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I just did a full system update
[2013-03-29 10:29] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2013-03-29 10:29] synchronizing package lists
[2013-03-29 10:29] starting full system upgrade
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libdrm (2.4.42-1 -> 2.4.43-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libffi (3.0.12-1 -> 3.0.13-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded wayland (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libgcrypt (1.5.0-3 -> 1.5.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded systemd (198-1 -> 198-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded mesa (9.1-3 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded mesa-libgl (9.1-3 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded ati-dri (9.1-3 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded icu (50.1.2-1 -> 51.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded boost-libs (1.52.0-1 -> 1.52.0-3)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gstreamer (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-plugins-base-libs (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] g_module_open() failed for /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gdk-pixbuf2 (2.26.5-1 -> 2.26.5-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-plugins-good (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded sqlite ( -> 3.7.16-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libtracker-sparql (0.14.4-3 -> 0.14.5-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded brasero (3.6.1-1 -> 3.6.1-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] installed libwebp (0.2.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] installed python (3.3.0-3)
[2013-03-29 10:40] installed python-xdg (0.25-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] installed dotconf (1.3-3)
[2013-03-29 10:40] installed speech-dispatcher (0.8-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded chromium (25.0.1364.172-1 -> 26.0.1410.43-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded polkit (0.109-1 -> 0.110-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] warning: /etc/colord.conf installed as /etc/colord.conf.pacnew
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded colord (0.1.30-1 -> 0.1.31-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded colord-gtk (0.1.24-1 -> 0.1.25-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded dhclient ( -> 4.2.5-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded diffutils (3.2-1 -> 3.3-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded dnssec-anchors (20120422-1 -> 20130320-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded file (5.13-1 -> 5.14-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gegl (0.2.0-5 -> 0.2.0-6)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded geoclue (0.12.0-5 -> 0.12.99-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gnome-common (3.6.0-1 -> 3.7.4-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] ==> To add the gnuplot mode in Emacs, add the content of /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/dotemacs to your ~/.emacs file.
[2013-03-29 10:40] Updating TeX tree...
[2013-03-29 10:40] mktexlsr: Updating /etc/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:40] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:40] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:40] mktexlsr: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:40] mktexlsr: Done.
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gnuplot (4.6.1-2 -> 4.6.2-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gnutls (3.1.9-1 -> 3.1.10-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/" - file not found
[2013-03-29 10:40] Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/" - file not found
[2013-03-29 10:40] Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/" - file not found
[2013-03-29 10:40] /tmp/alpm_SSGROj/.INSTALL: line 1: 2567 Segmentation fault (core dumped) usr/bin/dot -c
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded graphviz (2.30.1-1 -> 2.30.1-2)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-libav (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-plugins-bad (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-plugins-base (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded gst-plugins-ugly (1.0.5-2 -> 1.0.6-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded harfbuzz (0.9.9-3 -> 0.9.14-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded hwloc (1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-libdrm (2.4.42-1 -> 2.4.43-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-mesa (9.1-2 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-mesa-libgl (9.1-2 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-ati-dri (9.1-2 -> 9.1.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-libffi (3.0.11-1 -> 3.0.13-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-libgcrypt (1.5.0-1 -> 1.5.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libxi (1.6.2-1 -> 1.7-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-libxi (1.6.2-1 -> 1.7-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded lib32-sqlite ( -> 3.7.16-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libcups (1.6.1-6 -> 1.6.2-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libgexiv2 (0.5.0-2 -> 0.6.1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libsasl (2.1.23-9 -> 2.1.23-10)
[2013-03-29 10:40] upgraded libwacom (0.6-1 -> 0.7-1)
[2013-03-29 10:40] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
[2013-03-29 10:40] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
[2013-03-29 10:40] ==> Building image from preset: 'default'
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
[2013-03-29 10:40] ==> Starting build: 3.8.4-1-ARCH
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> Running build hook: [base]
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> Running build hook: [udev]
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
[2013-03-29 10:40] -> Running build hook: [block]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Generating module dependencies
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Image generation successful
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Building image from preset: 'fallback'
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Starting build: 3.8.4-1-ARCH
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [base]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [udev]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [block]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
[2013-03-29 10:41] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Generating module dependencies
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
[2013-03-29 10:41] ==> Image generation successful
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded linux (3.7.10-1 -> 3.8.4-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded linux-headers (3.7.10-1 -> 3.8.4-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded ncurses (5.9-4 -> 5.9-5)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded obex-data-server (0.4.6-4 -> 0.4.6-5)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded openssh (6.1p1-6 -> 6.2p1-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] warning: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist installed as /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded pacman-mirrorlist (20130203-1 -> 20130323-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded poppler (0.22.1-3 -> 0.22.2-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded poppler-glib (0.22.1-3 -> 0.22.2-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded procps-ng (3.3.5-1 -> 3.3.7-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded qt4 (4.8.4-13 -> 4.8.4-16)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded raptor (2.0.9-1 -> 2.0.9-2)
[2013-03-29 10:41] refind-efi applications have been installed at /usr/lib/refind/*.efi
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] UEFI FS drivers have deen installed at /usr/lib/refind/drivers_*/
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] Copy the efi application (according to your UEFI ARCH)
[2013-03-29 10:41] and /usr/lib/refind/config/refind.conf to a sub-directory of <EFISYS>/EFI/
[2013-03-29 10:41] and add an entry to firmware boot menu using efibootmgr or mactel-boot (for Macs)
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] rEFInd icons have been installed at /usr/share/refind/icons/
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] HTML Documentation is available at /usr/share/refind/docs/html/
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] More info at [url][/url]
[2013-03-29 10:41]
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded refind-efi (0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.8-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded shadow ( ->
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded webkitgtk3 (1.10.2-2 -> 1.10.2-3)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded shotwell (0.13.1-6 -> 0.14.0-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded skype ( ->
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded systemd-sysvcompat (198-1 -> 198-2)
[2013-03-29 10:41] >>> texlive: updating the filename database...
[2013-03-29 10:41] mktexlsr: Updating /etc/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:41] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:41] mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf-dist/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:41] mktexlsr: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R...
[2013-03-29 10:41] mktexlsr: Done.
[2013-03-29 10:41] recreating all formats... done.
[2013-03-29 10:41] (logs are under /var/lib/texmf/web2c/<engine>/<formatname>.log)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded texlive-bin (2012.0-7 -> 2012.0-8)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded upower (0.9.19-1 -> 0.9.20-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded tracker (0.14.4-3 -> 0.14.5-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded webkitgtk2 (1.10.2-2 -> 1.10.2-3)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.9-1 -> 0.10-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.7.3-2 -> 2.8.0-1)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xf86-input-synaptics (1.6.3-1 -> 1.6.3-2)
[2013-03-29 10:41] installed glamor-egl (0.5.0-4)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xf86-video-ati (1:7.1.0-1 -> 1:7.1.0-3)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xf86-video-vesa (2.3.2-2 -> 2.3.2-3)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xorg-server-common (1.13.3-1 -> 1.14.0-2)
[2013-03-29 10:41] upgraded xorg-server (1.13.3-1 -> 1.14.0-2)
Due to another bug here in rEFInd, I had to downgrade the kernel afterwards
[2013-03-29 10:47] Running 'pacman -U linux-3.7.9-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz linux-headers-3.7.9-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz'
[2013-03-29 10:48] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
[2013-03-29 10:48] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Building image from preset: 'default'
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Starting build: 3.7.9-2-ARCH
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [base]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [udev]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [block]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Generating module dependencies
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Image generation successful
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Building image from preset: 'fallback'
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Starting build: 3.7.9-2-ARCH
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [base]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [udev]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [block]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
[2013-03-29 10:48] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Generating module dependencies
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
[2013-03-29 10:48] ==> Image generation successful
[2013-03-29 10:48] upgraded linux (3.8.4-1 -> 3.7.9-2)
[2013-03-29 10:48] upgraded linux-headers (3.8.4-1 -> 3.7.9-2)
Now my icons in GDM and GNOME are missing. The icons in the top panel are not monochrome anymore and the Shell Overview and Web are missing all their icons. Plus they are crashing repeadedly.
Is it possible that this has something to do with the old kernel? Or is this another problem? What does the line
[2013-03-29 10:40] g_module_open() failed for /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Last edited by mjb (2013-03-30 16:13:45)
So I switched from rEFInd to Grub to boot the new kernel, but I still have the same problem (that is: the icons). Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
EDIT: I reinstalled all gnome packages, but still: no success
Last edited by mjb (2013-03-30 09:14:39)
Having the same problem here (missing gnome icons), any solution?
Having the same problem here (missing gnome icons), any solution?
Can you check your pacman log, if you have the last message of my first post, too?
Is it possible that this has something to do with the old kernel? Or is this another problem? What does the line
[2013-03-29 10:40] g_module_open() failed for /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Icu was upgraded from 0.50 to 0.51.1 , you probably have packages (could be from AUR) that are build against the old icu version and need to be rebuild.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Via Google+
sudo /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
and restart gnome. Fixed things on my end.
that solves problem for me, thanks
For me, too. Thanks a lot!
Last edited by mjb (2013-03-30 16:17:15)
Hi all,
after doing
sudo /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
icons were fixed but the icons of the top panel now are the old ones.
Any suggestions?
Another issue is that when I click the "Power Off" entry I cannot choose between Power Off, Restart or Suspend. It just shuts down.
Thank you in advance
Hi all,
after doing
sudo /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
icons were fixed but the icons of the top panel now are the old ones.
Any suggestions?
Another issue is that when I click the "Power Off" entry I cannot choose between Power Off, Restart or Suspend. It just shuts down.
Thank you in advance
What exactly do you mean by "old icons"? I don't have the shutdown issue. What extensions do you have installed?
Thanks for reply!
I have no installed extensions. With "old icons" I mean the black and white. After the upgrade the icons were changed and colorful.
Thanks for reply!
I have no installed extensions. With "old icons" I mean the black and white. After the upgrade the icons were changed and colorful.
They are supposed to be black and white. The colorful icons were the "broken" ones.
I have another laptop, and after I did
sudo /usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
they kept to be colorful! So the problem is another one.
Well, this is what they are supposed to look like:
Ok, thanks. So I'll try to figure it out why the icons remained colorful.