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after the very recent upgrades i made everything work again fine, all except my printer on lp0, i have another printer that still works on usb flawlessly but my other printer only works on parallel port.
cups works and registers everything I try to print on jobs lists, but the printer light never blinks or prints as normal.
cat asses.txt > /dev/lp0 makes the printer light print but it never prints
anyone else having this problem?
Sort of.
I have a Canon Pixma iP5000 printer (USB), and after the last update it's still seen fine by the commercial CUPS backend (Turboprint) on /dev/usb/lp0 as ready and waiting jobs, but whenever I send it something to print it magically goes offline!
The only way to print something after the upgrade is stopping the printer first, sending the print output and then starting the printer- THIS way it prints just fine!
It looks to me like a major CUPS bug.
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