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Awesome. What game is that? Looks neat.
I've installed steam successfully on my netbook but it is very underpowered as you would expect. Any cheap linux games available on steam that a netbook could run? I want to support Valve's decision to port steam to linux even though I don't have much moneys.
Game is Serious Sam 3 - I enjoy it as it reminds me of the old FPS games like Quake and Duke Nukem.
Lots of Steam games would work on a netbook, you'd have to check here - the games have system requirements listed - this for example is a new release and the specs look fine for a netbook so long as the VGA supports opengl 3.
Cavedude wrote:Awesome. What game is that? Looks neat.
I've installed steam successfully on my netbook but it is very underpowered as you would expect. Any cheap linux games available on steam that a netbook could run? I want to support Valve's decision to port steam to linux even though I don't have much moneys.
Game is Serious Sam 3 - I enjoy it as it reminds me of the old FPS games like Quake and Duke Nukem.
Lots of Steam games would work on a netbook, you'd have to check here - the games have system requirements listed - this for example is a new release and the specs look fine for a netbook so long as the VGA supports opengl 3.
I remember the good old days too! Thanks for the suggestion.
PS - I just bought the dungeons of dredmore pack. Can't wait to get down to some good old school dungeoneering!
Last edited by Cavedude (2013-02-25 01:08:47)
Nice one!
Maybe I should give good ol' OB another try soon...
Hi all, i'm new, my english sucks... but I wanna try here. xP
I think the personality of each is reflected in our desks... so... here are my last three screenshots.
Now I'm using MATE, without modified yet but soon I do it.
Arch/DWM || urxvt || zsh || vim || ncmpcpp
Linux User #550167
I've installed steam successfully on my netbook but it is very underpowered as you would expect. Any cheap linux games available on steam that a netbook could run? I want to support Valve's decision to port steam to linux even though I don't have much moneys.
I suggest you running old games or emulators, as I'm doing (I have a netbook with a single AMD core)
I've installed steam successfully on my netbook but it is very underpowered as you would expect. Any cheap linux games available on steam that a netbook could run? I want to support Valve's decision to port steam to linux even though I don't have much moneys.
If you like good old games, you should give a try to Doom 1 & 2 and Quake. You won't regret it.
Cavedude wrote:I've installed steam successfully on my netbook but it is very underpowered as you would expect. Any cheap linux games available on steam that a netbook could run? I want to support Valve's decision to port steam to linux even though I don't have much moneys.
If you like good old games, you should give a try to Doom 1 & 2 and Quake. You won't regret it.
You simply must try Brutal Doom.
Looks like windows.
Last edited by 10PinkPanther (2013-02-26 15:26:21)
Nice one @null!
I "wasted" countless hours of my youth on games like doom1/2, quake, duke nukem etc. Good times.
Thanks for the tip.
Brutal Doom, eh? That just sounds too delicious to ignore!
Gnome 3 with dash to dock extension, mac inspired . Open Sans Font!
Wow, gnome3 looks quiet improved since I tried it last.
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
wm: dwm
terminal: xterm
font: terminus
web: chromium
music: mpd/ncmpcpp
editor: vim
irc: irssi
XMonad, xmobar, rxvt-unicode, tmux, fajjerfox, mdk3, aircraxx0r
"Common sense is not common"