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#1 2013-01-29 06:37:19

From: Taipei,Taiwan
Registered: 2005-09-21
Posts: 265

Build pacman occurs test error on other architecture (sh4)

I was trying to build Archlinux on sh4 cpu by cross-compile.
But, I found it is very difficult for me.

So, I changed to another method, build it on sh4  directly (slow cpu & 256M ram).

After build several library, I've compiled pacman.
There are three unexpected fail when I run 'make check'.
How could I let it pass all test?
BTW, my sh4 environment is still messy, there contains STLinux,fedora,home-made packages.
Only a few library which is build following the PKGBUILD steps.
One of the bad thing, it is still bash 3.0.

 Unexpected Passes:
[FAIL] mode001                            Rules: OK =  1  FAIL =  2  SKIP =  0
       Check the mode of default files in a package
[FAIL] sign001                            Rules: OK =  0  FAIL =  1  SKIP =  0
       Add a bogus signature to a package DB
[FAIL] sync200                            Rules: OK =  0  FAIL =  1  SKIP =  0
       Synchronize the local database
Total            = 264
Pass             = 247 ( 93.56%)
Expected Fail    =  14 (  5.30%)
Unexpected Pass  =   0 (  0.00%)
Fail             =   3 (  1.14%)

Running 'sign001'
Add a bogus signature to a package DB
==> Generating test environment
==> Running test
==> Checking rules
==> Test result
Running 'sync200'
Synchronize the local database
==> Generating test environment
==> Running test
==> Checking rules
==> Test result

Running 4 ArchLinux including sh4twbox,server,notebook,desktop. my AUR packages


#2 2013-01-29 07:16:33

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,487

Re: Build pacman occurs test error on other architecture (sh4)

I suggest you follow this up on the pacman-dev list.   I suspect that no-one has tried this before...

Provide the configure command and output,  and the /tmp/tmp???????/var/log/pactest.log file after running the pactest manually.  This should work...:

/ -p ../../src/pacman/pacman -t tests/ --keep-root -d 2


#3 2013-01-29 08:01:46

From: Taipei,Taiwan
Registered: 2005-09-21
Posts: 265

Re: Build pacman occurs test error on other architecture (sh4)

Thank you, I'll try to upgrade my readline & bash and try this problem again.

Running 4 ArchLinux including sh4twbox,server,notebook,desktop. my AUR packages


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