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#1 2005-10-09 02:52:59

From: Taipei,Taiwan
Registered: 2005-09-21
Posts: 265

setting faster mirror by mywget

Hi, I need faster mirror for download gcc, sourceforge,...
So, I wrote a simple script to let me quick download, you can modify this for your mirror.

the /usr/bin/mywget content

echo "mywget $1"
f=`echo $1|sed -e s!^!! -e s!^!! `

echo "wget $f"
/usr/bin/wget --continue --passive-ftp -T 20 --tries=5 --waitretry=5 $f

and modify your pacman.conf / makepkg.conf
change the wget ... to 'mywget'

Running 4 ArchLinux including sh4twbox,server,notebook,desktop. my AUR packages


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