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Following the guidelines in the Wiki 'USB Installation Media', I tried to transfer the latest archlinux iso to a USB drive to function as a rescue disk:
sudo dd bs=4M if=archlinux-2012.11.01-dual.iso of=/dev/sdc
But when I enter this command, I get the following error message:
dd: opening ‘/dev/sdc’: No medium found
The Gnome Disks-utility shows that the USB drive is indeed located at /dev/sdc. It is not mounted.
I have tried this with two different USB drives. What am I doing wrong here?
Last edited by hermanr (2012-11-18 15:07:19)
Okay, I may have fixed this myself... I first unmounted the drive with Nautilus, but when I use umount to unmount the drive, the dd-command works...
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Okay, I may have fixed this myself... I first unmounted the drive with Nautilus, but when I use umount to unmount the drive, the dd-command works...
I ran into this yesterday. I think that nautilus uses 'eject' or some other magic that messes with your device file.