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So, I already do like Arch and it's community! And want to say everybody hello! (From Russia)..
Hello from Norway. New to arch but liking what I see so far. Had some difficulties with the install, but nothing this forum or the wiki could not solve. Starting to really like pacman for managing packages Only thing I am missing is an actual pacman eating a bar when the installing
Only thing I am missing is an actual pacman eating a bar when the installing
zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)
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Pingul wrote:Only thing I am missing is an actual pacman eating a bar when the installing
That was sweet, thx!
I know
Welcome to Arch!
zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)
Hi, I´m new!
$ make love not war
make: *** No rule to make target `love'. Stop.
Hi, I´m new!
hello TEH new one
O' rly ? Ya rly Oo
wow it is fast. I have been using Ubunti sinse 2005 as primary linux, but as they switched to unity and made to much change to gnome and other software I looked for some more clean and pure OS - I went by fedora and also tryed Arch. And Arch is fast, clean and simpel and moore well documented then Ubuntu and Fedora.
So i think i stick to Arch - also loike the roling release instead of running betas half the time on Ubuntu and Fedora.
Hello, finally plucking up the courage to register on the forums. Have Arch installed on my desktop (KDE) and laptop (LXDE) and am really loving it. It's not easy, but I actually thinking I'm learning a lot about Linux (which has helped me using other distros as well), which is all for the good. And I've got two computers that work more or less the way I want them - which is fab. Thanks, Arch!
Last edited by stejjie (2012-09-27 13:30:43)
hello all new to arch and new to kde been using linux for a couple years. Just wanted to say hello. I am a network security student and hoping arch linux works for me.
you cant fix something till its broken... so hurry up and break it.
Hey hop sa sa!
Greetings from cold'n'gray [at this time o'year] Poland!
I've been here awhile and haven't said Hello yet.
So here goes: printf ("Hello World\n\r");
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Hi there! I'm an old arch user! From Italy with love!
Hello everyone. I've recently installed Arch for the learning experience. You know you've found the right distro for you when you can't imagine ever going back to anything else. So I'm here to stay and loving it.
Hello all! Look forward to learning, and talking with everyone! I've dabbled with linux a little from time to time. I've always wanted to try Arch, and though I'm still some what new at the game, I'm looking foward to it. I've dabbled with Ubuntu, Mint, PCLinuxOS, Debian, Bodhi, and some others, just trying to find what I like. Bare with me, I'm a fast learner.
Thanks and looking foward to seeing everyone!
Bare with me, I'm a fast learner.
Welcome bigcountryva! I hope you enjoy Arch. But I personally will not bare with you, as this form of bare would mean that we would be nude together.
That's actually not a bad pickup line ;P
Hello, from Enschede Holland, i have tried many distributions over the years. (Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse, Pclinux, Saboyon, Fedora, Mint) And for me Arch is the one.
As a user you must figure out a lot, but there is a large documentation and a that is a good opportunity to really learn about Linux.
Also Arch is a Rolling release, wich i like a lot.
Hello everybody
I'm a new and happy Arch Linux user.
Thanks for all the documentation and community help.
Started my linux years with SuSe 5.0. Moved to debian and others trying to find the right distro for me. Settled for Gentoo (love gentoo) for about 4-5 yrs, then tried Arch a year ago and never looked back.
What can I say ... Arch is awesome.
Hello everybody!!
I'm a new and happy Arch Linux user!
First of all, Thanks for All Documentation and community Help.
Good job!
/from Catalonia (Spain)
Hello from Fredericksburg, VA!
Hello everyone!
I discovered Arch in this summer, i was so excited, arch was what i expected from linux.