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Hello! My name is Dominic, I come from Warsaw, Poland. I had a brief experience with Ubuntu, but I got to know the real Linux with Debian Squeeze on Compaq Armada 7400. Then, Debian Wheezy for about a year - In the meantime, on the other computers, I was playing with Gentoo and Arch Linux. About 3 months ago I changed my computer - bought a laptop with Ivy Bridge. Arch Linux because of the simplicity and fresh packages (better support for the latest hardware) seemed to me to be the best choice, and is now my main desktop system. I am happy and I hope to use as long as possible. I love openbox, dwm, awesome, and yaourt
Hi all,
I've been using Linux on my desktop since 2000 (Debian back then) but moved to OS X in 2006. Now I'm ready to return and after a thorough investigation of all kinds of distros (around 30) I chose Arch!!! I've been testing it for about 4 weeks total now. At first in a VM, then in another VM on a more powerful machine and by now (few days ago) it's running natively on my MacBook Air 3,2 I'm very happy with it so far and I like the community a lot! In fact it's running better than OS X 10.8.3 for me and that's quite something!!
Looking forward to more great stuff with Arch
Hello everyone.
I used Ubuntu long time (since 7.10) but realized that I realy want to learn linux system. I think , Arch is wonderful distro for understanding linux functionality.
hello all of you guys. I live in Portland, Oregon, Usa. I just set up archlinux like a week ago and I am liking it. I just configured my bash teminal with archey and some PS1 modification. Also, i am using gnome 3.6.2 as my DE. Well any other suggestions are welcome. Yes, archlinux ROCKS!!!
Hi all, I've recently put Arch on a Thinkpad I had sitting around, and have fallen in love with it. So far all of the horror stories I had heard about the install were just stories. I was reasonably surprised with how smooth everything went together. The AUR + Official Repos are very nice. So far, I like it.
Hello Everyone.
When your hammer is C++, everything starts to resemble a thumb.
Greetings from Scotland!
I've been lurking around here for six months or so after installing Arch on all my machines, and thought it was time I signed up here. Also Arch is responsible for my current love affair with Fluxbox.
I've tried a good few distros and Arch is by far my favourite, and will likely remain so. Thank you to everyone involved with Arch LInux!
Hi!! I'm from Spain. I used Arch a few years ago and now I'm returning!! It's the best distro
Hello everyone! i am a first time Arch user im attempting to install arch on my main laptop and a junker desktop i threw together from spare parts i found in my shed lol so far the expeirence has been frustrating but deffinitly a lot of fun ( i love learning and reading forums ) Im moving to Arch because im tired of Linux mint (great for linux novices) and all the control i didnt have while using it. before mint i had also used Ubuntu which was way to glichy after the unity update, Slackware which was to simple and zenwalk also to simplistic. before that i was stuck hating windows but not willing to use a mac. from what ive seen Arch will be perfect for me i look forward to meeting all of you and i apoligize in advance for any stupid questions i may have
Hi there!
I'm Luca, from switzerland. I heard a lot about ArchLinux and decided to try it, it was worth it.
I thought it would be neat to sign up here, and there I am ^^
You may have noticed, I'm not a native english speaker, but I'll do my best and write using proper english.
Last edited by LudaOtaku (2013-04-03 18:30:05)
yeah, sure, what the heck :)
Hi Ya'll. Jake from Sioux Falls. Started with linux about 3 years ago. Started with Ubuntu and have ran mostly that distro though I did try out fedora and gentoo once. This is my first time with arch; and, well, me likey so far.
Anyhoo. Nice to meet you. Peace out...
Hi everyone · привет всем · halo semua
My name is Ilya, I am from Russia, Maykop (actually, I live not exactly in the city, but in a village in ~70km from that city). I have been using Arch Linux for at least 5 years and still feel comfortable with it. I use it at work as well as on my home PC and on a netbook. So I have 3 Arch Linux installations now.
Hello Everyone i using Arch Linux now 3 months and i love it, I use gnu/linux since 2011.
My real name is Sebastian and i live in germany, wuppertal.
i3wm / urxvt / luakit
Hello everyone! i am a first time Arch user im attempting to install arch on my main laptop and a junker desktop i threw together from spare parts i found in my shed lol so far the expeirence has been frustrating but deffinitly a lot of fun ( i love learning and reading forums ) Im moving to Arch because im tired of Linux mint (great for linux novices) and all the control i didnt have while using it. before mint i had also used Ubuntu which was way to glichy after the unity update, Slackware which was to simple and zenwalk also to simplistic. before that i was stuck hating windows but not willing to use a mac. from what ive seen Arch will be perfect for me i look forward to meeting all of you and i apoligize in advance for any stupid questions i may have
Welcome Divitto. Consider using some punctuations while writing a post.
Never argue with stupid people,They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.--Mark Twain
Hey there everybody, id like to say I've been using arch but I'm still in the process of installing it. However, i feel that i messed up the install and want to start there a way to do that? I'm not worried about anything on the hard drive, it's old and will only have Arch on it. Sorry for my ignorance I'm working on it . also gotta say i like the wiki its very useful.
Hey there everybody, id like to say I've been using arch but I'm still in the process of installing it. However, i feel that i messed up the install and want to start there a way to do that? I'm not worried about anything on the hard drive, it's old and will only have Arch on it. Sorry for my ignorance I'm working on it . also gotta say i like the wiki its very useful.
Just restart the install, maybe not reformatting partitions. Just mount them and continue installing.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Hello everyone, first time using Arch here. So far everything is working as expected and I like it a lot. The wiki is great.
Just restart the install, maybe not reformatting partitions. Just mount them and continue installing.
ok i did when i do
pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel
i keep getting errors and it fails
ahh ok i got it thanks for the help and my apologies
Initial impressions... Arch is running noticeably quicker and smoother with most of the same apps installed as my previous distribution. Setup over university internet, which requires a webpage login, was a little quirky, but thankfully some clever person added elinks to the install CD making it possible.
I do have a webpage login but elinks browser is not able to handle the authentication. Instead my ISP stays logged in for 20 mins even with restart.
Hello all!
I have been running Arch for about two weeks now, and I'm really liking its speed and customization. Only issue I had so far is I couldn't seem to figure out how to get Bluetooth tethering to work. But no big deal, USB tethering works just fine.
I am definitely a noob, and still fairly new to Linux in general. I've messed around with a few distros over the years, but this is the first time I completely removed my Windows partition.
But don't worry, I don't have any newbie questions thus far.
Last edited by EricEsoteric (2013-04-06 03:09:54)
Thought I would stop by this thread and say Hi!
Been giving Arch a try on an older dual booted laptop for a few weeks, so far I have been fairly impressed. I am a fairly long standing Linux user (~8 years or so), with a fair history of Ubuntu. A couple of years ago, I started moving away from it because of their display / desktop decisions and have been "in search of" ever since. I found that as my experience grew, I was less impressed with (mostly) works out of the box, but hands off, distros, like Ubuntu. Tried Slackware, and Gentoo and ran into some troubles in various ways. Use Centos and Ubuntu for servers and found them to be OK, but not what I want in my day to day use machines. Currently I am in the process of moving everything on this machine over from a Debian system, which drove me nuts with the mass of updates and poor speed performance, which even my wife complains about. Getting the CTRL-ALT functions working, was the last hurdle keeping me from fully converting the system, which was just resolved today with the nVidia driver update. So, it looks like I may stay with Arch for a while.
Hi All my name is tom dabbled with arch a few years ago and now finally use arch as my home DE. Love the way arch works on my home pc.
Hola a todos!
I am studying biochemistry.
I entered the linux world with Ubuntu 8.04 (about 4 years now..) thanks to some mates doing science.
In this time I have tried several distros ...but at the end ended with Ubuntu again (Lubuntu specially).
A week ago I decided to install Arch following the beginner's guide and I am pretty happy with the result.
It's been a week and I was thinking I needed some "arch user guide or something" because I get lost in the wiki.
But I'll give the forums a try.
Greetings from Cuernavaca México.
-- Mi segundo nombre es Peligro --
Hey all, 14YO Archer here. The name's Soham. I'm Indian and a passionate Linuxer. I'm amazed by Arch's stability and proud to be part of the community!
Could I get a link to some "things to do post-install" place? (Not "general recommendations", I've seen that.)
[Oh and did I tell you I installed Gentoo two years back? ]
Last edited by Awesoham (2013-04-09 15:52:21)