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I don't know if anyone else has had to deal with the torture that is hybrid graphics but this is pretty big news to me
Oh that is a "NICE" news. It was about time , with all that linux gaming effort rite now, also with so "kind" words from our herro Linus Torvalds, now we can be happy ... or can we ? Oo
O' rly ? Ya rly Oo
Offline we can be happy ... or can we ? Oo
followup to "can we?": … 29053.html
Well guess we ( or at leas I am ) are too eager for "good" news, but we ( I ) should have know better
At least "Intel" is providing more and more intresting IGP with good OSS support, so retty soon Nevidia can be not that relavent ( at least for casual gaming and 3D ).
In any case we w8 ... for way too long ... we can "lil more" !!!
O' rly ? Ya rly Oo
Can I use Optimus if I have an i7 2600K and a GTX 580? In Idle (Desktop Mode) the 580 draws about 20-25 Watts from what I have read. Or is Optimus designed for Laptops?
Optimus is for laptops. Don't know if it's possible to shut down a desktop graphic card. If it is, in theory xrandr1.4 could work on desktops too.
Optimus is designed for laptops, but there exist other hybrid graphics technologies for desktop: Nvidia Synergy and Virtu. I do not know about driver support for these, but I guess it is not very good atm.