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bspc set window_gap -$(bspc get border_width)
I didn't realize this was possible! Coupled with {top,right,bottom,left}_padding this is exactly what I was looking for. Eloquent solution.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
cippaciong wrote:In my case I had two fonts defined.
What's your #define ... line?
Apologies for the late response, here's my define BAR_FONT line:
#define BAR_FONT "-*-inconsolata dz-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1","fixed"
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#define BAR_FONT "-*-inconsolata dz-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-1","fixed"
Inconsolata-dz is an antialiased font and bar currently doesn't support antialiased fonts.
Besides, the font description itself is invalid (xlsfonts returns bogus lines where the only available size is 0 ).
Inconsolata-dz is an antialiased font and bar currently doesn't support antialiased fonts.
Besides, the font description itself is invalid (xlsfonts returns bogus lines where the only available size is 0 ).
Ah, well that clears that up! Thanks for the response Bastien. Might I ask, what font do you use with your bar? I tried Droid Sans too, but that didn't work? If I'm not being too much of a pest, I'd appreciate your fontline (I'm not one to usually condone "Mine doesn't work, so can I have yours" situations when it comes to computing, but, in this case I just want to eliminate any possibilities that it might be due to my X or font environment)
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Might I ask, what font do you use with your bar?
I'm not using bar because of the aforementioned limitation.
I tried Droid Sans too, but that didn't work?
Droid Sans is anti-aliased too.
I'd appreciate your fontline
I'd recommend the default one (to be found in config.def.h).
I'm not using bar because of the aforementioned limitation.
Starfall wrote:I tried Droid Sans too, but that didn't work?
Droid Sans is anti-aliased too.
Starfall wrote:I'd appreciate your fontline
I'd recommend the default one (to be found in config.def.h).
thanks for the swift response. In light of these tips, might I ask what bar you do use? dzen2 doesn't support text alignment
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Floating windows are behaving strangely. The behavior is a bit different depending on whether or not the following ("click to focus") is in sxhkdrc:
bspc grab_pointer focus
Spawn a window (urxvtc in my case) and toggle floating.
Press super and button1 to move the window.
If button1 is released before super, everything works as expected. If super is released first, attempting to move the window again will return it to its previous position, and begin moving from there. Switching workspaces or moving another window will also return the previously moved window to its old position. If "click to focus" is enabled, merely clicking (not even focusing another window, just clicking button1) will cause the previously moved window to return to its old position.
Also, on an unrelated note, urxvtc's border doesn't change color when issuing a presel command, while other window borders do. Is there something I can do to change this?
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
If button1 is released before super, everything works as expected. If super is released first, attempting to move the window again will return it to its previous position, and begin moving from there.
This isn't related to click to focus.
The problem is that when you release super before releasing button1, bspc ungrab_pointer is not called.
Maybe I can work things out so that the ungrab_pointer message isn't needed...
Also, on an unrelated note, urxvtc's border doesn't change color when issuing a presel command, while other window borders do. Is there something I can do to change this?
I do use urxvtc and have no such problem.
Can you post your autostart?
This isn't related to click to focus.
The problem is that when you release super before releasing button1, bspc ungrab_pointer is not called.
Maybe I can work things out so that the ungrab_pointer message isn't needed...
Ah, yes. That makes sense. I should have looked into it further.
Can you post your autostart?
bspc rename Desktop01 He
bspc add Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn
bspc set focused_border_color '#5F819D'
bspc set normal_border_color '#373b41'
bspc set presel_border_color '#de935f'
bspc set urgent_border_color '#A54242'
bspc set gapless_monocle false
bspc set borderless_monocle true
bspc set adaptative_raise true
bspc set auto_alternate true
bspc set top_padding 14
bspc set border_width $bw
bspc set window_gap -$bw
for m in $(bspc list_monitors --quiet | cut -d ' ' -f 1); do
bspc pad "$m" $[$(bspc get top_padding) + $bw] $bw $bw $bw
panel &
Every other window I've used is colored appropriately. Very strange indeed.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
I have a few questions I'd really appreciate an answer to:
1. When using 'ewmhstatus | dzen2', it seems that the window title is being cut off at the end (see below):
Is this the expected behaviour? I'm presuming not, I've tried explicitly setting dzen2's width, however it makes no difference.
2. Is there a means by wich I might be able to display different info in dzen2 aligned to different areas? I was under the impression that it couldn't handle text alignment, but, using 'ewmhstatus | dzen2' shows the current workspace name in the centre, and the window title to the right. I'm using some short bash scripts & tmux to display the time, battery percentage and connected network. I'd ideally like to display this info in dzen2 in a clear, aligned manner.
Now, I do apologise for commandeering the thread, I know it's a place to discuss this marvellous WM, I've been singin its praise (and yours too Bastien) in irc and other such places, still loving it! Just wanting to get a bar to go hand in hand with bspwm. Maybe Bastien might even consider writing his own?
Last edited by Starfall (2013-03-30 20:09:50)
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1. When using 'ewmhstatus | dzen2', it seems that the window title is being cut off at the end
I just wanted to express the general idea.
A few more steps are required to get this working (in particular, dzen2 -ta l).
Please read ewmhstatus's README: an example panel is given.
You can also have a look at my {launch,kill,reload}panel scripts.
(You need to define the EWMHSTATUS_FIFO environment variable.)
2. Is there a means by wich I might be able to display different info in dzen2 aligned to different areas? I was under the impression that it couldn't handle text alignment, but, using 'ewmhstatus | dzen2' shows the current workspace name in the centre, and the window title to the right. I'm using some short bash scripts & tmux to display the time, battery percentage and connected network. I'd ideally like to display this info in dzen2 in a clear, aligned manner.
As you'll read in the README, you can display external informations but the alignment is not customizable.
Now, I do apologise for commandeering the thread, I know it's a place to discuss this marvellous WM, I've been singin its praise (and yours too Bastien) in irc and other such places, still loving it! Just wanting to get a bar to go hand in hand with bspwm.
Thanks, no problem.
Maybe Bastien might even consider writing his own?
In fact I will probably write a dzen2 version of the bar panel example instead.
If it does, could you try with an empty .Xresources?
On a side note: $[] is a bashism, you should use $(()).
The culprit was .Xresources, specifically:
URxvt.depth: 32
Without it the borders are colored correctly. Thanks for the help, and the $(()) tip.
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.
I've added a dzen2 panel example in the examples/panel directory.
It requires dzen2-bare-git, textwidth-git, xtitle-git, sutils-git, sres-git and ttf-dejavu.
It can be launched from your autostart with:
panel dzen2 &
Please note that the environment variable previously known as BSPWM_STATUS_FIFO is now called PANEL_FIFO.
Last edited by bloom (2013-04-01 13:13:01)
I've added a dzen2 panel example in the examples/panel directory.
It requires textwidth-git, xtitle-git, sutils-git and ttf-dejavu.
It can be launched from your autostart with:
panel dzen2 &
Please note that the environment variable previously known as BSPWM_STATUS_FIFO is now called PANEL_FIFO.
Thanks, I'll try it immediately.
Is it just me or the quick desktop preview feature is not working anymore?
I've added a dzen2 panel example in the examples/panel directory.
It requires textwidth-git, xtitle-git, sutils-git and ttf-dejavu.
It can be launched from your autostart with:
panel dzen2 &
Please note that the environment variable previously known as BSPWM_STATUS_FIFO is now called PANEL_FIFO.
Installing textwidth-git
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
textwidth-git: /usr/bin/textwidth exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
pacman -Qo /usr/bin/textwidth
/usr/bin/textwidth is owned by dzen2 0.9.5git-1
Add this to your autostart:
bspc set auto_alternate true
Works, thanks.
Installing textwidth-git
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) textwidth-git: /usr/bin/textwidth exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Install dzen2-bare-git first.
cippaciong wrote:Installing textwidth-git
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) textwidth-git: /usr/bin/textwidth exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Install dzen2-bare-git first.
Works everything now but you should also add sres-git in the deps.
Great work by the way, love it!
I've added a dzen2 panel example in the examples/panel directory.
It requires dzen2-bare-git, textwidth-git, xtitle-git, sutils-git, sres-git and ttf-dejavu.
It can be launched from your autostart with:
panel dzen2 &
Please note that the environment variable previously known as BSPWM_STATUS_FIFO is now called PANEL_FIFO.
It doesn't work for me
I'm sure it's something I have misconfigured...
When attempting to run 'panel dzen2' from a shell, it prompts that on line 5 & 6 there is no such file or directory. This is talking about the PANEL_FIFO fifo, which I've set in my /etc/environment, and can see that echoing it shows it as /tmp/panel-fifo, also catting that file shows informations piped in from clock and xtitle.
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It doesn't work for me
I'm sure it's something I have misconfigured...
When attempting to run 'panel dzen2' from a shell, it prompts that on line 5 & 6 there is no such file or directory. This is talking about the PANEL_FIFO fifo, which I've set in my /etc/environment, and can see that echoing it shows it as /tmp/panel-fifo, also catting that file shows informations piped in from clock and xtitle.
Did you change .xinitrc accordingly?
[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO"
Although this shouldn't be strictly related to your error.
Did you reboot or source your /etc/environment?
Last edited by cippaciong (2013-04-01 21:05:31)
Did you update your .xinitrc?
If it doesn't help, could you provide precise error messages?
Well, this is what I have, does it look right?
[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO"
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