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Alright. I've just gotten the notification daemon I've been writing into a solid spot, so I'd thought I'd share!
SiND is a [basically] freedesktop-compliant notification daemon. It receives notifications from dbus, and, well, just spits them out to stdout.
It does so in a buffered way, printing all the current notifications whenever a new one arrives or one expires.
Using the --lines option, you get a psuedo-curses program , free to display your notifications in whatever terminal you want.
This also means you can pipe it into a dzen slave window. or whatever other panel you want.
Or whatever else you want to do!
You can format how each notification is printed (app-name, summary, body, id) and you can also spit out an extra line (a... status line ) containing some extra information, like how many active notifications there are and custom strings if you get new ones. So you can stick it in your panel's title bar. Or whatever.
Personally, I've never been a fan of desktop notifications, but since I can just output into any old terminal, I've found myself using it for short-term todolists and stuff using notify-send. I've also found not being tied down to a gui makes 'regular' notifications a lot less annoying, too (and you can pipe em through grep!)
Basically, I wanted to write a notification daemon that lets you do whatever you want to do to desktop notifications. If you need help making SiND do whatever you want, lemme know.
Want more flair? See also:
Last edited by wretch (2013-04-09 23:49:35)
Sounds interesting!
Sounds interesting!
Thanks! Let me know if you try it out.
Also, a quickly hobbled-togther conky script:
#! /bin/sh
sind -s "FLUSH%c Notifications: %N%P" -S \
--new_s='[new] ' --pending_s='' \
| while read; do
if [[ "$REPLY" == "FLUSH"* ]]; then
echo "${REPLY:5}" > $tmp_file
echo "$REPLY" >> $tmp_file
Just cat the file in your conky conf
Last edited by wretch (2013-03-28 16:13:09)
Your PKGBUILD isn't working this way, your _gitroot only works for yourself. And please don't add stuff like "pwd" to the build function, there's no use for it! Here's a working PKGBUILD I made which follows the packaging standards.
I probably won't use sind, because I'm very happy with dunst, but I like yours as well, because it can be used in scripts for e.g. conky, like your script shows. I like that!
Your PKGBUILD isn't working this way, your _gitroot only works for yourself. And please don't add stuff like "pwd" to the build function, there's no use for it! Here's a working PKGBUILD I made which follows the packaging standards.
Ahh, thanks! Shoulda checked that out before. Thanks a bunch for your version.
I wont be able to update the aur pkgbuild for a day or two, so if anyone else is interested in trying this out, just try Army's pkgbuild.
I probably won't use sind, because I'm very happy with dunst, but I like yours as well, because it can be used in scripts for e.g. conky, like your script shows. I like that!
Indeed! Dunst and twmnd are both really nice. I was using twmnd for a while.
I personally found myself wanting to use something even simpler, so I wrote sind, hopefully others here will enjoy the scripting capabilities of sind as well. That was my main intent in writing it.
I've fixed the pkgbuild, and I've added a script for displaying notifications with xosd.
Hi again About your PKGBUILD, it looks fine. BUT pacman got a big update and now PKGBUILDs for git packages should look differently. Look at … pacman_4.1 to see how we do it now. If you have problems, I can help you.