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Pages: 1
ok, so my crazy desktop is kinda done, but not really. I was wondering if its possible to have kdesktop make icons on the desktop everytime something is minimized, like how rox does it. That was the only real reason i used rox, but since i can't get the gorilla icons to work with i started looking for an alternative. so can it be done? also y is it so hard to install styles in kde? i tried installing baghira, but it doesn't compile. here is a screenshot of my desktop … nshot4.png
kdesktop with metacity, xfce4, and adesklets
Since your desktop is already pretty bastardized, why not use xfdesktop-svn? That supports what you are talking about...
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
Or fvwm.. and then you can have screenshots of yours apps as well, maybe with their icon composited on top and a shadow effect and and... 8)
I am a gated community.
and then you can have screenshots of yours apps as well, maybe with their icon composited on top and a shadow effect and and... 8)
Making screenshots of windows is kinda waste of cpu cycles, so only use that if you have a really fast cpu 8)
Pages: 1