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Hi everyone,
I'm a new member and thus do not familiar with the rule. Please tell me if I post in the wrong place !
I have registered a new account on Arch forum. However, I can only login with Firefox.
When I try to login with other browser (Opera, Chromium, Konquerer), it says:
Logged in successfully. Redirecting …Click here if you do not want to wait any longer (or if your browser does not automatically forward you)
And then redirect me to the previous page without changing my login status.
When I login with Firefox, everything is normal. My login status is changed and I can post this one !
I have just installed Arch Linux this afternoon and have not changed anything.
Does the forum have problem?!
Anyone has the same problem with me?!
Last edited by BlueLaguna (2012-11-28 21:42:16)
Check if anything is blocking cookies in your browsers.
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Please tell us what browsers you are finding this problem with.
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Ops...sorry for putting it in the wrong place... !
Check if anything is blocking cookies in your browsers.
Everything is just fine. Cockies are accepted.
Please tell us what browsers you are finding this problem with.
I cannot login with the following browsers: Opera, Chromium, Konquerer.
(Only Firefox can login)
I know, this is far-fetched, but did you try logging out in FF before you login somewhere else?
I know, this is far-fetched, but did you try logging out in FF before you login somewhere else?
I tried other browsers first before I used Firefox. Thus, login with Firefox may not the problem !
Anyway, I logged out and try again but it's still the same.
This is a completely new system. If I get this problem, the other new users may get it too.
By the way, which browser are you (everyone) using? Don't tell me it's Firefox too !
Is javascript enabled in opera? cannot comment on other browsers as I don't use them.
Well, this is really weird...In Arch Linux, I can only use Firefox to login. However, in Windows, I can use any browser (I'm using Opera to post this one).
Everything is fine, Javascript and cookie are enabled. I have not changed anything in my system yet.
This remind me about the submission page in my university. It only allow people to submit the file from linux system !
I guess, I will use Firefox for a while... ! However, it is better if someone can install other browsers and check it. If no one gets the same problem, that mean my system is broken and I will reinstall it (T___T). Otherwise, the forum may need to be fixed somewhere...!
No problem here. Tested with Opera and Chromium in Arch Linux.
I had this problem a few months ago with Chrome. It just kind of fixed itself...
If no one gets the same problem, that mean my system is broken and I will reinstall it (T___T).
Your SYSTEM is broken because a browser does not work? And that requires a reinstall?
Your time would be better spent fixing the problem first. Cache or configuration, pick one or both.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
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Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Your SYSTEM is broken because a browser does not work? And that requires a reinstall?
There may be a problem during installation. That's what I mean.
Anyway, I have just installed Arch Linux. Firefox is still the only browser that work.
Your time would be better spent fixing the problem first. Cache or configuration, pick one or both.
I'm pretty sure that cache and configuration are not concerned with this problem. I'm a web developer and I know these stuffs.
Besides, I don't think that we need to config anything with a newly installed browser. If the default settings do not work with normal website, it's a bad browser (in this case, we have three bad browsers: Konqueror, Chromium, Opera... and may be more).
I'm using KDE and I don't know whether this problem comes from KDE or not. However, I can login to many other forums with Konqueror, Opera and Chromium.
This forum may not create the session or cookies correctly when I use other browsers.
Anyway, If no one confirms that he or she has the same problem, let's close this topic here.