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Ah, I see what we're talking about now... sorry.
Here the list with some of the most relevant colors of the theme.
Even though I've to say the terminal effect with a complete scheme didn't satisfied me enough for now.
kolorBlack #262626
kolorDarkGray #808080
kolorRed #d75f87
kolorGreen #87d787
kolorYellow #d7d787
kolorBlue #87afff
kolorMagenta #d787d7
kolorCyan #5fd7ff
kolorOrange #d7af87
kolorViolet #af87ff
kolorBrown #af8787
kolorLightGray #c6c6c6
kolorWhite #e4e4e4
Use them to get a closer match with vim... see the theme file for the other colors, or use new ones to avoid contrast problems.
Happy experimenting! Feel free to post here.
By the way, the non-text background has been removed now.
Version 1.3.0 - Includes an improved diff highlighting and few minor improvements.
Ok, I'll use it now. Had to do 2 little tweaks, because I like my vim to be transparent. But looks very nice so far, so thank you!
@OP - Might wanna edit your first post of this thread to include the AUR package I just submitted.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Version 1.4.0 - Added configuration options and changed DiffText color.
let g:kolor_italic=1 " Enable italic. Default: 1
let g:kolor_bold=1 " Enable bold. Default: 1
let g:kolor_underlined=0 " Enable underline for 'Underlined'. Default: 0
let g:kolor_alternative_matchparen=0 " Gray 'MatchParen' color. Default: 0
Nice work, going to try it out for some time. Looks way better than railscast
Tested and adopted!
Cedric Girard
Version 1.4.1 - Added a few improvements for HTML and XML.
Version 1.4.1 - Added a few improvements for HTML and XML.
Updated in the AUR
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
If you would rather, I can orphan the PKGBUILD and allow you to adopt it. Just let me know.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Thank you, but please keep it with you, there's no need to change maintainer, you are doing a great work. Thanks again.