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I am just starting with opencv. In one of the text book examples involving writing a video file, I have the following line:
CvVideoWriter *writer = cvCreateVideoWriter("cam_cap", CV_FOURCC('x','v','i','d'), fps, size, 1);
When running the program, I get the following error:
HIGHGUI ERROR: V4L2: Unable to get property <unknown property string>(5) - Invalid argument
OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (Gstreamer Opencv backend doesn't support this codec acutally.) in CvVideoWriter_GStreamer::open, file /build/src/OpenCV-2.4.2/modules/highgui/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp, line 479
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /build/src/OpenCV-2.4.2/modules/highgui/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp:479: error: (-210) Gstreamer Opencv backend doesn't support this codec acutally. in function CvVideoWriter_GStreamer::open
Changing the video codec to other formats does not seem to help and I continue getting this error.
Can anyone help?
I'm having the same problem. Please provide some feedback.
I'm suspecting that there's a problem with the gstreamer code.
OpenCV seems to be compiled with Xine support, but not FFMPEG. I don't understand why, since FFMPEG was perfectly working before.
I have the same problem, it's with opencv2.4.5. Do you have some news?