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A screencast demonstrating issue and here's the pacman.log for the system update.
Thanks for any hints.
Last edited by uberscientist (2012-10-26 04:09:50)
With the node tool selected (press F2) the node tool control bar becomes visible. There is a 'down arrow' icon at the right end of the tool bar that activates an options window.. Select 'Show Handles' in the options.
Just tried turning on and off all the handle options the "Show Bezier handles of selected nodes"/"Show path outline" options were already selected.
Thanks though, I should probably post this problem to the Inkscape bug tracker... I was just hoping it wasn't just broken for me
Try renaming or moving ~/.config/preferences.xml
A new preferences file will be created with a new inkscape session.
No change, it really seems like a rendering issue and not that I'm missing some sort of setting.
I can see the blue Bezier handles half of the time, like there's a white box that won't render anything until I double click to finish the path.
Fixed with the last update! Thanks.
Inkscape Launchpad discussion:
Cairo was/is the culprit:
Last edited by uberscientist (2012-10-26 05:00:41)