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So I'm trying to install E17 as my DE, and one of its dependencies is subversion. So I try to install subversion and it gives me an error when trying to get subversion-1.7.7-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz from the mirror sites. I have every mirror site uncommented in mirrorlist.d and it tries to download it from each mirror but at every site it returns the error 404 not found. So I went on to one of the sites in my browser and I discovered that the version on the site is subversion-1.7.7-2 and not -1 like pacman tries to install. Is there any way to work around this? Am I just crazy? Isn't it ironic that I can't download subversion, a program that handles different file versions, because it is looking for the wrong version?
Thanks for your help
Resynch pacman's database to an up-to-date mirror, and then retry...
Update your package list.
pacman -Sy
Since your package list is out of date, you should probably upgrade your system too ( … g_packages).
Ah, so simple! Thank you!
Pages: 1