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Pages: 1
Apparently this is more complicated than I think:
I want to post an "answer" on Yahoo answers:
curl --cookie cjar --data "answer=something&submit-button=Submit"
This appears to fill out the textarea, but does not submit it.
Any ideas?
separate your post parameters:
-d answer=whatever -d submit=Submit
Sorry, this isn't working. The resultant web page appears to have the textarea filled out, but the form is not submitted. Huh.
Can someone take a look at the linked web page to see if my parameters are messed up or something?
Last edited by Mindstormscreator (2013-02-03 22:24:16)
OK, I've tried adding a bunch more parameters as sniffed out by the TamperData plugin for Firefox:
curl --cookie cjar -d "answer=test+data" -d "source=test+data" -d "crumb=kS2D%2FHqHgSS" -d \
-d "submit-button=Submit"
Still doesn't work. Hmm.
Pages: 1