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If you have a look at /dev/zero's thread here, you'll see that users have been posting the output of his script which are numbers that range from 2 to 5 decimal places. If I dump this entire thread to txt file, how can I:
1) Delete everything except for numbers of the following formats (where 'x' is a digit and '.' is a decimal point)?
2) Format the output to be one target per line?
I have experimented with some sed strings but am not making any traction. Perhaps your perl or awk ninjas have a good solution?
Here is the source file which was generated from a copy/paste of that thread into an empty text file:
Last edited by graysky (2012-12-21 11:19:05)
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
I'm getting closer but still no cigar:
% grep '[0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]' unixness_thread.txt | sed 's/[^0-9.]*//g'
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
This is not really tested, and quite crude...
awk '/^[0-9]?.[0-9]+/ && !/[A-Za-z]/ {if (NF>=2) print $1,$2; else if (NF==1) print $1}' numbers.txt
Ooh, a challenge...
* 1 hour later *
#!/usr/bin/perl -an
@ary = grep /^\d{1,2}\.\d{2,5}$/, @F;
print join("\n", @ary) . "\n" if @ary;
Run as ./ unixness_thread.txt
Not perfect, it grabs 10.04 which is an Ubuntu version in context, and 4.10 which is an Xfce version... but not too far off. Stick a "sort -n" on the end and knock off the obvious outliers and you'll be half there.
Edit -- just noticed it skips at least one number in parentheses: (8.73086). Was thinking the default splitting behavior would not be a problem but I was wrong. Not sure how to fix this but I think it can be done with -F.
Edit again -- changing the shebang as follows seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/perl -an -F/[^\d\.]/
Last edited by Trent (2012-12-21 01:55:08)
Thanks guys. I ended up using my code and manually cleaning up the output. I will try both of your proposals tomorrow when I have some time.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
grep -E -o '\<[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{2,5}\>' file
@rockin turtle - Wow, that fits the bill. Tks!
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs