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#1 2005-10-19 19:07:23

From: 404 Not found
Registered: 2005-03-06
Posts: 649

now i know arch does'nt.......

like packages to install in usr local but, as you have seen I am packageing fxdesktop and that requires fox<=1.5.13

in extra we have 1.4.something, the problem is that other app depend on the older  stable version of fox but fx will not run with an older version,
I have tried renaming the pkg fox-dev and can have both installed, the problem comes with building fxdesktop as if they are both installed in usr
it will only detect the last package installed allthough both are present,
you can set the path to fox but as that mainly detects the initial path not the absolute path so if you specife /usr/include/fox-1.6.0 it just searches usr and finds the other version, would it be okay to use use local so that both can have distinct paths or is it better to install fox-dev in /opt

answers on a post card please...;)


#2 2005-10-19 20:23:14

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: now i know arch does'nt.......

Personnally, I would try to install it in /opt instead of /usr/local.
Also, I would rename it to fox-devel instead of fox-dev.


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