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Doomcide wrote:... these are need if I want to use them with the xft protocol.
I'm not trying to use xft - just X11 font strings.
Oh well that's your problem. st has only support for xft, they switched to it for a reason I can't remember atm, maybe it was unicode support which would be fixed now, but I'm not sure.
New font, little bash project (beginner), and other touch ups. Click for animated GIF.
GUI: chromium, geany, skype, thunar, transmission, deadbeef, vlc, feh.
CLI: urxvt, vim, irssi, ranger, moc.
GTK: FlatStudioDark (modded).
Last edited by KieranQuinn (2013-01-05 20:03:31)
When did posting animated gifs become more popular? It's very difficult to discern what kind of apps/settings someone's using when I've only got 3 seconds to do so.
When did posting animated gifs become more popular? It's very difficult to discern what kind of apps/settings someone's using when I've only got 3 seconds to do so.
Didn't know it was, but it gives more of a feel of the desktop. I'll add a list of apps to my post.
When did posting animated gifs become more popular? It's very difficult to discern what kind of apps/settings someone's using when I've only got 3 seconds to do so.
We merged with ICanHazLeetDistro™ over the New Year. All screenshots will now be animated and the Devs are working on a new subforum which will be a meme generator; potential threads include perennial favourites like:
Updated and Disappoint
Why isn't my package ready NOW
Allan broke it...
I'm searching for how showing the four urwvt in the bar. I can only activate the title for the active one.
Could you share you subtle.rb ?
Last edited by Thom (2013-01-05 21:38:10)
eren wrote:I'm searching for how showing the four urwvt in the bar. I can only activate the title for the active one.
Could you share you subtle.rb ?Thanks.
Get the "tasks" sublet and change your panel to use :tasks instead of :title
Last edited by tdy (2013-01-05 22:06:53)
ANOKNUSA wrote:When did posting animated gifs become more popular? It's very difficult to discern what kind of apps/settings someone's using when I've only got 3 seconds to do so.
We merged with ICanHazLeetDistro™ over the New Year. All screenshots will now be animated and the Devs are working on a new subforum which will be a meme generator; potential threads include perennial favourites like:
Updated and Disappoint
Why isn't my package ready NOW
Allan broke it...
Apologies on the off topic, but you just won over 9000 internetz.
Last edited by doug piston (2013-01-06 15:24:42)
tried fluxbox to see how close to my subtle setup i can tweak it. and its nearly a 1:1 copy - i am impressed. But it is missing the beautiful subtle panel, of course.
This is not only trying to look like subtle, it even is functioning 99% like my subtle setup, really nice.
gtk theme is delorean-dark
xfce4-panel with generic monitor plugins and a workspace switcher
Last edited by Rasi (2013-01-06 05:28:11)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
tried fluxbox to see how close to my subtle setup i can tweak it. and its nearly a 1:1 copy - i am impressed. But it is missing the beautiful subtle panel, of course.
That GTK theme is great... What is it?
Updated post with info
Last edited by Rasi (2013-01-06 05:28:28)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Get the "tasks" sublet and change your panel to use :tasks instead of :title
It works. Thanks!
Happy New Year 2013...
Here is my January Shot of the BE::Shell on KDE4...
Screenshot Details can be found HERE
Last edited by rvc (2013-01-06 17:33:57)
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It's been a while.
Beautiful, as always.
I updated things a bit, not much
Can I have your bar script, please?
I updated things a bit, not much
Can I have your bar script, please?
bar (config.def.h)
/* The height of the bar (in pixels) */
#define BAR_HEIGHT 16
/* The width of the bar. Set to -1 to fit screen */
#define BAR_WIDTH -1
/* Offset from the left. Set to 0 to have no effect */
#define BAR_OFFSET 0
/* Choose between an underline or an overline */
/* The thickness of the underline (in pixels). Set to 0 to disable. */
/* Default bar position, overwritten by '-b' switch */
#define BAR_BOTTOM 0
/* The fonts used for the bar, comma separated. Only the first 2 will be used. */
#define BAR_FONT "-*-stlarch-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*","-**-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
/* Some fonts don't set the right width for some chars, pheex it */
/* Color palette */
#define COLOR0 0x111111 /* Background */
#define COLOR1 0xc4c4c4 /* Foreground */
#define COLOR2 0x283B5D /* Blue */
#define COLOR3 0x852a52 /* Red */
#define COLOR4 0xadbd00 /* Green */
#define COLOR5 0xec9d08 /* Orange */
#define COLOR6 0x6b0f38 /* Magenta */
#define COLOR7 0x212122 /* Black'n'Gray I */
#define COLOR8 0x333333 /* Black'n'Gray II */
#define COLOR9 0xdedede /* White */
#!/usr/bin/env sh
: "${wm:=monsterwm}"
: "${ff:="/tmp/${wm}.fifo"}"
[ -p "$ff" ] || mkfifo -m 600 "$ff"
# spawn a statusbar
while read -t 60 -r line || true; do
echo "$line" | grep -qEx "(([[:digit:]]+:){4,6}[[:digit:]]+ ?)+" && prev="$line" || line= ${line:-$prev}
done < "$ff" | bar &
# spawn a pager
#mopag < "$ff" &
"$wm" > "$ff"
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# expects a line from monsterwm's output as argument ("$1")
# prints formatted output to be used as input for bar
# reference: bar by LemonBoy --
# desktop status
for desk; do
d="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # desktop id
w="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # window count
l="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # layout mode
c="${desk%%:*}" desk="${desk#*:}" # is current desktop
u="$desk" # has urgent hint
# desktop id
case "$d" in
0) d=" term" ;; 1) d=" web" ;;
2) d=" img" ;;
# current desktop
if [ $c -ne 0 ]
then bg="\b7" un="\u6" fg="\f9"
case "$l" in
0) s="" ;; 1) s="" ;; 2) s="" ;;
3) s="" ;; 4) s="" ;;
esac && s="\b8\u8 $s \br\ur"
# has urgent hint or no windows
[ $u -ne 0 ] && un="\u2"
[ $w -eq 0 ] && w="-"
in="$in$bg$fg$un $d \f8[$w] \ur\br\fr"
unset bg fg un
# music status
music="$(mpc current -f "%artist% - [%title%|%file%]")"
if [ -z "$music" ]; then music="nothing to see here" mstat=""
mstat="$(mpc | sed -rn '2s/\[([[:alpha:]]+)].*/\1/p')"
[ "$mstat" == "paused" ] && mstat="" || mstat=""
# volume status
if [ "$(amixer get Master | sed -nr '$ s:.*\[(.+)]$:\1:p')" == "off" ]
then vol="[m]" vstat=""
vol="$(amixer get PCM | sed -nr '$ s:.*\[(.+%)].*:\1:p')"
if [ "${vol%\%}" -le 10 ]; then vstat=""
elif [ "${vol%\%}" -le 20 ]; then vstat=""; else vstat=""; fi
# date and time
date="$(date +"%R")" dstat=""
# symbols
printf '%s %s %s' "$in" "$astat " "$s" "\r"
printf ' \\b7\\u3\\f1 %s \\br\\ur\\fr %s' "$mstat" "$music" "$vstat" "$vol" "$dstat" "$date "
printf '\n'
tried fluxbox to see how close to my subtle setup i can tweak it. and its nearly a 1:1 copy - i am impressed. But it is missing the beautiful subtle panel, of course.
This is not only trying to look like subtle, it even is functioning 99% like my subtle setup, really nice.gtk theme is delorean-dark
xfce4-panel with generic monitor plugins and a workspace switcher
What font do you use in terminal?
tried fluxbox to see how close to my subtle setup i can tweak it. and its nearly a 1:1 copy - i am impressed. But it is missing the beautiful subtle panel, of course.
This is not only trying to look like subtle, it even is functioning 99% like my subtle setup, really nice.gtk theme is delorean-dark
xfce4-panel with generic monitor plugins and a workspace switcher
.Xdefaults if you please?
tried fluxbox to see how close to my subtle setup i can tweak it. and its nearly a 1:1 copy - i am impressed. But it is missing the beautiful subtle panel, of course.
This is not only trying to look like subtle, it even is functioning 99% like my subtle setup, really nice.gtk theme is delorean-dark
xfce4-panel with generic monitor plugins and a workspace switcher
I love it
What are you using for tiling, though? I suppose you had to customize fluxbox to treat the workspace switcher as a dock, right? So apps don't maximize over it.
Did you customize the switcher yourself or is it part of the theme?
I updated things a bit, not much
That's cool.
What's the name of music player?
take it easy