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I am trying to create a dmenu, that runs specific commands on each entry. but i fail to use entries with spaces.
This is how i am trying to archive it, without success, i might add:
test with space
cmd=$(dmenu <<< "$prog")
case ${cmd%% *} in
test) notify-send "foo" ;;
test with spaces) notify-send "bar"
*) exec "'${cmd}'" ;;
what would be a better solution?
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
I used an associative array in my power-script:
declare -A actions=(
['poweroff']='systemctl poweroff'
['hibernate']='systemctl hibernate'
['suspend']='systemctl suspend')
chosen=$(printf "%s\n" "${!actions[@]}" | dmenu) || exit 1
this is nice.. but is it possible to define variables beforehand that can be used in the actual command?
function notify() {
notify-send -u low --hint=int:transient:1 -t ${1} "Scrot" "${2}"
declare -A actions=(
['1. Quick Fullscreen']='scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved"'
doesnt work
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
list="test\ntest with space"
cmd=$(echo -e $list | dmenu)
echo $cmd
Last edited by Trilby (2013-01-12 16:14:27)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
What if you use double quotes when assigning array's items?
declare -A actions=(
['1. Quick Fullscreen']="scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved""
What if you use double quotes when assigning array's items?
declare -A actions=( ['1. Quick Fullscreen']="scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved""
since declare opens a subshell this wont work either. too bad, it looks much cleaner
anyway, i was able to solve my good old case - here the whole script:
# teiler - A script to share (german word: teilen) screenshots/casts for tiling WMs - Pun intended
# (c) Rasmus Steinke <rasi at xssn dot at>
# Additional Ideas, testing and some code by Zeltak <zeltak at gmail dot com>
# Requirements:
# xclip, fb-client, pinta, dzen2, dmenu, ffmpeg, scrot, bc, some notification daemon
#Put notify-send into its own function, Made delay being calculated from counter value.
#Massive Code Cleanup
#Countdown script stolen from Google and integrated.
#added clip uploading
#added screencast function
#added 1.notifications 2.unique names for each type (for quick launch) 3.better photo editor (pinta) 4.dmenu title
############### Configuration options ##############################
RES=1920x1080 #set your screen resolution
TIME=3000 #How long will notifications be visible? (in miliseconds)
COUNTER1=3 #Seconds to count for delay (Use $COUNTD variable)
COUNTER2=6 #Seconds to count for delay (Use $COUNTD2 variable)
FONT="Envy Code R-9"
DZEN2_W=100 #Width of dzen2
DZEN2_X=850 #X Padding
################## Configuration End ##############################
# Needed for the countdown
# Based on some script by Marco Fontani - MFONTANI at cpan dot org
set -bm
function countdown () {
seq 1 ${1:-10} | tac | \
perl -ne'BEGIN{$|++;$msg=shift}$m=int($_/60);$s=int($_-$m*60);printf("$m:%02d -- $msg\n",$s);sleep 1;' \
# Outsource the notfiy-send to its own function to clean up the mess below a bit ;)
function notify() {
notify-send -u low --hint=int:transient:1 -t ${1} "Scrot" "${2}"
####Some Variables to clean up the code a bit
COUNTD="countdown $COUNTER1 GO | dzen2 -fn \"$FONT\" -fg \"$NF\" -ta c -w \"$DZEN2_W\" -bg \"$NB\" -x \"$DZEN2_X\""
COUNTD2="countdown $COUNTER2 GO | dzen2 -fn \"$FONT\" -fg \"$NF\" -ta c -w \"$DZEN2_W\" -bg \"$NB\" -x \"$DZEN2_X\""
XCLIP="(xclip -o;echo) | xclip -selection clipboard"
MENU="1. Quick Fullscreen
2. Select Area
3. Fullscreen Shot and Edit
4. Selection and Edit
f. Fullscreen and Upload
d. Delayed Fullscreen and Upload
e. Fullscreen and Edit and Upload
s. Selection and Upload
p. Selection and Edit and Upload
x. Upload Clipboard Content
c. Start Recording a Videocast
k. Stop Recording a Videocast
CHOICE="$(echo "$MENU" | dmenu -o 0.8 -l 20 -fn 'Envy Code R-10' -nf '#999' -nb '#000' -sf '#eee' -sb '#0077bb' -p "Make Your Wish:")"
case "$CHOICE" in
"1. Quick Fullscreen")
scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved"
"2. Selection")
eval $COUNTD & scrot -d $(echo $COUNTER1+1 | bc) "$FILEMASK" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot saved"
"3. Fullscreen Shot and Edit")
scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot edited and saved"
"4. Selection and Edit")
scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f" && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot edited and saved"
"f. Fullscreen and Upload")
scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded"
"d. Delayed Fullscreen and Upload")
eval $COUNTD & scrot -d $(echo $COUNTER1+1 | bc) "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded"
"e. Fullscreen and Edit and Upload")
scrot -d 1 "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded"
"s. Selection and Upload")
scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded"
"p. Selection and Edit and Upload")
scrot -s "$FILEMASK" -e "$EDIT \$f && $UL \$f && rm -f \$f" && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screenshot uploaded"
"x. Upload Clipboard Content")
eval $COUNTD2 & sleep $(echo $COUNTER2+1 | bc) && xclip -o | fb && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Clipboard uploaded"
"c. Start Recording a Videocast")
ffmpeg -r 25 -f x11grab -s $RES -i $DISPLAY+0,0 -vcodec libx264 temp_cast.mkv && notify ${TIME} "Screencast started"
"k. Stop Recording a Videocast")
kill $(pgrep -f x11grab) && sleep 3 && $UL temp_cast.mkv && rm -f temp_cast.mkv && eval $XCLIP && notify ${TIME} "Screencast uploaded"
notify-send "No Selection Made"
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
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