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I know where the option is. But it isn't stored. When I choose 'sync to vblank', close xfwm4-tweaks-settings and open it again, the setting is off like before.
From :
- The setting in the window manager tweaks gui doesn't work, I don't know why. For now the sync to vblank setting can be enabled with:
xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p "/general/sync_to_vblank" -s true
And then restart xfwm.
I actually switched to 'compton --vsync opengl' for desktop use, for movies or video I switch to the other variant.
It was just a bit too much annoying (the delay).
Last edited by kellerman (2013-04-16 19:21:27)
delay didn't seem that bad to me, wasn't any worse than gnome-shell with the CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-clipped-redraws:disable-culling workaround