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Other than changing the font size and/or the terminal geometry, is there a parameter that can be used with urxvt to get decent spacing of overflowing lines? By this I mean, e.g. you look at a man page for a particular command, and the lines overflow onto the next row of characters, so they looks like
i.e. overflowing onto the next line. I loathe this, and wish for the overflow to be nicely tabbed in, if possible . I'm pretty sure this is impossible without making either of the aforementioned 2 changes, but if anyone's got a workaround, I'd love to hear it. Searching through the urxvt man page turned up nothing of use :cry:
Hmmm, can you post a screenshot of what you mean? Just to check, get 'most' from pacman and "export PAGER=most" in your ~/.bashrc. See if that changes man pages at all (besides making them colored). I don't think I experience what you're talking about...
quick reply, i tried most and it gets rid of the overlap; now i get the overlap not being wrapped, but just continuing off the side of the terminal (i also get funky colouring in my console...). Dunno if that gives you any clues phrakture...
I'll do a screenie when I've got more time, but I'm rushing off to a dinner now. I'll edit this later with a link.
Sounds like it's most likely a terminfo issue - what does "echo $TERM" give you?
$TERM is currently set as xterm-color. Do I need to change it? I know changing it to urxvt won't help...
i think he means he wants wrapped lines to be tabbed in, for readability.
my man pages seem to be tabbed properly. i'm using urxvt, and my $TERM is set to rxvt-unicode.
mr_brightside, open up your ~/.Xdefaults file, and add this line:
urxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode
i'm not sure if that will fix your problem, but it will at least set the proper terminal for you
Actually, urxvt sets it's term type to "rxvt-unicode" automatically... I'd say get rid of every *termName and TERM= setting you can find.
Actually, urxvt sets it's term type to "rxvt-unicode" automatically... I'd say get rid of every *termName and TERM= setting you can find.
hey, you're right. i don't think it always did, though, otherwise i would never have set it
I tried both your suggestions, but no difference, sadly... :cry:
Here's a couple of screens to show what I mean:
You can see the dramatic change when I've shifted the font size from Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 15 to 13.
Any other ideas guys?
Use the -c option:
man -c ls
To make man have that behavior permanently, add:
alias man='man -c'
to your ~/.bashrc
OK, I see what's wrong now.
You're using a non-standard console size. Man pages should automatically be formatted for the console size you are running. However, man doesn't keep track of the size while it's running... ie, if you run man, and then make the console narrower, you'll get line wrapping issues.
The screenshots you took were of vimtutor. Unfortunately for you, that's a preformatted text file, meaning that it doesn't care what size your console is.
To avoid this problem, run your console at a minimum width of 80 chars. Man can deal with it, but not everything can.
Typical console (for historic reasons) are 80 chars or 132 chars wide. For the record. And I agree with Mr Guitar (heh) - I could get the same results if I started man then resized the terminal, I think.
I could get the same results if I started man then resized the terminal, I think.
Yes, that's what happen on my system.
Thanks a lot for the info guys, I'll make sure my terminal's above the threshold size from now on.