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today i download arch 01.03.2013 and try to install it
but it need to internet!!!
is any way to i can install it with out internet(just use iso file)???
You would need to download the packages directly from an repository using wget or something and copy them to your /var/cache/pacman/pkg
Use archiso to personalize your iso.
warning: This thread will likely get you comments like "arch is rolling release, if you don't have continual internet access, you are in the wrong place" or similar. I have one machine with arch that most of the time is offline and every once every few months I connect it to the net to update it, and is not really difficult or anything (as long you comply with the requirement of being a competent linux user)
My guess is such comments come from people who is addicted to do pacman -Syu every five minutes
"open source is about choice"
Open source is about opening the source code complying with this conditions, period. The ability to choose among several packages is just a nice side effect.
You would need to download the packages directly from an repository using wget or something and copy them to your /var/cache/pacman/pkg
Use archiso to personalize your iso.
warning: This thread will likely get you comments like "arch is rolling release, if you don't have continual internet access, you are in the wrong place" or similar. I have one machine with arch that most of the time is offline and every once every few months I connect it to the net to update it, and is not really difficult or anything (as long you comply with the requirement of being a competent linux user)
My guess is such comments come from people who is addicted to do pacman -Syu every five minutes
thank you chris_l
i have a weak internet connection (i connect via bluetooth to my phone to access the internet) and i do'nt know how to connect arch to internet in install time
my current os is ubuntu
glade me if you can help me how to connect to internet via bluetooth
thank you again
Maybe this can help you in some way: … GPRS_Howto
Last edited by s1ln7m4s7r (2013-03-25 19:56:28)
Maybe this can help you in some way:
THQ my friend
Pages: 1