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#251 2012-06-07 20:57:44

From: ~/
Registered: 2012-03-29
Posts: 279

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

blumbri wrote:

Wow, these all look good! Thanks for the inspiration.

Here's mine, still getting everything figured out, but off to a good start...I absolutely love subtle!

the panel was heavily influenced by spoll's 'Couleur' config.
the conky config was copied and slightly modified from Rovanion's 'Gotham'.
the wallpaper was found doing a google image search for 'light blue background 1680'.



-- blumbri

Looks very nice.  Have you a link to your subtle.rb?



#252 2012-06-08 00:38:34

From: Clovis, CA, USA
Registered: 2012-06-05
Posts: 5

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

chamber wrote:

Looks very nice.  Have you a link to your subtle.rb?

@chamber, thanks alot! I don't currently have a github account or anything similar, so I've pasted the files on pastie.

the 'subtle.rb' config is here:
the '.conkyrc' config is here:

If I recall correctly, the font used in conky (GE Inspira) is no longer available for download.  It's what was used on the original.  I happened to have had it on an old machine, but I'm not sure if I'm legally able to pass it along or not.

Oh and also, here is a link to the 'xrun' script I used in subtle.rb somewhere.  It's just a simple script I made to quickly open up console programs in urxvt (and tmux if passed the '-p' flag):

-- blumbri


#253 2012-07-26 17:25:34

From: Wales
Registered: 2008-02-04
Posts: 353

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !




#254 2012-07-26 17:33:38

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-05-13
Posts: 301

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Finally a new post here, haven't changed my settings since ages and nice. smile


#255 2012-09-06 20:22:25

Registered: 2012-05-22
Posts: 72

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Cross post :
b08ade9b-c990-4908-a76c-8808b1b7f3f2.jpg a5bf8118-aa8a-4d24-9179-bdafd42aad06.jpg … 4a3bf0.jpg … 943f4d.jpg

I've still have some fix : sound, color... but it's start to do what I want.


#256 2012-09-19 18:50:21

From: Wales
Registered: 2008-02-04
Posts: 353

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !




#257 2012-09-19 21:45:00

Registered: 2012-05-22
Posts: 72

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Ca I ask you what sublets are you using for the sound ?


#258 2012-09-20 05:11:22

From: Wales
Registered: 2008-02-04
Posts: 353

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Thom wrote:

Ca I ask you what sublets are you using for the sound ?

The volume sublet



#259 2012-09-28 16:16:56

Registered: 2012-09-28
Posts: 3

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Just started using subtle.


#260 2012-10-12 00:31:58

From: Sacremende
Registered: 2008-12-14
Posts: 440

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !


Last edited by tdy (2016-08-06 20:40:20)


#261 2012-10-14 21:44:12

Registered: 2012-09-23
Posts: 30

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !


Last edited by secondplanet (2016-08-09 17:48:41)


#262 2012-10-14 22:01:27

Registered: 2012-09-23
Posts: 30

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !


Last edited by secondplanet (2017-11-27 07:45:59)


#263 2012-10-15 03:35:34

From: US
Registered: 2011-06-22
Posts: 115

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Moved back to subtle today. Going to add conky soon~



#264 2012-10-22 18:04:54

Registered: 2012-10-22
Posts: 2

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

ill wrote:

Moved back to subtle today. Going to add conky soon~

I always love your configs, mind posting your latest one? .Xdefaults included?

Thank you so much.


#265 2012-10-23 02:37:41

From: US
Registered: 2011-06-22
Posts: 115

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Tagled wrote:
ill wrote:

Moved back to subtle today. Going to add conky soon~

I always love your configs, mind posting your latest one? .Xdefaults included?

Thank you so much.


# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author::  ill <>
# Version:: $Id$
# License:: GNU GPLv2
# = Subtle default configuration
# This file will be installed as default and can also be used as a starter for
# an own custom configuration file. The system wide config usually resides in
# +/etc/xdg/subtle+ and the user config in +HOME/.config/subtle+, both locations
# are dependent on the locations specified by +XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+ and

# == Options
# Following options change behaviour and sizes of the window manager:

# Window move/resize steps in pixel per keypress
set :increase_step, 5

# Window screen border snapping
set :border_snap, 10

# Default starting gravity for windows. Comment out to use gravity of
# currently active client
set :default_gravity, :center

# Make dialog windows urgent and draw focus
set :urgent_dialogs, false

# Honor resize size hints globally
set :honor_size_hints, false

# Enable gravity tiling for all gravities
set :gravity_tiling, false

# Enable click-to-focus focus model
set :click_to_focus, false

# Skip pointer movement on e.g. gravity change
set :skip_pointer_warp, false

# Skip pointer movement to urgent windows
set :skip_urgent_warp, false

# Set the WM_NAME of subtle (Java quirk)
# set :wmname, "LG3D"

# == Screen
# Generally subtle comes with two panels per screen, one on the top and one at
# the bottom. Each panel can be configured with different panel items and
# sublets screen wise. The default config uses top panel on the first screen
# only, it's up to the user to enable the bottom panel or disable either one
# or both.

# === Properties
# [*stipple*]    This property adds a stipple pattern to both screen panels.
#                Example: stipple "~/stipple.xbm"
#                         stipple"~/stipple.xbm")
# [*top*]        This property adds a top panel to the screen.
#                Example: top [ :views, :title ]
# [*bottom*]     This property adds a bottom panel to the screen.
#                Example: bottom [ :views, :title ]

# Following items are available for the panels:
# [*:views*]     List of views with buttons
# [*:title*]     Title of the current active window
# [*:tray*]      Systray icons (Can be used only once)
# [*:keychain*]  Display current chain (Can be used only once)
# [*:sublets*]   Catch-all for installed sublets
# [*:sublet*]    Name of a sublet for direct placement
# [*:spacer*]    Variable spacer (free width / count of spacers)
# [*:center*]    Enclose items with :center to center them on the panel
# [*:separator*] Insert separator
# Empty panels are hidden.
# === Links

screen 1 do
  top    [ :views, :spacer, :tray, :clock ]
  bottom [ ]

# Example for a second screen:
#screen 2 do
#  top    [ :views, :title, :spacer ]
#  bottom [ ]

# == Styles
# Styles define various properties of styleable items in a CSS-like syntax.
# If no background color is given no color will be set. This will ensure a
# custom background pixmap won't be overwritten.
# Following properties are available for most the styles:
# [*foreground*] Foreground text color
# [*background*] Background color
# [*margin*]     Outer spacing
# [*border*]     Border color and size
# [*padding*]    Inner spacing
# [*font*]       Font string (xftontsel or xft)
# === Link

# Style for all style elements
style :all do
  background    "#222222"
  icon          "#757575"
  border_right  "#222222", 1 
  padding       3, 3, 3, 3
  font          "xft:montecarlo:pixelsize=11"

# Style for the all views
style :views do
  foreground    "#757575"
  border_top    "#222222", 2
  border_bottom "#222222", 2
  border_left   "#222222", 2

  # Style for the active views
  style :focus do
    foreground  "#0a99ae"
    icon        "#0a99ae"
    border_top  "#222222", 1

  # Style for urgent window titles and views
  style :urgent do
    foreground  "#ff9800"

  # Style for occupied views (views with clients)
  style :occupied do
    foreground  "#b8b8b8"
    icon        "#b8b8b8"

# Style for sublets
style :sublets do
  foreground    "#757575"
  background    "#222222"
  border_right  "#222222", 2

# Style for separator
style :separator do
  foreground  "#757575"
  separator   "|"

# Style for focus window title
style :title do
  foreground  "#0a99ae"

# Style for active/inactive windows
style :clients do
  active    "#0a99ae", 2
  inactive  "#494949", 2
  margin    2
  width     50

# Style for subtle
style :subtle do
  margin      2, 2, 2, 2
  panel       "#202020"
  background  "#3d3d3d"
  stipple     "#757575"

# == Gravities
# Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways
# to set a certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or
# change them during runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify
# gravities.
# A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen
# size. The first two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen
# and he last two values are the width and height.
# === Example
# Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height:
#   gravity :example, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
# === Link

# Top left
gravity :tl_a1,             [   0,   0,  33,  33 ]
gravity :tl_a2,             [   0,   0,  50,  33 ]
gravity :tl_a3,             [   0,   0,  67,  33 ]

gravity :tl_b1,             [   0,   0,  33,  50 ]
gravity :tl_b2,             [   0,   0,  50,  50 ]
gravity :tl_b3,             [   0,   0,  67,  50 ]

gravity :tl_c1,             [   0,   0,  33,  67 ]
gravity :tl_c2,             [   0,   0,  50,  67 ]
gravity :tl_c3,             [   0,   0,  67,  67 ]

# Top center
gravity :tc_a1,             [   0,   0, 100,  50 ]
gravity :tc_a2,             [   0,   0, 100,  67 ]
gravity :tc_a3,             [   0,   0, 100,  33 ]

gravity :tc_b1,             [  33,   0,  34,  33 ]
gravity :tc_b2,             [  33,   0,  34,  50 ]
gravity :tc_b3,             [  33,   0,  34,  67 ]

# Top right
gravity :tr_a1,             [  67,   0,  33,  33 ]
gravity :tr_a2,             [  50,   0,  50,  33 ]
gravity :tr_a3,             [  33,   0,  67,  33 ]

gravity :tr_b1,             [  67,   0,  33,  50 ]
gravity :tr_b2,             [  50,   0,  50,  50 ]
gravity :tr_b3,             [  33,   0,  67,  50 ]

gravity :tr_c1,             [  67,   0,  33,  67 ]
gravity :tr_c2,             [  50,   0,  50,  67 ]
gravity :tr_c3,             [  33,   0,  67,  67 ]

# Left
gravity :l_a1,              [   0,  33,  33,  34 ]
gravity :l_a2,              [   0,  33,  50,  34 ]
gravity :l_a3,              [   0,  33,  67,  34 ]

gravity :l_b1,              [   0,  50,  15, 100 ]
gravity :l_b2,              [   0,  50,  33, 100 ]
gravity :l_b3,              [   0,  50,  50, 100 ]
gravity :l_b4,              [   0,  50,  67, 100 ]

# Center
gravity :center,            [   0,   0, 100, 100 ]

# Right
gravity :r_a1,              [  67,  33,  33,  34 ]
gravity :r_a2,              [  50,  33,  50,  34 ]
gravity :r_a3,              [  33,  33,  67,  34 ]

gravity :r_b1,              [  85,  50,  15, 100 ]
gravity :r_b2,              [  67,  50,  33, 100 ]
gravity :r_b3,              [  50,  50,  50, 100 ]
gravity :r_b4,              [  33,  50,  67, 100 ]

# Bottom left
gravity :bl_a1,             [   0,  67,  33,  33 ]
gravity :bl_a2,             [   0,  67,  50,  33 ]
gravity :bl_a3,             [   0,  67,  67,  33 ]

gravity :bl_b1,             [   0,  50,  33,  50 ]
gravity :bl_b2,             [   0,  50,  50,  50 ]
gravity :bl_b3,             [   0,  50,  67,  50 ]

gravity :bl_c1,             [   0,  33,  33,  67 ]
gravity :bl_c2,             [   0,  33,  50,  67 ]
gravity :bl_c3,             [   0,  33,  67,  67 ]

# Bottom center
gravity :bc_a1,             [   0,  50, 100,  50 ]
gravity :bc_a2,             [   0,  33, 100,  67 ]
gravity :bc_a3,             [   0,  67, 100,  33 ]

gravity :bc_b1,             [  33,  67,  34,  33 ]
gravity :bc_b2,             [  33,  50,  34,  50 ]
gravity :bc_b3,             [  33,  33,  34,  67 ]

# Bottom right
gravity :br_a1,             [  67,  67,  33,  33 ]
gravity :br_a2,             [  50,  67,  50,  33 ]
gravity :br_a3,             [  33,  67,  67,  33 ]

gravity :br_b1,             [  67,  50,  33,  50 ]
gravity :br_b2,             [  50,  50,  50,  50 ]
gravity :br_b3,             [  33,  50,  67,  50 ]

gravity :br_c1,             [  67,  33,  33,  67 ]
gravity :br_c2,             [  50,  33,  50,  67 ]
gravity :br_c3,             [  33,  33,  67,  67 ]

# Gimp
gravity :gimp_image,        [  10,   0,  80, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_toolbox,      [   0,   0,  10, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_dock,         [  90,   0,  10, 100 ]

# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be
# assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab
# consists of a chain and an action.
# === Finding keys
# The best resource for getting the correct key names is
# */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints
# about it:
# * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0*
# * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad
# * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in
#   /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
# * Keys usually have meaningful english names
# * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M),
#   Shift (S), Super (W))
# === Chaining
# Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys
# and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are
# two ways to define chains for grabs:
#   1. *Default*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab
#      *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
#   2. *Chain*: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed in order
#      *Example*: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt"
# ==== Mouse buttons
# [*B1*]  = Button1 (Left mouse button)
# [*B2*]  = Button2 (Middle mouse button)
# [*B3*]  = Button3 (Right mouse button)
# [*B4*]  = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)
# [*B5*]  = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)
# [*...*]
# [*B20*] = Button20 (Are you sure that this is a mouse and not a keyboard?)
# ==== Modifiers
# [*A*] = Alt key (Mod1)
# [*C*] = Control key
# [*M*] = Meta key (Mod3)
# [*S*] = Shift key
# [*W*] = Super/Windows key (Mod4)
# [*G*] = Alt Gr (Mod5)
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one
# of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*]  Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed:
#   grab "A-Return", "urxvt"
#   grab "C-a c",    "urxvt"
# === Link

# Jump to view1, view2, ...
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2
grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3
grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4
grab "W-S-5", :ViewJump5
grab "W-S-6", :ViewJump6
grab "W-S-7", :ViewJump7

# Switch current view
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1
grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2
grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3
grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4
grab "W-5", :ViewSwitch5
grab "W-6", :ViewSwitch6
grab "W-7", :ViewSwitch7

# Select next and prev view */
grab "KP_Add",      :ViewNext
grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev

# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2
grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3
grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4
grab "W-A-5", :ScreenJump5

# Multimedia Keys
grab "XF86AudioPlay", "ncmpcpp toggle" 
grab "XF86AudioNext", "ncmpcpp next" 
grab "XF86AudioPrev", "ncmpcpp prev" 
grab "XF86AudioStop", "ncmpcpp stop" 

# volume
grab "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", "amixer -c 0 set Master 2dB+"
grab "XF86AudioLowerVolume", "amixer -c 0 set Master 2dB-"
grab "XF86AudioMute", "amixer -c 0 set Master toggle"

# Force reload of config and sublets
grab "W-S-r", :SubtleReload
# Force restart of subtle
grab "W-S-C-r", :SubtleRestart

# Quit subtle
grab "W-S-q", :SubtleQuit

# Move current window
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove

# Resize current window
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize

# Toggle floating mode of window
grab "W-f", :WindowFloat

# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
grab "W-space", :WindowFull

# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
#grab "W-s", :WindowStick

# Raise window
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise

# Lower window
grab "W-l", :WindowLower

# Select next windows
grab "W-j",  :WindowLeft
grab "W-k",  :WindowDown
grab "W-i",    :WindowUp
grab "W-l", :WindowRight

# Cycle between given gravities
#grab "W-KP_7", [ :tl_a1, :tl_a2, :tl_a3, :tl_b1, :tl_b2, :tl_b3, :tl_c1, :tl_c2, :tl_c3 ]
#grab "W-KP_8", [ :tc_a1, :tc_a2, :tc_a3, :tc_b1, :tc_b2, :tc_b3                         ]
#grab "W-KP_9", [ :tr_a1, :tr_a2, :tr_a3, :tr_b1, :tr_b2, :tr_b3, :tr_c1, :tr_c2, :tr_c3 ]

#grab "W-KP_4", [ :l_a1,  :l_a2,  :l_a3,  :l_b1,  :l_b2,  :l_b3 ]
#grab "W-KP_6", [ :r_a1,  :r_a2,  :r_a3,  :r_b1,  :r_b2,  :r_b3 ]

#grab "W-KP_1", [ :bl_a1, :bl_a2, :bl_a3, :bl_b1, :bl_b2, :bl_b3, :bl_c1, :bl_c2, :bl_c3 ]
#grab "W-KP_2", [ :bc_a1, :bc_a2, :bc_a3, :bc_b1, :bc_b2, :bc_b3                         ]
#grab "W-KP_3", [ :br_a1, :br_a2, :br_a3, :br_b1, :br_b2, :br_b3, :br_c1, :br_c2, :br_c3 ]

# In case no numpad is available e.g. on notebooks
grab "W-q",     [ :tl_a1, :tl_a2, :tl_a3, :tl_b1, :tl_b2, :tl_b3, :tl_c1, :tl_c2, :tl_c3 ]
grab "W-w",     [ :tc_a1, :tc_a2, :tc_a3, :tc_b1, :tc_b2, :tc_b3                         ]
grab "W-e",     [ :tr_a1, :tr_a2, :tr_a3, :tr_b1, :tr_b2, :tr_b3, :tr_c1, :tr_c2, :tr_c3 ]

grab "W-a",     [ :l_a1,  :l_a2,  :l_a3,  :l_b1,  :l_b2,  :l_b3,  :l_b4 ]
grab "W-s",     [ :center  ]
grab "W-d",     [ :r_a1,  :r_a2,  :r_a3,  :r_b1,  :r_b2,  :r_b3,  :r_b4 ]

grab "W-z",     [ :bl_a1, :bl_a2, :bl_a3, :bl_b1, :bl_b2, :bl_b3, :bl_c1, :bl_c2, :bl_c3 ]
#grab "W-x",     [ :bc_a1, :bc_a2, :bc_a3, :bc_b1, :bc_b2, :bc_b3                         ]
grab "W-c",     [ :br_a1, :br_a2, :br_a3, :br_b1, :br_b2, :br_b3, :br_c1, :br_c2, :br_c3 ]
#grab "W-y", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
#grab "W-z", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
#grab "W-x", [ :bottom,       :bottom66,       :bottom33       ]
#grab "W-c", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]

# Exec programs
grab "W-Return", "urxvt -T term" 
grab "W-C-f", "firefox"
grab "W-C-p", "pidgin"
grab "W-C-n", "urxvt -e ncmpcpp"
grab "W-C-w", "urxvt -e weechat-curses -T weechat"
grab "W-C-v", "vlc"
grab "W-C-g", "gedit"
grab "W-C-t", "thunar"
grab "W-C-o", "libreoffice --writer"
grab "W-x", "gmrun"
# shutdown/reboot
grab "W-C-S-s", "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"
grab "W-C-S-q", "sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now"

# layouts

grab "C-W-S-j", :LayoutNext
grab "A-k", :LayoutPrev
grab "A-g", :LayoutSetGravity
grab "A-space", :LayoutSetNone

# Run Ruby lambdas
grab "S-F2" do |c|

grab "S-F3" do
  puts Subtlext::VERSION

# == Tags
# Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is
# strict, that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows
# must have a matching tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that
# windows that are started on a certain view will not automatically be placed
# there.
# There are to ways to define a tag:
# === Simple
# The simple way just needs a name and a regular expression to just handle the
# placement:
# Example:
#  tag "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they
# also have properties than can define and control some aspects of a window
# like the default gravity or the default screen per view.
# Example:
#  tag "terms" do
#    match   "xterm|[u]?rxvt"
#    gravity :center
#  end
# === Default
# Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the
# default view. The default view can either be set by the user with adding the
# default tag to a view by choice or otherwise the first defined view will be
# chosen automatically.
# === Properties
# [*borderless*] This property enables the borderless mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: borderless true
#                Links:
# [*fixed*]      This property enables the fixed mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: fixed true
#                Links:
# [*float*]      This property enables the float mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: float true
#                Links:
# [*full*]       This property enables the fullscreen mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: full true
#                Links:
# [*geometry*]   This property sets a certain geometry as well as floating mode
#                to the tagged client, but only on views that have this tag too.
#                It expects an array with x, y, width and height values whereas
#                width and height must be >0.
#                Example: geometry [100, 100, 50, 50]
#                Link:
# [*gravity*]    This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client,
#                but only on views that have this tag too.
#                Example: gravity :center
#                Link:
# [*match*]      This property adds matching patterns to a tag, a tag can have
#                more than one. Matching works either via plaintext, regex
#                (see man regex(7)) or window id. Per default tags will only
#                match the WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client, this
#                can be changed with following possible values:
#                [*:name*]      Match the WM_NAME
#                [*:instance*]  Match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS
#                [*:class*]     Match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS
#                [*:role*]      Match the window role
#                [*:type*]      Match the window type
#                Examples: match instance: "urxvt"
#                          match [:role, :class] => "test"
#                          match "[xa]+term"
#                Link:
# [*position*]   Similar to the geometry property, this property just sets the
#                x/y coordinates of the tagged client, but only on views that
#                have this tag, too. It expects an array with x and y values.
#                Example: position [ 10, 10 ]
#                Link:
# [*resize*]     This property enables the float mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                subtle honors size hints, that define various size constraints like
#                sizes for columns and rows of a terminal.
#                Example: resize true
#                Links:
# [*stick*]      This property enables the stick mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                clients are visible on all views, even when they don't have matching
#                tags. On multihead, sticky clients keep the screen they are assigned
#                on.
#                Supported values are either true or a number to specify a screen.
#                Example: stick true
#                         stick 1
#                Links:
# [*type*]       This property sets the tagged client to be treated as a specific
#                window type though as the window sets the type itself. Following
#                types are possible:
#                [*:desktop*]  Treat as desktop window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP)
#                              Link:
#                [*:dock*]     Treat as dock window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)
#                              Link:
#                [*:toolbar*]  Treat as toolbar windows (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR)
#                              Link:
#                [*:splash*]   Treat as splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH)
#                              Link:
#                [*:dialog*]   Treat as dialog window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG)
#                              Link:
#                Example: type :desktop
#                Link:
# [*urgent*]     This property enables the urgent mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                subtle automatically sets this client to urgent.
#                Example: urgent true
#                Links:
# [*zaphod*]     This property enables the zaphod mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                the client spans across all connected screens.
#                Example: zaphod true
#                Links:
# === Link

# Simple tags
tag "browser", "luakit|jumanji|uzbl|firefox|chromium|navigator"
tag "filemanager", "pcmanfm|nautilus|xarchiver|file-roller|geeqie|viewnior|thunar|nitrogen|qiviewer"
tag "music", "sonata|banshee|pithos"
tag "video", "minitube|vlc|mplayer|gnome-mplayer|umplayer"
tag "text", "emacs|gvim|lyx" 
tag "office", "epdfview|libreoffice|gummi|xpdf|zathura|libreoffice --writer|virtualbox" 
tag "graphics", "mtpaint|gimp|inkscape"
tag "chat" , "skype|pidgin|empathy|xchat"

# Terminal
tag "terms" do
   match "xterm|[u]?rxvt"
   exclude :name => "ncmpcpp|weechat"
   exclude :instance => "ncmpcpp|weechat"

# Launcher, Attention
tag "launcher" do
  match "kupfer|gmrun|synapse|tilda"
  urgent true
  splash true
  gravity :center

tag "attention" do
  match "obmixer"
  urgent true
  splash true

# Placement
tag "editor" do
  match  "medit|geany|gedit|pyroom|gvim|cvim|emacs"
  resize false

tag "fixed" do
  geometry [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ]
  stick    true

tag "resize" do
  match  "sakura|gvim"
  resize false

tag "gravity" do
  gravity :center

# Modes
tag "stick" do
  match "gmrun|obmixer|synapse|tilda"
  float true
  stick true

tag "float" do
  match "display"
  float true

tag "conky" do
  match "conky"
  gravity :center
  float true

# Gimp
tag "gimp_image" do
  match   :role => "gimp-image-window"
  gravity :gimp_image

tag "gimp_toolbox" do
  match   :role => "gimp-toolbox$"
  gravity :gimp_toolbox

tag "gimp_dock" do
  match   :role => "gimp-dock"
  gravity :gimp_dock

tag "gimp" do
  match   "gimp"

tag "inkscape" do
   match "inkscape"

tag "flash" do
   match "<unknown>|exe|operapluginwrapper|npviewer.bin" 
   stick true

tag "ncmpcpp" do
   match :name => "ncmpcpp" 

tag "weechat" do
   match :name => "weechat"

# == Views
# Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a
# tag with them. Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view
# which is the view with the default tag or the first defined view when this
# tag isn't set.
# Like tags views can be defined in two ways:
# === Simple
# The simple way is exactly the same as for tags:
# Example:
#   view "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# The extended way for views is also similar to the tags, but with fewer
# properties.
# Example:
#  view "terms" do
#    match "terms"
#    icon  "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#  end
# === Properties
# [*match*]      This property adds a matching pattern to a view. Matching
#                works either via plaintext or regex (see man regex(7)) and
#                applies to names of tags.
#                Example: match "terms"
# [*dynamic*]    This property hides unoccupied views, views that display no
#                windows.
#                Example: dynamic true
# [*icon*]       This property adds an icon in front of the view name. The
#                icon can either be path to an icon or an instance of
#                Subtlext::Icon.
#                Example: icon "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#                         icon"/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm")
# [*icon_only*]  This property hides the view name from the view buttons, just
#                the icon will be visible.
#                Example: icon_only true
# === Link

view "home" do
	match "filemanager|default"
	icon "~/.icons/arch2.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "www" do
	match "browser"
	icon "~/.icons/world.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "terms" do
	match "terms|text"
	icon "~/.icons/terminal.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "office" do
	match "office"
	icon "~/.icons/bag.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "media" do
	match "music|video|ncmpcpp"
	icon "~/.icons/note1.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "gimp" do
	match "graphics|gimp_image|gimp_toolbox|gimp_dock"
	icon "~/.icons/wand.xbm"
	icon_only true

view "chat" do
	match "chat|weechat"
	icon "~/.icons/balloon.xbm"
	icon_only true

# == Sublets
# Sublets are Ruby scripts that provide data for the panel and can be managed
# with the sur script that comes with subtle.
# === Example
#  sur install clock
#  sur uninstall clock
#  sur list
# === Configuration
# All sublets have a set of configuration values that can be changed directly
# from the config of subtle.
# There are three default properties, that can be be changed for every sublet:
# [*interval*]    Update interval of the sublet
# [*foreground*]  Default foreground color
# [*background*]  Default background color
# sur can also give a brief overview about properties:
# === Example
#   sur config clock
# The syntax of the sublet configuration is similar to other configuration
# options in subtle:
# === Example
#  sublet :clock do
#    interval      30
#    foreground    "#eeeeee"
#    background    "#000000"
#    format_string "%H:%M:%S"
#  end
#  === Link

sublet :clock do
    interval      30
    foreground    "#dca3a3"
    icon          "#222222"
    format_string "%I:%M %p"

# == Hooks
# And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event.
# Following hooks exist so far:
# [*:client_create*]    Called whenever a window is created
# [*:client_configure*] Called whenever a window is configured
# [*:client_focus*]     Called whenever a window gets focus
# [*:client_kill*]      Called whenever a window is killed
# [*:tag_create*]       Called whenever a tag is created
# [*:tag_kill*]         Called whenever a tag is killed
# [*:view_create*]      Called whenever a view is created
# [*:view_configure*]   Called whenever a view is configured
# [*:view_jump*]        Called whenever the view is switched
# [*:view_kill*]        Called whenever a view is killed
# [*:tile*]             Called on whenever tiling would be needed
# [*:reload*]           Called on reload
# [*:start*]            Called on start
# [*:exit*]             Called on exit
# === Example
# This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus:
#   on :client_focus do |c|
#     puts
#   end
# === Link


URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*borderLess: false

URxvt*geometry: 84×24
URxvt*font: xft:montecarlo:pixelsize=11

*color0:     #101010
*color8:     #404040
*color1:     #E84F4F
*color9:     #D23D3D
*color2:     #B8D68C
*color10:    #A0CF5D
*color3:     #E1AA5D
*color11:    #F39D21
*color4:     #7DC1CF
*color12:    #4E9FB1
*color5:     #9B64FB
*color13:    #8542FF
*color6:     #6D878D
*color14:    #42717B
*color7:     #dddddd
*color15:    #dddddd

URxvt*borderColor:        #151515
URxvt*colorBD:            #ffffff
URxvt*cursorColor:        #ff8939
URxvt*cursorColor2:       #151515


#266 2012-10-23 03:32:43

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 63

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

chr0x1 wrote:

Just started using subtle.

That looks great! Mind sharing your entire subtle.rb


#267 2012-10-23 04:25:50

Registered: 2012-10-22
Posts: 2

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

ill wrote:
Tagled wrote:
ill wrote:

Moved back to subtle today. Going to add conky soon~

I always love your configs, mind posting your latest one? .Xdefaults included?

Thank you so much.

Thanks again,

Last edited by Tagled (2012-10-23 16:28:22)


#268 2012-10-26 03:00:46

Registered: 2012-10-26
Posts: 1

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Hi! Here's my setup:


The config files can be found in my Github repo.


#269 2012-10-26 14:10:20

Registered: 2012-09-28
Posts: 3

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

sboysel wrote:
chr0x1 wrote:

Just started using subtle.

That looks great! Mind sharing your entire subtle.rb

xdefaults are from the tomorrow theme


#270 2012-10-28 02:13:52

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 63

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

chr0x1 wrote:
sboysel wrote:
chr0x1 wrote:

Just started using subtle.

That looks great! Mind sharing your entire subtle.rb

xdefaults are from the tomorrow theme

Thanks chr0x1

Heres what I cooked up in the meantime:


#271 2012-11-19 14:36:08

Registered: 2011-07-23
Posts: 7

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

sboysel wrote:
chr0x1 wrote:
sboysel wrote:

That looks great! Mind sharing your entire subtle.rb

xdefaults are from the tomorrow theme

Thanks chr0x1

Heres what I cooked up in the meantime:

Nice setup. Can you share your xdefaults and subtle.rb ?
Links from previous quote don`t work.
Which radio player you are using on terminal on the left side ?

Last edited by akemrir (2012-11-19 14:38:16)


#272 2012-11-20 03:51:15

Registered: 2011-12-30
Posts: 63

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

akemrir wrote:
sboysel wrote:
chr0x1 wrote:

xdefaults are from the tomorrow theme

Thanks chr0x1

Heres what I cooked up in the meantime:

Nice setup. Can you share your xdefaults and subtle.rb ?
Links from previous quote don`t work.
Which radio player you are using on terminal on the left side ?

Radio player is pianobar-git from the AUR.  Colors are invisibone.

URxvt.perl-ext-common:	default,clipboard

URxvt.scrollBar: off

URxvt.font: xft:termsyn:pixelsize=12

Xcursor.theme:	Vanilla-DMZ

! invisibone by baskerville
! vim: set ft=xdefaults:

URxvt.background: #232323
URxvt.foreground: #A0A0A0

URxvt.colorBD:    #CFCFCF
URxvt.colorUL:    #A0A0A0
URxvt.colorIT:    #686868

URxvt.color0:     #303030
URxvt.color8:     #686868

URxvt.color9:     #FFA7DA
URxvt.color1:     #D370A3

URxvt.color10:    #A3D572
URxvt.color2:     #6D9E3F

URxvt.color12:    #98CBFE
URxvt.color4:     #6095C5

URxvt.color11:    #EFBD8B
URxvt.color3:     #B58858

URxvt.color14:    #75DAA9
URxvt.color6:     #3BA275

URxvt.color13:    #E5B0FF
URxvt.color5:     #AC7BDE

URxvt.color7:     #CFCFCF
URxvt.color15:    #FFFFFF


# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author::  Christoph Kappel <>
# Version:: $Id: data/subtle.rb,v 3182 2012/02/04 16:39:33 unexist $
# License:: GNU GPLv2
# = Subtle default configuration
# This file will be installed as default and can also be used as a starter for
# an own custom configuration file. The system wide config usually resides in
# +/etc/xdg/subtle+ and the user config in +HOME/.config/subtle+, both locations
# are dependent on the locations specified by +XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+ and

# == Options
# Following options change behaviour and sizes of the window manager:

# Window move/resize steps in pixel per keypress
set :increase_step, 5

# Window screen border snapping
set :border_snap, 10

# Default starting gravity for windows. Comment out to use gravity of
# currently active client
set :default_gravity, :center

# Make dialog windows urgent and draw focus
set :urgent_dialogs, false

# Honor resize size hints globally
set :honor_size_hints, false

# Enable gravity tiling for all gravities
set :gravity_tiling, false

# Enable click-to-focus focus model
set :click_to_focus, false

# Skip pointer movement on e.g. gravity change
set :skip_pointer_warp, false

# Skip pointer movement to urgent windows
set :skip_urgent_warp, false

# Set the WM_NAME of subtle (Java quirk)
# set :wmname, "LG3D"

# == Screen
# Generally subtle comes with two panels per screen, one on the top and one at
# the bottom. Each panel can be configured with different panel items and
# sublets screen wise. The default config uses top panel on the first screen
# only, it's up to the user to enable the bottom panel or disable either one
# or both.

# === Properties
# [*stipple*]    This property adds a stipple pattern to both screen panels.
#                Example: stipple "~/stipple.xbm"
#                         stipple"~/stipple.xbm")
# [*top*]        This property adds a top panel to the screen.
#                Example: top [ :views, :title ]
# [*bottom*]     This property adds a bottom panel to the screen.
#                Example: bottom [ :views, :title ]

# Following items are available for the panels:
# [*:views*]     List of views with buttons
# [*:title*]     Title of the current active window
# [*:tray*]      Systray icons (Can be used only once)
# [*:keychain*]  Display current chain (Can be used only once)
# [*:sublets*]   Catch-all for installed sublets
# [*:sublet*]    Name of a sublet for direct placement
# [*:spacer*]    Variable spacer (free width / count of spacers)
# [*:center*]    Enclose items with :center to center them on the panel
# [*:separator*] Insert separator
# Empty panels are hidden.
# === Links

screen 1 do
  top    [ :views, :title, :spacer, :keychain, :spacer, :mpd, :cpu, :memory, :wifi, :clock, :layout, :tray, :battery ]
  bottom [ ]

# Example for a second screen:
#screen 2 do
#  top    [ :views, :title, :spacer ]
#  bottom [ ]

# == Styles
# Styles define various properties of styleable items in a CSS-like syntax.
# If no background color is given no color will be set. This will ensure a
# custom background pixmap won't be overwritten.
# Following properties are available for most the styles:
# [*foreground*] Foreground text color
# [*background*] Background color
# [*margin*]     Outer spacing
# [*border*]     Border color and size
# [*padding*]    Inner spacing
# [*font*]       Font string (xftontsel or xft)
# === Link

# Style for all style elements
style :all do
  background  "#232323"
  icon        "#A0A0A0"
  padding     1, 3
  font        "xft:terminus:pixelsize=8"

# Style for the all views
style :views do
  foreground  	"#A0A0A0"
  margin		0, 2, 0, 2

  # Style for the active views
  style :focus do
    foreground  "#A3D572"
    icon		"#A3D572"

  # Style for urgent window titles and views
  style :urgent do
    foreground  "#FFA7DA"
    icon		"#FFA7DA"

  # Style for occupied views (views with clients)
  style :occupied do
    foreground  "#CFCFCF"
    icon		"#CFCFCF"

# Style for sublets
style :sublets do
  foreground	"#CFCFCF"
  icon			"#A3D572"			

# Style for separator
style :separator do
  foreground  "#A0A0A0"
  separator   "|"

# Style for focus window title
style :title do
  foreground  "#EFBD8B"

# Style for active/inactive windows
style :clients do
  active    "#98CBFE", 1
  inactive  "#232323", 1
  margin    0
  width     50

# Style for subtle
style :subtle do
  margin      0, 0, 0, 0
  panel       "#232323"
  background  "#232323"
  stipple     "#A0A0A0"

# == Gravities
# Gravities are predefined sizes a window can be set to. There are several ways
# to set a certain gravity, most convenient is to define a gravity via a tag or
# change them during runtime via grab. Subtler and subtlext can also modify
# gravities.
# A gravity consists of four values which are a percentage value of the screen
# size. The first two values are x and y starting at the center of the screen
# and he last two values are the width and height.
# === Example
# Following defines a gravity for a window with 100% width and height:
#   gravity :example, [ 0, 0, 100, 100 ]
# === Link

# Top left
gravity :top_left,       [   0,   0,  50,  50 ]
gravity :top_left66,     [   0,   0,  50,  66 ]
gravity :top_left33,     [   0,   0,  50,  34 ]

# Top
gravity :top,            [   0,   0, 100,  50 ]
gravity :top66,          [   0,   0, 100,  66 ]
gravity :top33,          [   0,   0, 100,  34 ]

# Top right
gravity :top_right,      [  50,   0,  50,  50 ]
gravity :top_right66,    [  50,   0,  50,  66 ]
gravity :top_right33,    [  50,   0,  50,  33 ]

# Left
gravity :left,           [   0,   0,  50, 100 ]
gravity :left66,         [   0,   0,  66, 100 ]
gravity :left33,         [   0,   0,  33, 100 ]

# Center
gravity :center,         [   0,   0, 100, 100 ]
gravity :center66,       [  17,  17,  66,  66 ]
gravity :center33,       [  33,  33,  33,  33 ]

# Right
gravity :right,          [  50,   0,  50, 100 ]
gravity :right66,        [  34,   0,  66, 100 ]
gravity :right33,        [  67,   0,  33, 100 ]

# Bottom left
gravity :bottom_left,    [   0,  50,  50,  50 ]
gravity :bottom_left66,  [   0,  34,  50,  66 ]
gravity :bottom_left33,  [   0,  67,  50,  33 ]

# Bottom
gravity :bottom,         [   0,  50, 100,  50 ]
gravity :bottom66,       [   0,  34, 100,  66 ]
gravity :bottom33,       [   0,  67, 100,  33 ]

# Bottom right
gravity :bottom_right,   [  50,  50,  50,  50 ]
gravity :bottom_right66, [  50,  34,  50,  66 ]
gravity :bottom_right33, [  50,  67,  50,  33 ]

# Gimp
gravity :gimp_image,     [  10,   0,  80, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_toolbox,   [   0,   0,  10, 100 ]
gravity :gimp_dock,      [  90,   0,  10, 100 ]

# == Grabs
# Grabs are keyboard and mouse actions within subtle, every grab can be
# assigned either to a key and/or to a mouse button combination. A grab
# consists of a chain and an action.
# === Finding keys
# The best resource for getting the correct key names is
# */usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h*, but to make life easier here are some hints
# about it:
# * Numbers and letters keep their names, so *a* is *a* and *0* is *0*
# * Keypad keys need *KP_* as prefix, so *KP_1* is *1* on the keypad
# * Strip the *XK_* from the key names if looked up in
#   /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h
# * Keys usually have meaningful english names
# * Modifier keys have special meaning (Alt (A), Control (C), Meta (M),
#   Shift (S), Super (W))
# === Chaining
# Chains are a combination of keys and modifiers to one or a list of keys
# and can be used in various ways to trigger an action. In subtle, there are
# two ways to define chains for grabs:
#   1. *Default*: Add modifiers to a key and use it for a grab
#      *Example*: grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
#   2. *Chain*: Define a list of grabs that need to be pressed in order
#      *Example*: grab "C-y Return", "urxvt"
# ==== Mouse buttons
# [*B1*]  = Button1 (Left mouse button)
# [*B2*]  = Button2 (Middle mouse button)
# [*B3*]  = Button3 (Right mouse button)
# [*B4*]  = Button4 (Mouse wheel up)
# [*B5*]  = Button5 (Mouse wheel down)
# [*...*]
# [*B20*] = Button20 (Are you sure that this is a mouse and not a keyboard?)
# ==== Modifiers
# [*A*] = Alt key (Mod1)
# [*C*] = Control key
# [*M*] = Meta key (Mod3)
# [*S*] = Shift key
# [*W*] = Super/Windows key (Mod4)
# [*G*] = Alt Gr (Mod5)
# === Action
# An action is something that happens when a grab is activated, this can be one
# of the following:
# [*symbol*] Run a subtle action
# [*string*] Start a certain program
# [*array*]  Cycle through gravities
# [*lambda*] Run a Ruby proc
# === Example
# This will create a grab that starts a urxvt when Alt+Enter are pressed:
#   grab "A-Return", "urxvt"
#   grab "C-a c",    "urxvt"
# === Link

# Jump to view1, view2, ...
grab "W-S-1", :ViewJump1
grab "W-S-2", :ViewJump2
grab "W-S-3", :ViewJump3
grab "W-S-4", :ViewJump4

# Switch current view
grab "W-1", :ViewSwitch1
grab "W-2", :ViewSwitch2
grab "W-3", :ViewSwitch3
grab "W-4", :ViewSwitch4

# Select next and prev view */
grab "KP_Add",      :ViewNext
grab "KP_Subtract", :ViewPrev

# Move mouse to screen1, screen2, ...
grab "W-A-1", :ScreenJump1
grab "W-A-2", :ScreenJump2
grab "W-A-3", :ScreenJump3
grab "W-A-4", :ScreenJump4

# Force reload of config and sublets
grab "W-C-r", :SubtleReload

# Force restart of subtle
grab "W-C-S-r", :SubtleRestart

# Quit subtle
grab "W-C-q", :SubtleQuit

# Move current window
grab "W-B1", :WindowMove

# Resize current window
grab "W-B3", :WindowResize

# Toggle floating mode of window
grab "W-f", :WindowFloat

# Toggle fullscreen mode of window
grab "W-space", :WindowFull

# Toggle sticky mode of window (will be visible on all views)
#grab "W-s", :WindowStick

# Toggle zaphod mode of window (will span across all screens)
grab "W-equal", :WindowZaphod

# Raise window
grab "W-r", :WindowRaise

# Lower window
grab "W-l", :WindowLower

# Select next windows
grab "W-Left",  :WindowLeft
grab "W-Down",  :WindowDown
grab "W-Up",    :WindowUp
grab "W-Right", :WindowRight

# Kill current window
grab "W-C-x", :WindowKill

# Cycle between given gravities
#grab "W-KP_7", [ :top_left,     :top_left66,     :top_left33     ]
#grab "W-KP_8", [ :top,          :top66,          :top33          ]
#grab "W-KP_9", [ :top_right,    :top_right66,    :top_right33    ]
#grab "W-KP_4", [ :left,         :left66,         :left33         ]
#grab "W-KP_5", [ :center,       :center66,       :center33       ]
#grab "W-KP_6", [ :right,        :right66,        :right33        ]
#grab "W-KP_1", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]
#grab "W-KP_2", [ :bottom,       :bottom66,       :bottom33       ]
#grab "W-KP_3", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]

# In case no numpad is available e.g. on notebooks
grab "W-q", [ :top_left,     :top_left66,     :top_left33     ]
grab "W-w", [ :top,          :top66,          :top33          ]
grab "W-e", [ :top_right,    :top_right66,    :top_right33    ]
grab "W-a", [ :left,         :left66,         :left33         ]
grab "W-s", [ :center,       :center66,       :center33       ]
grab "W-d", [ :right,        :right66,        :right33        ]

#grab "W-y", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]

grab "W-z", [ :bottom_left,  :bottom_left66,  :bottom_left33  ]

grab "W-x", [ :bottom,       :bottom66,       :bottom33       ]
grab "W-c", [ :bottom_right, :bottom_right66, :bottom_right33 ]

# Exec programs
grab "W-Return", "urxvt"
grab "W-C-e", "urxvt -e 'nano /home/sam/.config/subtle/subtle.rb'"
grab "W-F10", "firefox"
grab "W-Menu", "dmenu_run -fn -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
grab "W-Escape", "pygtk-shutdown"

# Run Ruby lambdas
grab "S-F2" do |c|

grab "S-F3" do
  puts Subtlext::VERSION

# == Tags
# Tags are generally used in subtle for placement of windows. This placement is
# strict, that means that - aside from other tiling window managers - windows
# must have a matching tag to be on a certain view. This also includes that
# windows that are started on a certain view will not automatically be placed
# there.
# There are to ways to define a tag:
# === Simple
# The simple way just needs a name and a regular expression to just handle the
# placement:
# Example:
#  tag "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# Additionally tags can do a lot more then just control the placement - they
# also have properties than can define and control some aspects of a window
# like the default gravity or the default screen per view.
# Example:
#  tag "terms" do
#    match   "xterm|[u]?rxvt"
#    gravity :center
#  end
# === Default
# Whenever a window has no tag it will get the default tag and be placed on the
# default view. The default view can either be set by the user with adding the
# default tag to a view by choice or otherwise the first defined view will be
# chosen automatically.
# === Properties
# [*borderless*] This property enables the borderless mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: borderless true
#                Links:
# [*fixed*]      This property enables the fixed mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: fixed true
#                Links:
# [*float*]      This property enables the float mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: float true
#                Links:
# [*full*]       This property enables the fullscreen mode for tagged clients.
#                Example: full true
#                Links:
# [*geometry*]   This property sets a certain geometry as well as floating mode
#                to the tagged client, but only on views that have this tag too.
#                It expects an array with x, y, width and height values whereas
#                width and height must be >0.
#                Example: geometry [100, 100, 50, 50]
#                Link:
# [*gravity*]    This property sets a certain to gravity to the tagged client,
#                but only on views that have this tag too.
#                Example: gravity :center
#                Link:
# [*match*]      This property adds matching patterns to a tag, a tag can have
#                more than one. Matching works either via plaintext, regex
#                (see man regex(7)) or window id. Per default tags will only
#                match the WM_NAME and the WM_CLASS portion of a client, this
#                can be changed with following possible values:
#                [*:name*]      Match the WM_NAME
#                [*:instance*]  Match the first (instance) part from WM_CLASS
#                [*:class*]     Match the second (class) part from WM_CLASS
#                [*:role*]      Match the window role
#                [*:type*]      Match the window type
#                Examples: match instance: "urxvt"
#                          match [:role, :class] => "test"
#                          match "[xa]+term"
#                Link:
# [*position*]   Similar to the geometry property, this property just sets the
#                x/y coordinates of the tagged client, but only on views that
#                have this tag, too. It expects an array with x and y values.
#                Example: position [ 10, 10 ]
#                Link:
# [*resize*]     This property enables the float mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                subtle honors size hints, that define various size constraints like
#                sizes for columns and rows of a terminal.
#                Example: resize true
#                Links:
# [*stick*]      This property enables the stick mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                clients are visible on all views, even when they don't have matching
#                tags. On multihead, sticky clients keep the screen they are assigned
#                on.
#                Supported values are either true or a number to specify a screen.
#                Example: stick true
#                         stick 1
#                Links:
# [*type*]       This property sets the tagged client to be treated as a specific
#                window type though as the window sets the type itself. Following
#                types are possible:
#                [*:desktop*]  Treat as desktop window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP)
#                              Link:
#                [*:dock*]     Treat as dock window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)
#                              Link:
#                [*:toolbar*]  Treat as toolbar windows (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR)
#                              Link:
#                [*:splash*]   Treat as splash window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH)
#                              Link:
#                [*:dialog*]   Treat as dialog window (_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG)
#                              Link:
#                Example: type :desktop
#                Link:
# [*urgent*]     This property enables the urgent mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                subtle automatically sets this client to urgent.
#                Example: urgent true
#                Links:
# [*zaphod*]     This property enables the zaphod mode for tagged clients. When set,
#                the client spans across all connected screens.
#                Example: zaphod true
#                Links:
# === Link

# Simple tags
tag "terms" do
	match	"xterm|[u]?rxvt|default"

tag "browser" do
	match	"uzbl|opera|firefox|navigator|chromium"

tag "wp", "lowriter|localc|loimpress|abiword"

tag "file" do
	match	"thunar|pcmanfm|xarchiver"
	#gravity	:center66

tag "other" do
	match	"calibre|sonata|transmission-gtk"
	#gravity	:center66

# Placement
tag "editor" do
  match		"[g]?vim|geany|medit|leafpad"
  #gravity	:center66
  resize	true

tag "fixed" do
  geometry [ 10, 10, 100, 100 ]
  stick    true

tag "resize" do
  match  "sakura|gvim"
  resize true

tag "gravity" do
  gravity :center

# Modes
tag "stick" do
  match "mplayer"
  float true
  #stick true

tag "float" do
  match "display"
  float true

# Gimp
tag "gimp_image" do
  match   :role => "gimp-image-window"
  gravity :gimp_image

tag "gimp_toolbox" do
  match   :role => "gimp-toolbox$"
  gravity :gimp_toolbox

tag "gimp_dock" do
  match   :role => "gimp-dock"
  gravity :gimp_dock

tag "gimp_scum" do
  match role: "gimp-.*|screenshot"

# == Views
# Views are the virtual desktops in subtle, they show all windows that share a
# tag with them. Windows that have no tag will be visible on the default view
# which is the view with the default tag or the first defined view when this
# tag isn't set.
# Like tags views can be defined in two ways:
# === Simple
# The simple way is exactly the same as for tags:
# Example:
#   view "terms", "terms"
# === Extended
# The extended way for views is also similar to the tags, but with fewer
# properties.
# Example:
#  view "terms" do
#    match "terms"
#    icon  "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#  end
# === Properties
# [*match*]      This property adds a matching pattern to a view. Matching
#                works either via plaintext or regex (see man regex(7)) and
#                applies to names of tags.
#                Example: match "terms"
# [*dynamic*]    This property hides unoccupied views, views that display no
#                windows.
#                Example: dynamic true
# [*icon*]       This property adds an icon in front of the view name. The
#                icon can either be path to an icon or an instance of
#                Subtlext::Icon.
#                Example: icon "/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm"
#                         icon"/usr/share/icons/icon.xbm")
# [*icon_only*]  This property hides the view name from the view buttons, just
#                the icon will be visible.
#                Example: icon_only true
# === Link

view "main" do
	match  "terms|default|file"
	#icon	"/usr/share/icons/xbm8x8/arch.xbm"
	#icon_only	true
view "www" do
	match  "browser"
	#icon   "/usr/share/icons/xbm8x8/dish.xbm"
view "misc" do
	match	"gimp_.*|wp|other"
	#icon	"/usr/share/icons/xbm8x8/empty.xbm"
view "dev" do
	match	"editor"
	#icon	"/usr/share/icons/xbm8x8/diskette.xbm"
# == Sublets
# Sublets are Ruby scripts that provide data for the panel and can be managed
# with the sur script that comes with subtle.
# === Example
#  sur install clock
#  sur uninstall clock
#  sur list
# === Configuration
# All sublets have a set of configuration values that can be changed directly
# from the config of subtle.
# There are three default properties, that can be be changed for every sublet:
# [*interval*]    Update interval of the sublet
# [*foreground*]  Default foreground color
# [*background*]  Default background color
# sur can also give a brief overview about properties:
# === Example
#   sur config clock
# The syntax of the sublet configuration is similar to other configuration
# options in subtle:
# === Example
#  sublet :clock do
#    interval      30
#    foreground    "#eeeeee"
#    background    "#000000"
#    format_string "%H:%M:%S"
#  end
#  === Link

sublet :clock do
	interval	1
	foreground  	"#fecf35"
	format_string	"%l:%M%P - %m/%d/%y"

sublet :wifi do	
	interval	5
	foreground	"#fecf35"
	device		"wifi0"

sublet :battery do
	interval	10
	foreground	"#fecf35"
	color_icon	true
	colors		10 => "#ff0000", 30 => "#EFBD8B", 99 => "#A3D572", 100 => "#98CBFE"

sublet :volume do
	interval	10

sublet :memory do
	interval	10
	foreground	"#fecf35"

sublet :temp do
	interval	10
	scale		"C"

sublet :mpd do
	interval	1
	foreground	"#fecf35"
	show_icons	false
	stop_text	"MPD Stopped"
	pause_text	"MPD Paused"

sublet :layout do
	interval	1
	border		1
	def_layout	"right"
	show_colors	true
# == Hooks
# And finally hooks are a way to bind Ruby scripts to a certain event.
# Following hooks exist so far:
# [*:client_create*]    Called whenever a window is created
# [*:client_configure*] Called whenever a window is configured
# [*:client_focus*]     Called whenever a window gets focus
# [*:client_kill*]      Called whenever a window is killed
# [*:tag_create*]       Called whenever a tag is created
# [*:tag_kill*]         Called whenever a tag is killed
# [*:view_create*]      Called whenever a view is created
# [*:view_configure*]   Called whenever a view is configured
# [*:view_jump*]        Called whenever the view is switched
# [*:view_kill*]        Called whenever a view is killed
# [*:tile*]             Called on whenever tiling would be needed
# [*:reload*]           Called on reload
# [*:start*]            Called on start
# [*:exit*]             Called on exit
# === Example
# This hook will print the name of the window that gets the focus:
#   on :client_focus do |c|
#     puts
#   end
# === Link


#Move Windows
on :start do
   # Create missing tags
   views = { |v| }
   tags  = { |t| }
   views.each do |v|
     unless tags.include?(v)
       t =
# Add nine C-< number> grabs
(1..9).each do |i|
 grab "C-%d" % [ i ] do |c|
   views = Subtlext::View.all
   names = { |v| }
   # Sanity check
   if i <= views.size
     # Tag client
     tags = c.tags.reject { |t| names.include?( or "default" == }
     tags << names[i - 1]

     c.tags = tags

     # Tag view
     views[i - 1].tag(names[i - 1])

# vim:ts=2:bs=2:sw=2:et:fdm=marker


#273 2012-11-20 06:28:45

Registered: 2011-07-23
Posts: 7

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

thanks sboysel


#274 2012-12-19 22:50:30

Registered: 2012-05-22
Posts: 72

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Double post from december.

I've done some little script in order to rotate my second screen. I adapt the wallpaper to the screen orientation.  I've change the wall to art from The Witcher 2 from bonus.


1920*1080 + 1920*1080 for everything... … ca6fd1.jpg

1920*1080 + 1080*1920 ... except some lecture … 641d0c.jpg

Not so much change on subtle.

Mainly using the non-overlapping option and :

gravity :top_left66,     [   0,   0,  25,  33 ]


#275 2012-12-22 12:03:24

From: Belgium
Registered: 2010-07-07
Posts: 272

Re: Share your Subtle desktop !

Been away for awhile, using Xfce and dwm, only to stumble upon this thread and miss Subtle...
Still need to tweak some thing in terms of functionality but it feels good to be back running Subtle smile



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