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I don't use it, but as far as I understand this looks like you need the pango patch.
hmm... I was also thinking that , anyways thank you for your script and your time for replying.
Edit: quoted army's reply
Last edited by illusionist (2012-09-06 04:57:41)
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
Maybe someone can tell me, if something like the following already exists...
I'd like to have a dmenu capable of being a) multiline per entry and b) supporting alternating colors. If it's not clear what I mean, here is a simple visualization of a)
> prompt
element 1
# some text belonging
# to element one
element n
# some text belonging
# to element n
As for colors, everything element-1 should f.e. have a blue background, while everything for element-n should have a red one. Bonus points for making single words/strings/lines bold/italic.
Zeltak and I created a little Screenshot dmenu script:
#added 1. Notifications 2.unique names for each type (for quick launch) 3.better photo editor (pinta) 4.dmenu title
#1.Added variable for notification timeouts. 2. Show link in notification
TIME=3 #Seconds notification should remain visible
---Local screenshots (saved at IMG_PATH)---
---Upload to remote service (images will be deleted)---
cmd=$(dmenu -l 20 -nf '#999' -nb '#000' -sf '#eee' -sb '#0077bb' -p 'Choose Screenshot Type' <<< "$prog")
case ${cmd%% *} in
1.quick_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' && notify-send -u low -t $TIME 'Scrot' 'Fullscreen taken and saved' ;;
2.delayed_fullscreen) scrot -d 4 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' && notify-send -u low -t $TIME 'Scrot' 'Fullscreen Screenshot saved' ;;
3.section) scrot -s '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' && notify-send -u low -t $TIME 'Scrot' 'Screenshot of section saved' ;;
4.edit_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$EDIT \$f" && notify-send -u low -t $TIME 'Scrot' 'Screenshot edited and saved' ;;
a.upload_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$UL \$f" && (xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard && notify-send -u low -t $TIME "Scrot" "Screenshot Uploaded (powered by fb) - $(xclip -o;echo)" ;;
u.upload_delayed_fullscreen) scrot -d 4 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$UL \$f" && (xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard && notify-send -u low -t $TIME "Scrot" "Screenshot Uploaded (powered by fb) - $(xclip -o)" ;;
e.edit_upload_fullscreen) scrot -d 4 '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && notify-send -u low -t $TIME "Scrot" "Screenshot Uploaded (powered by fb) - $(xclip -o)" ;;
s.upload_section) scrot -s '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$UL \$f" && (xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard && notify-send -u low -t $TIME "Scrot" "Screenshot Uploaded (powered by fb - $(xclip -o)";;
p.edit_upload_section) scrot -s '%Y-%m-%d-@%H-%M-%S-scrot.png' -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && (xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard && notify-send -u low -t $TIME "Scrot" "Screenshot Uploaded (powered by FB) - $(xclip -o)" ;;
*) exec "'${cmd}'" ;;
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
new version, now supports Screencasts and uploading of actual clipboard. Also added a timer for delayed screenshots
# teiler - A script to share (german word: teilen) screenshots/casts for tiling WMs - Pun intended
# (c) Rasmus Steinke <rasi at xssn dot at>
# Additional Ideas, testing and some code by Zeltak <zeltak at gmail dot com>
# Requirements:
# xclip, fb-client, pinta, dzen2, dmenu, ffmpeg, scrot, bc, some notification daemon
#Put notify-send into its own function, Made delay being calculated from counter value.
#Massive Code Cleanup
#Countdown script stolen from Google and integrated.
#added clip uploading
#added screencast function
#added 1.notifications 2.unique names for each type (for quick launch) 3.better photo editor (pinta) 4.dmenu title
############### Configuration options ##############################
RES=1920x1080 #set your screen resolution
TIME=3 #How long will notifications be visible?
COUNTER1=3 #Seconds to count for delay (Use $COUNTD variable)
COUNTER2=6 #Seconds to count for delay (Use $COUNTD2 variable)
FONT="Envy Code R-9"
DZEN2_W=100 #Width of dzen2
DZEN2_X=850 #X Padding
################## Configuration End ##############################
# Needed for the countdown
# Based on some script by Marco Fontani - MFONTANI at cpan dot org
set -bm
function countdown () {
seq 1 ${1:-10} | tac | \
perl -ne'BEGIN{$|++;$msg=shift}$m=int($_/60);$s=int($_-$m*60);printf("$m:%02d -- $msg\n",$s);sleep 1;' \
# Outsource the notfiy-send to its own function to clean up the mess below a bit ;)
function notify() {
notify-send -u low -t ${1} "Scrot" "${2}"
####Some Variables to clean up the code a bit
COUNTD="countdown $COUNTER1 GO | dzen2 -fn \"$FONT\" -fg \"$NF\" -ta c -w \"$DZEN2_W\" -bg \"$NB\" -x \"$DZEN2_X\""
COUNTD2="countdown $COUNTER2 GO | dzen2 -fn \"$FONT\" -fg \"$NF\" -ta c -w \"$DZEN2_W\" -bg \"$NB\" -x \"$DZEN2_X\""
XCLIP="(xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard"
---Local screenshots (saved at IMG_PATH)---
---Upload to remote service (images will be deleted)---
cmd=$(dmenu -l 20 -fn "$FONT" -nf $NF -nb $NB -sf $SF -sb $SB -p 'Choose Screenshot Type' <<< "$prog")
case ${cmd%% *} in
#for local screenshots
1.quick_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved" ;;
2.delayed_fullscreen) eval $COUNTD & scrot -d $(echo $COUNTER1+1 | bc) "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved" ;;
3.section) scrot -s "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved" ;;
4.edit_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot edited and saved" ;;
5.edit_section) scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot edited and saved" ;;
#for remote uploads
a.upload_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded" ;;
u.upload_delayed_fullscreen) eval $COUNTD & scrot -d $(echo $COUNTER1+1 | bc) "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded" ;;
e.edit_upload_fullscreen) scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded" ;;
s.upload_section) scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded" ;;
p.edit_upload_section) scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded" ;;
#for screencasts
c.cast) ffmpeg -r 25 -f x11grab -s $RES -i :0.0+0,0 -vcodec libx264 temp_cast.mkv && notify ${TIME} "Screencast started" ;;
k.kill_cast) kill $(pgrep -f x11grab) && sleep 3 && $UL temp_cast.mkv && rm -f temp_cast.mkv && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screencast uploaded" ;;
#for clipboard content
x.upload_clip) eval $COUNTD2 & sleep $(echo $COUNTER2+1 | bc) && xclip -o | fb && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Clipboard uploaded"
*) exec "'${cmd}'" ;;
Edit 01/2014: The script basically ad a rewrite, with lots of config options now. you can get it here:
Last edited by Rasi (2014-01-29 04:11:08)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Here's dmenu with pango and image support: github
I use it myself with lolimpd: you can find some use for it as well.. It's not that pretty, but works-
This is freakin awesome . Thank you so much for sharing this with us man . Now army's dmenu-translate works amazingly for me.
We really have a great community.
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
yes i know that ( after checking your github , I saw that in aur) but i like the imlib support too. who does not like some extra functionality.
EDIT: just one suggestion though , you may remove the default font line in pango patch. I did that and now passing the "-fn" flag to dmenu actually changes the font before that it was not working for me. In fact some people were having this problem too ( I saw those threads here.)
Last edited by illusionist (2012-10-30 17:20:31)
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
EDIT: just one suggestion though , you may remove the default font line in pango patch. I did that and now passing the "-fn" flag to dmenu actually changes the font before that it was not working for me. In fact some people were having this problem too ( I saw those threads here.)
I don't see such problem here. The pango patch uses the syntax "<fontname> <size>",
eg. "IPAMonaGothic 12". Works fine here.
If it still doesn't, I'll remove the default font line from patch, I guess.
Last edited by Cloudef (2012-10-30 17:39:47)
It seems I'm not able to start anything with dmenu-pango since about yesterday (or the day before yesterday). There's no output either (aside from the usual fontconfig warnings due to infinality).
My system is up to date, and an unpatched dmenu works fine. Anyone got an idea what could be causing this?
Edit: The menu starts up just fine, I should add; there are no issues with displaying anything. It's just that, when I press Return, nothing happens.
Last edited by Runiq (2012-10-31 19:06:12)
@runiq, I fixed this on the imlib github.. Lemme fix the normal -pango on aur as well.
Thanks a lot!
See, guys? That's what I call fast turnaround. Bug is literally fixed before I even finished reporting it.
See the edit above.
It frozes on the dc cleanup method.. Din't bother to debug it further, so just commented it out, linux will free the resources anyways after program exits.
But I bet it does something dirty that it should not and causes the lockup. Valgrind would propably tell the reason.
See, guys? That's what I call fast turnaround. Bug is literally fixed before I even finished reporting it.
I use dmenu myself daily. Can't go unnoticed
EDIT: Should be there now, can you test?
Yup, works. Thanks again.
Add currently playing song in mpd to any playlist.
PL_DIR="$HOME/.mpd/playlists" # Playlists directory
song=`mpc current -f %file%` # Currently playing song
pl=`mpc lsplaylists | dmenu -i -l 20 -p "MPD Playlists: "` || exit # Playlists
sl_pl="$PL_DIR/$pl.m3u" # Selected playlist
# Check if song already exist in playlist, if not add it.
cat "$sl_pl" | grep -Fxq -m1 "$song" || echo "$song" >> $sl_pl
Thank you for fixing the patch against default font and the bug runiq stated. I also had the same problem. Though it was a consolekit problem . :headslap
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
later: a simple "read-it-later"-style script with the option to add a "memo" to entries. I bind later -s to a key.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DMENU='dmenu -l 50'
[ -f "$HOME/.dmenurc" ] && . "$HOME/.dmenurc" && DMENU+="$DMENU_ARGS"
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
pick="$($DMENU < $FILE)"
if [ "$pick" ]; then
IFS='>' read -ra entry <<< "$pick"
"$BROWSER" "${entry[$(( $len - 2 ))]}" && \
sed -i "/${entry[$(( $len - 1 ))]}/d" "$FILE"
if [ "$1" == '-s' ]; then
line="$($SEL) > $line"
memo="$($DMENU -p memo: <&-)"
[ "$memo" ] && line="$memo > $line"
line="$1 > $line"
[ "$2" ] && line="$2 > $line"
echo "$line" >> "$FILE"
Last edited by Supplantr (2012-11-01 19:59:08)
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
@Cloudef, nice work. Would be even nicer, if the thumbnail-size could be configurable, they are really tiny for me.
Damn, missed that, thanks. About regeneration, why not store them as filename-$size?
Dunno if possible, but what about having the option of putting the output of some command in the space underneath the current thumbnails's position? Depending on the file(if the list only consists of those), things like filetype, dimensions, playtime, etc could be useful. So something like this
Damn, missed that, thanks. About regeneration, why not store them as filename-$size?
Currently it uses basic 32 bit int hashing, that does not care about collisions that much, I could salt the size to the hash so the image doesn't need to be regenerated.
However, changing the hashing to SHA1 might be better then as well.
The current implementation is kind of hack job. You can feel free provide patches to it.
I might be able to do this sometime however, and make option to skip the cache all together.
It's not needed if the source image is small, or if you have only few menu items.
Dunno if possible, but what about having the option of putting the output of some command in the space underneath the current thumbnails's position? Depending on the file(if the list only consists of those), things like filetype, dimensions, playtime, etc could be useful. So something like this
Subtext for image? Yes this could be possible.
Last edited by Cloudef (2012-11-01 22:09:05)
I could see a horizontal line of images, each with their respected text underneath them as being a nice way to browse f.e. a music-/videolibrary.
I like the approach so far, hacked a little UI with it around recoll's CLI search. Though I must say, some logic only/additionally picking up pre-built thumbs would be nice as there's AFAIK no direct way creating thumbs of f.e. text documents only using imlib.
I have been using Dmenu for some time, and recently it changed color to black and no longer offers completion. I tried reinstalling it but its the same. However, I was able to change the color using a script. Still no completion.
I like the approach so far, hacked a little UI with it around recoll's CLI search. Though I must say, some logic only/additionally picking up pre-built thumbs would be nice as there's AFAIK no direct way creating thumbs of f.e. text documents only using imlib.
Use -g option to generate thumbnails from stdin input.. Make sure you provide the correct size.
I have mpd dmenu client that uses the images like you've describen. You might be also interested in -si option that lets you specify start index (eg. playing track, or playing video).
Last edited by Cloudef (2012-11-02 16:47:00)
Hi , can anyone give me a script to select windows in dwm using dmenu just like in musca wm? Many thanks.f
Using Openbox + Tint2 + Idesk