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I simply want to play some music in my console
spoilt for choice.....
mpg123... aplay...
If I was you I woiuld go for mpd its in community , handles a nice database of you files and there are several frontends that can attach to it
mpd - all the way - never use another GUI only app again!
Pygmy is great front end BTW
I'd suggest mp3blaster. Somaplayer is also good, and I'm thinking to write a PKGBUILD for the suite.
Another great thing is indeed mpd. Client-server architecture, easy to set-up and support for CLI, TUI and GUI. Furthermore, since every UI is client side, after you chose the playlist you can kill it without any problem, the music will go on, and opening another UI (local or remote) will take you to the current playlist... simply great
dreaming in digital / living in realtime / thinking in binary / talking in ip / welcome to our world
Mr Green
I am a gated community.
yeah, mpd seems a good player.
But I suddently find that my sound card doesn't work!
I don't know why. It worked well before I installed fvwm.
And I'm sure I have alsa runned.
in what way does it not work... some card you need to resample the sound
e.g if its an intel8x0 bsaed card the set the sample rate to 48000
otherwise everythinf sound too fast and too high
i can hear no sound now, it just beep from the big box...
dull question but have you edited /etc/mpd.conf?
and alsa works fine for you normally?
please dont think I'm trying to teach you to suck eggs, sometimes we all forget the straightforward things
there's a guide on the wiki to setting it up
I didn't modified my modprob.conf file, but suddently it can't make any sound while everythings seems normal - xmms can play, but no sound.
Now I have fixed the problem by alsaconf.
Before I regenerate the modprob.conf file I backup the old one.
Then I diff the two file, they're the same.
So strange.
I look up my problems in the wiki sometimes.
But I seems a little difficult to me since i'm a linux newbie and a non-english-speaker.
Thank you for your help. Now I can listen to the music with mpd:)