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I have borked my mbr with a different disto install on another partition. I am trying to restore the MBR. I use lilo (well, I use to use lilo) and i am having a problem.
I tried the arch 0.7.1 cd booting with and without "arch root=/dev/hda6", but it just gives me a sparse /dev. I have tried:
mount -o dev /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6
chroot /mnt/hda6
No go. I have tried lilo with "-b /dev/hda6" and the like. Also knoppix and pclinuxos to boot. There continues to be problems when running lilo (some scsi error, I don't use scsi). I read somewhere to mount proc, so I tried "mount -t proc none /mnt/hda6/proc" too, no go.
The problem seems to be that /dev/hda6 (and /dev/hda) are not available afrter the chroot.
I know how to fix this with grub, but I would like to know if there is something i am doing wrong that will make lillo work.
from a liveCD, you could also try a
mount --bind /dev /chroot/dir/dev
to get the devices after chroot...
Thanks, I'll try after work.
I have a lilo based arch CD install which boots into a single OS hdd system.
I attempted to perform....arch root=/dev/hda3.... at the boot prompt to test out the performance of the CD.
My system did not boot to desktop as it should (?) but ended with the normal install instructions.
It seemed to start the boot correctly by entering initrd.img as the second item in the boot-up but it proceeded to load the install program at some point in the boot-up.
There may be a problem in trying to use that method with the CD.
I posted a bug #3444 on the subject.
Good luck!
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Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
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does mknod work ?
Have in mind that lilo cannot overwrite grub, as well as a few third party primary loaders. You must first clean the MBR by other means, and then put lilo in there.
Microshaft delenda est
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