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Alright; packages optimized for pentium-m, compiled with the following flags,
export CFLAGS="-march=pentium-m -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
export CXXFLAGS="-march=pentium-m -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--sort-common -s"
e17: (groups: efl, e17, e17-extra)
The e17 packages are based on shadowhands old pkgbuilds (thanks a lot for that!). The troubles I'm currently having with e17 involve entrance and the additional modules. Entrance is a bit tricky to configure nicely, and some of the modules are just causing me various troubles.
kernel-2.6.14archck5 (configured for the fujitsu-siemens lifebook p7010)
ieee80211 (needed for ipw2200)
slmodemd (don't know if this one works)
glibc 2.3.5
(Note: if anyone's planning to use the kernel, please tell me first.)
cairo 1.0.2 (compiled with support for glitz)
glitz 0.4.4
qt 3.3.5
gtk2 2.8.7
Those packages that are also part of the official repos have been compiled using the official pkgbuilds, with the exception of cairo to which I added --enable-glitz.
Get the packages by adding to the top of pacman.conf
Server =
I hope it's gonna work out...
qt 3.3.5
I'll take that for a first shot. I will give feedback as soon as I test it.
$ md5sum /opt/qt/lib/
c03d9646b2d206b1de45ee765f83bc3a /opt/qt/lib/
Works without single crash so far. There is noticable speedup, but this may be placebo efect or new kde-3.5 that I've installed right before mobile-m/qt.
Time for something harder: xorg first and then glibc. That would be almost everything for now, because I compile ck kernel for myself and I'm KDE user (but I will install your gtk2 - there are gtk apps that I use).
Great work! I'm very thankful and I hope more people will participate soon.
I'm glad it seems to be working out for you so far
Try xorg first without glibc. I'm just saying this cause I have been using xorg for some time now (as well as all the other packages), but glibc is, as you know, fresh from the oven. It's probably fine but just to make sure xorg's working for you, try that first.
Now, I wonder if it's just gonna be us two using this repo, or if others will chip in
Now, I wonder if it's just gonna be us two using this repo, or if others will chip in
Droping some info (link to this thread maybe) on arch mailing list could bring some more attention. As you are the owner of the repo this honor is yours ;-).
But be warned - think twice before whole horde of users will run to eat your whole upload bandwidth.
Hey thanks
I'll probably announce it in a new thread here at the forums first. But I realized a serious problem with the issue just now that I need to take care of first. The kernel package has the same name as dibble's kernel package in communiy; so I'm rebuilding it (needed to change some settings anyway) and calling it kernel_lifebookp7010, allowing it to be installed without overwriting any other kernel packages.
If you're interested you could make kdebase & kdelibs for KDE users like me. This will bring more audience (and make desktops even "lighter" for KDE users.
And don't worry about the kernel. I think compiling standard one would be nice thing, but kernel for one notebook model will probably not be as useful as general use apps./libs. As I see you've already droped info about it here: - so interested users will find it (or your) anyway.
BTW. How long does it take on your machine to compile glibc?
I think I will make kdebase & kdelibs as well, but not before the official packages hit current. The only thing that could stop me would be web space (I have a relatively small amount of space on a remote server; so far it's no prob).
You're probably right about the kernel-thing. I might build some generic kernels in the future, but not right now...
compile time for glibc? Dunno... couple of hours. I pretty much started compiling it right after my first post here where I asked whether it would be a good idea or not. And it finished when I declared the repo. Or well; I also compiled gtk2 & qt during that time. But yeah; no longer than two hours I'd guess...
Well. You safe me a lot of heat on CPU. I don't want to think how long would take me compiling qt & glibc & xorg.
About web space - hmmm ... if you run into problems and your repo will be popular enough you could even ask for space on Arch ftp. It's only matter of how many would benefit using it. Arch bandwith shouldn't hurt because of that - people using pentium-m will not download i686 packages. And of course in time you must prove you're thrustworthy. But I shouldn't be talking about space on server that isn't my - these are only thougths.
Please give me info about your next move.
I've made an announcement in a new thread now, and I've updated e17 as well as changed the pkgname for the kernel.
Next move will probably be kdebase & kdelibs when they hit current, as well as some occasional e17 updates. Out of curiosity; how fast was the download from the server (and where are you)?
Well. You safe me a lot of heat on CPU.
Glad to help out. I'm compiling them anyway ;-)
Ok, glad you guys worked something out (this thread increased by over two pages since I last saw it), but I'd like to bring up a *very* important point:
If someone is repeting "your tring to find someone to do your job, your tring to find someone to do your job" then I think he missed whole Open Source idea ...
Open Source has absolutely nothing to do with "who does what", it has nothing to do with "I don't want to do X, someone else do it" - it has to do with the simple fact that a consumer should be able to know what's going on with a product they are using. You can open up an alarm clock, and follow board traces to know what it's doing, you can open the hood of your car to find out what's going on - open source makes the same thing available for software, plain and simple.
Please do not thing of Open Source developers as people who are at your beck and call to make products you want. That is absolutely not the way it works. Open Source developers do what *they* want and then provide you with the ability to do what you want with their product, period.
I didn't mean that and you know it. I this not me who said that I'm trying to find people to do my work. Where did you get this idea from? There is no single word from my side that somebody should/must do that for me (if you find one please let me know - it may be ling. mistake). I was just asking. And I'm suprised by reaction - I feel little bit disapointed. Two years ago Arch community seems to me much friendlier. Good that nightfrost read my intentions right and as you can see posing my idea wasn't waste of time. I only hope nightfrost know that I'm very thankful. There is no point in jabbering about this "misunderstood" - my intentions should be clear. You can always send me private message if you like.
I'm just in this for the money! :twisted:
I'm just in this for the money! :twisted:
Damn. I knew there is a trick here. Well - nothing left me than sell my kidney on the black market.
I believe that there might or might not be a spped up in doing this, although i find it ver appealing..I will soon join you guy's just goin to try the packages on my p4-m cpu, which should work...
I say continue doing this, more people will follow -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
I didn't mean that and you know it. I this not me who said that I'm trying to find people to do my work. Where did you get this idea from? There is no single word from my side that somebody should/must do that for me (if you find one please let me know - it may be ling. mistake).
compiling glibc takes 6 - 8h - this is what I wish to avoid. Someone with bigger cooler could do that for more people and this way safe world from global warming.
I say let's leave this thread and move over to the "official one instead" to keep things organized and nice
ack; just post link here for strangers to follow (and for me please, because I still didn't find this new topic :? );
Offline I got it. Sorry.
I've made an announcement in a new thread
Oh sorry. I could've made it more obvious; it wasburied in one of my posts above. The word "thread" is the link.