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#1 2012-12-28 00:46:41

Registered: 2010-12-26
Posts: 72

Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

I am using XMonad on my laptop and I also have a monitor for the laptop. The monitor has higher resolution than my laptop so when I connect my laptop to the monitor, the dzen bar and trayer will still stay the same size so there will be a big gap between the right side of the bar and the right side of the screen.

If I reload XMonad, trayer will go to the right place but dzen will stay the same size.
Is there a way to specify the trayer size dynamically using percentage?

-- Command to launch the bar.
myBar = "dzen2 -bg black -fg white -ta l -w 1352 -x 0"
conkyBar = "conky -c ~/.xmonad/conkyrc | dzen2 -bg black -fg white -ta r -w 432 -x 1352"
myTrayer = "killall trayer; trayer --edge top --align right --widthtype request --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --transparent true --alpha 0 --tint 0x000000 --expand true --heighttype pixel --height 16"

-- Custom PP, configure it as you like. It determines what's being written to the bar.
myPP = dzenPP {
    ppCurrent  = dzenColor "white" "#00cc00" . pad
    , ppHiddenNoWindows = dzenColor "#efefef" "#2f2f2f" . pad
    , ppTitle    = ("^fg(#00ff00) " ++) . dzenEscape

myLogHook :: Handle -> X ()
myLogHook h = dynamicLogWithPP $ myPP { ppOutput = hPutStrLn h }
main = do
    myStatusBarPipe <- spawnPipe myBar
    conkyBarProc <- spawnPipe conkyBar
    trayproc <- spawnPipe myTrayer
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig {
        terminal = "urxvt"
        , manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
        --, manageHook = myManageHook
        --, layoutHook = avoidStruts  $  layoutHook defaultConfig
        , layoutHook = avoidStruts $ myLayout
        , logHook = myLogHook myStatusBarPipe
        , modMask = mod4Mask
        , startupHook = ewmhDesktopsStartup >> setWMName "LG3D"
        , handleEventHook = ewmhDesktopsEventHook
        , keys = myKeys


On larger monitor:

Last edited by helloworld1 (2012-12-29 04:17:04)


#2 2012-12-28 02:18:36

From: /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern
Registered: 2012-09-30
Posts: 170

Re: Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

I'm not a pro with Desktop Enviornments, but my best guess would be to google how bigger giants such as Gnome or KDE manage that, then look for alternatives.

It always makes me laugh when people complain and rage over any distro's management ideal, when this is a linux community, and you could always make your own distro and experience the pains yourself.


#3 2012-12-28 18:39:26

Registered: 2010-12-26
Posts: 72

Re: Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

Multimoon wrote:

I'm not a pro with Desktop Enviornments, but my best guess would be to google how bigger giants such as Gnome or KDE manage that, then look for alternatives.

Well they have dedicated status bar instead of separate bar for workspace information, system information and system tray.


#4 2012-12-29 15:57:38

Registered: 2012-09-09
Posts: 3

Re: Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

I have simmilar setup, but i don't call dzen directly, instead i call simple bash wrapper that computes screen offsets, based on screen resolution (via xrandr).
Here it is:

# Get monitor width and height for proper Layout
SCREEN_WIDTH=$(xrandr | grep -Po --color=never "(?<=\ connected )[\d]+(?=x[\d]+)")
SCREEN_HEIGHT=$(xrandr | grep -Po --color=never "(?<=\ connected )[\d]+x[\d]+" | sed -r "s/[0-9]+x//")
# Layout
Y_POS=$(echo "$SCREEN_HEIGHT - $HEIGHT" | bc)

# Colors and font

dzen2 -x 0 -y $Y_POS -h $HEIGHT -w $WIDTH -ta l -fg $DZEN_FG -bg $DZEN_BG -fn $FONT -p -e ''

Last edited by nsl (2012-12-29 16:57:02)


#5 2016-11-25 08:47:20

Registered: 2012-07-02
Posts: 28

Re: Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

Here is what OP wanted. Unfortunately, answer came too late I guess. … -Dzen.html

EDIT: actually, this still isn't what op wanted.

Last edited by reddhawk (2016-11-25 08:52:50)


#6 2016-11-26 00:19:53

Forum Moderator
From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 11,901

Re: Let dzen and trayer handle resolution change in Xmonad

Thanks for sharing, but OP hasn't been back in over two years. I think we can put this topic to rest now.


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