will try it out asap.
Nope, i cant do it. It does not make any sense to me to format code like that and it is not really intuitive. Also, i only see last 2 digits of clock whatever i try.
Last edited by kuraku (2012-11-14 14:38:12)
Thank you, i will try it out tonight.p.s. Actually, your fix makes a lot of sense (as in bash scripting). I will try it out asap.
Nope, i cant do it. It does not make any sense to me to format code like that and it is not really intuitive. Also, i only see last 2 digits of clock whatever i try.
Mhh, there's something in the code that messes something but I have no idea what it is.
New install. New system. Still arch. Bar? Nope, does not compute. I cant get the F-ing bar to show up.
My barcode:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
tags=('null' 'irc' 'foo' 'pr0n')
layouts=('T' 'M' 'B' 'G' 'F')
[[ -p $ff ]] || mkfifo -m 600 "$ff"
function statusbar {
# Date
date=$(date +"%a %d/%m %R")
#cpu=$(sh /home/paul/bin/
cpu=$(awk 'BEGIN{i=0}
{sum[i]=$2+$3+$4+$5; idle[i++]=$5}
END {printf "%d\n", 100*( (sum[1]-sum[0]) - (idle[1]-idle[0]) ) / (sum[1]-sum[0])}
' <( head -n 1 /proc/stat; sleep 0.5; head -n 1 /proc/stat))
# Battery
#bat=$(sh /home/paul/bin/
bat=$(acpi -b|awk 'sub(/,/,"") {print $3, $5}')
# Volume
vol=$(amixer get PCM | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\[(.*)%\].*/\1/')
# Music status
#music="$(mpc current -f "%artist% - %title%")"
#if [ -z "$music" ]; then music="stopped" mstat="\ue0ae"
#mstat="$(mpc | sed -rn '2s/\[([[:alpha:]]+)].*/\1/p')"
#[ "$mstat" == "paused" ] && mstat="\ue059" || mstat="\ue0aa"
echo "\r \f4\▒\fr $cpu% \f4\\\fr $bat \f4\\fr \f4\\fr $date "
while read -t 1 -r wmout || true; do
if [[ $wmout =~ ^(([[:digit:]]+:)+[[:digit:]]+ ?)+$ ]]; then
read -ra desktops <<< "$wmout"
for desktop in "${desktops[@]}"; do
IFS=':' read -r d w m c u <<< "$desktop"
# Tags labels
# Current desktop color and enclosing char (yes/no)
((c)) && fg="9" bg="2" lc="\u4 " rc=" \ur" && layout=${layouts[$m]} || fg="1" bg="0" lc=" " rc=" "
# Has windows ?
((w)) && ((! c)) && fg="6" lc="\u6 " rc=" \ur"
# Urgent windows ?
((u)) && fg="9" bg="3" lc="\u4 " rc=" \ur"
# Merge the clients indications and the tile mode
tmp+=" $layout"
echo "$tmp $(statusbar)"
done < "$ff" | bar &
#while :; do "$wm" || break; done | tee -a "$ff"
$wm > "$ff"
rm $ff
I cant get it to show.
other conf's.
setxkbmap se &
/home/gholen/ &
bar's config.h
/* The height of the bar (in pixels) */
#define BAR_HEIGHT 18
/* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */
#define BAR_WIDTH -1
/* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */
#define BAR_OFFSET 0
/* Choose between an underline or an overline */
/* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */
/* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */
#define BAR_BOTTOM 0
/* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */
#define BAR_FONT "-Misc-Stlarch-Medium-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-C-80-ISO10646-1","-*-termsyn-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
/* Color palette */
#define COLOR0 0x151515 /* Background */
#define COLOR1 0xddeedd /* Foreground */
#define COLOR2 0x282830 /* Black'n'Gray */
#define COLOR3 0xcc0f16 /* Red */
#define COLOR4 0x92b03e /* Green */
#define COLOR5 0xdc7802 /* Orange */
#define COLOR6 0x007799 /* Blue */
#define COLOR7 0x7d1b66 /* Magenta */
#define COLOR8 0x426870 /* Cyan */
#define COLOR9 0xeeeeee /* White */
All i get is a whole lot of nothing. What am I doing wrong?
You don't seem to launch bar anywhere and your script runs just fine and I think you have to use a script to launch monsterwm and bar. Below you can see how I start my window manager.
exec -- remember to replace "" with your own script. I have bin in my path so you might need to use full path.
#!/usr/bin/env sh
: "${wm:=monsterwm}"
: "${ff:="/tmp/${wm}.fifo"}"
[ -p "$ff" ] || mkfifo -m 600 "$ff"
# spawn a statusbar
while read -t 60 -r line || true; do
echo "$line" | grep -qEx "(([[:digit:]]+:){4,6}[[:digit:]]+ ?)+" && prev="$line" || line= ${line:-$prev}
done < "$ff" | bar &
"$wm" > "$ff"
while true ; do
sleep 2;
echo -n "\l\f3\u3$(mpc current) \c\f5\u5$(date)" | $HOME/bin/bar-bottom/./bar -p &
I have this simple code, which works fine. but bar flickers on each redraw. anything i can do there?
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams