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Anyone know of a free Mathematica alternative thats compatible? I have a bunch of projects for my calculus class that require mathematica, and i have almost no time to go to school and work on them. So that sucks. Anyone know of anything?
I would also like to know about any projects like this.
pacman -S maxima ?
Is this compatible with mathematica. I mean: can I create and edit mathematica files and use them with mathematica??
could you ssh into the school's computers?
Sweet, now I can play with myself.
Is this compatible with mathematica. I mean: can I create and edit mathematica files and use them with mathematica??
I don't know. I was just aware of this app. I even had to check it's web page to see if it was related to what you were looking for.
There's some docs on the home page.
You should try poetofnumbers' suggestion as it might be the easiest way to do it.
I checked the mathematica website and they say that they have a linux version of it so if you can find a copy of that you could use it.
I too have had problems finding a good open source mathematica/maple/matlab alternative for linux. There are several available such as maxima and octave, but they don't seem "up to par" with some of the more popular proprietary mathematical software. You would think that with all the geeks that use linux there would be exceptional mathematical/scientific programs available for linux. Alas, this is not the case. Though linux will always be my favorite os for programming. I guess I should stop complaining and start contributing though. Just wish I had more time to do so.
Mmmmm, I'm stuck using matlab for a project, because a certain interactive graphing function available in matlab is not available in octave
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
Mmmmm, I'm stuck using matlab for a project, because a certain interactive graphing function available in matlab is not available in octave
I maintain scilab, which is similar to matlab, in AUR. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with gcc4. The configure script errors out. I plan to work on it this week if I have time.
i actually know a few guys running around here that prefer Octave to matlab, apparently it has a couple features matlab doesn't. right now most of the people i work with use IDL, and as such i'd kinda like to try GDL but the plot library (plplot actually in aur) doesn't seem to wan't to compile on my system, not sure if it's my system or what, maybe it doesn't like gcc4.
I got plplot to work but forgot to post my fixed PKGBUILD to the AUR. I'll probably need to clean it up and check if it works with gcc4. At the same time, I'll put gdl in the AUR.
gnudatalanguage: … =1&ID=2493
Check plplot comments for fixed PKGBUILD.
Unfortunately Octave and Maxima normally won't cut it. I'm not sure about Maxima, actually, but as far as I recall one cannot use Octave for image processing like possible in matlab. Most of the geeks in the OSS are CS geeks, Math geeks are not as common I believe
Snowman, thank you for the updated PKGBUILD (together with the patch). I'd be happy to update the one in the AUR but I'm ashamed to say that I've lost the AUR password (I've had trust in mozilla remembering it for me). So, as soon as I figure out how to log in again - I couldn't find any password reset links, I'll update the PKGBUILD. Also, it would be great if you could send the plplot.patch to maxsipos at gmail dot com since the build fails with the pasted one:
==> Starting build()...
patching file drivers/gcw.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 954.
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/gcw.c.rej
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
Maksim Sipos
Download the patch from here:
For the lost password, better ask for help on the tur mailing list. I'm not sure what the procedure is in case of lost passwords, but one of the TU with admin privileges could probably reset your password.
I can´t find the patch for plplot anymore.
And copy and paste won´t work too. Same error as posted before.
I probably deleted the patch will doing a clean up. I've reuploaded the patch. Here also my current version of the plplot PKGBUILD:
pkgdesc="PLPlot is a relatively small, portable scientific plotting package."
depends=('fftw' 'gd' 'tk' 'libgnomeprintui' 'gcc-fortran' 'perl')
source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz plplot.patch)
md5sums=('6df3d63cffac28337ff7fa56712da5c7' 'ef76e7e43e5b1a5fb9a05ed414925abd')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
patch -p0 < ../plplot.patch || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-java
sed -i 's/-C plplot_octave.h/-D__builtin_va_list=void -C plplot_octave.h/' bindings/octave/Makefile
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
rmdir $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/pkgconfig $startdir/pkg/usr/man/man3
find $startdir/pkg -name '*.la' -exec rm {} ;
For number theory you could try pari.
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