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after an update to gnome 3.8 I cannot set a background image anymore. I can change the color, but not set a jpg, though it is shown in the preview.
I have reinstalled gnome-background and deleted my "."-Folders in home - doesn't solve the problem...
Any advice?
Last edited by der_harm (2013-04-24 17:29:29)
Works fine for me. Have you tried to put your dconf parameters back to default ?
Last edited by Cthulhu82 (2013-04-22 10:55:56)
« En essayant continuellement, on finit par réussir.
Donc plus ça rate, plus ça a de chance de marcher. »
Devise Shadock
Works fine for me. Have you tried to put your dconf parameters back to default ?
What is default? I did not change any...
after an update to gnome 3.8 I cannot set a background image anymore. I can change the color, but not set a jpg, though it is shown in the preview.
I have reinstalled gnome-background and deleted my "."-Folders in home - doesn't solve the problem...
Any advice?
Same here, I don't know where to fix it (may be a configuration file, but which one) ?
I have create a brand new user account and restarted my computer - does not work :-(
I have found my former desktop background here:
ls -l /usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/gnome
insgesamt 468
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 477420 18. Feb 15:03 background-default.jpg
The other images that are selectable I have found here, while the one obove is not one of them:
ls -l /usr/share/backgrounds/gnome
insgesamt 9572
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1157513 15. Apr 20:49 Blinds.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 456110 15. Apr 20:49 BlueMarbleWest.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 703018 15. Apr 20:49 Chmiri.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 444406 15. Apr 20:49 Fabric.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 762649 15. Apr 20:49 FootFall.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 513355 15. Apr 20:49 Mirror.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 724783 15. Apr 20:49 Road.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 591528 15. Apr 20:49 Sandstone.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278252 15. Apr 20:49 Spaceflare.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 330495 15. Apr 20:49 Stripes34.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 246770 15. Apr 20:49 Stripes.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 489702 15. Apr 20:49 Sunset.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 466292 15. Apr 20:49 Terraform-green.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 627111 15. Apr 20:49 Tulip.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 458818 15. Apr 20:49 Waves.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 525520 15. Apr 20:49 Wood.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 990018 15. Apr 20:49 ZvonecKonec.jpg
I did not install my former background seperately, it is a default desktop background. Why ist this one at another palce?
Anyway, the last files are all selectable, but none of them works. Ich can just choose betweek different single colors.
Last edited by der_harm (2013-04-22 12:08:37)
Had similar problem when used non-default theme (apparently theme is not updated for 3.8 yet).
OK, I got it...
I did not check each of the selectable files. I checked different ones randomly and had bad luck.
Some of them DO work, bot most of them do NOT work!
A bug? Please check to confirm!!!
Confirming : the default "changing" background isn't working, but some others are working well.
Cthulhu82 wrote:Works fine for me. Have you tried to put your dconf parameters back to default ?
What is default? I did not change any...
In dconf-editor, in "org.gnome.desktop.background", you can reset the parameters to default.
But from what you guys wrote, looks indeed like a bug…
« En essayant continuellement, on finit par réussir.
Donc plus ça rate, plus ça a de chance de marcher. »
Devise Shadock
I have an script to change my background every 10 minutes, since upgrade it's not working anymore. It's a small sciprt I found in internet.
while true; do
find /home/koven/wp /usr/share/wallpapers -type f \( -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' \) -print0 |
shuf -n1 -z | xargs -0 feh --bg-scale
sleep 10m
So there is some kind fo restriction...I guess.
Thank you guys!! :-)
OK, sorry for my first post, I misunderstood your question. Indeed, in the control center I have access to official gnome wallpapers, to colors but not to my own images… I didn't realize it since I use Wally to change automatically my wallpaper.
So, I confirm that Wally works fine, and that it is still possible to control the background image with dconf-editor.
I have an script to change my background every 10 minutes, since upgrade it's not working anymore. It's a small sciprt I found in internet..
This script acts directly on gsettings, so still works fine with gnome 3.8 :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
### Start CONFIG
my $searchPath = '/home/user/Pictures/'; # <- DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THAT !!!
my $switchTime = 1200; # Time is in seconds
# bgotd-- background of the day
# A super simple script which randomly picks a jpg/JPG/jpeg/JPEG photo to place as your
# Gnome desktop.
# Written by Michael Moore, Nov. 2007
# This work is hereby placed in the public domain
my @photos = `find $searchPath -type f | grep [jJ][pP][eE]*[gG]`;
my $photo;
$photo = $photos[rand($#photos)];
`gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file:///$photo"`;
Don't forget to change your picture path.
« En essayant continuellement, on finit par réussir.
Donc plus ça rate, plus ça a de chance de marcher. »
Devise Shadock
I'm more or less just posting a comment to follow this thread.
I am not able to have any wallpaper / background .. and if i enable nautilus active desktop (ie: icons, files, folders on desktop), i get 'rendering trails' when i move windows, so for now i have disabled nautilus from managing the desktop and am stuck with a black background. (unfortunately).
none of the methods mentioned here, that i tried made any difference ~ but i am also using a non-standard / unsupported gnome-ish desktop.
hopefully, it just comes down to fixing my theme, which by looking at gtk-3.8 themes, i have yet to figure out. (maybe it's just a bug, as suggested?)
I ended up replacing nautilus with nemo (nemo-git AUR) for handling the desktop - i now have background wallpapers working again.
I think when i get some time i will look into using nautilus again for desktop management, but for now - it is easier for me to just switch to something that works OOTB,
Thank you guys!! :-)
As the OP, could you mark this [SOLVED] since you seem to have found a solution?
Not really solved, so much as a workaround. For me, it turned out to be using a non-default shell theme. Try resetting it to Adwita (default) using gnome-tweak-tool.
6.5.3.arch1-1(x86_64) w/Gnome 44.4
Arch on: ASUS Pro-PRIME x470, AMD 5800X3D, AMD 6800XT, 32GB, | Intel NUC 7i5RYK | ASUS ux303ua | Surface Laptop
Not really solved, so much as a workaround. For me, it turned out to be using a non-default shell theme. Try resetting it to Adwita (default) using gnome-tweak-tool.
that is one way. (to fix it). and of course, i suppose you are right, we are working around it - not fixing it (yet).
there seem to be a few ways to work around it, and it seems to affect more than one just one 'shell'. (ie: gnome-shell/compiz)
The issue most definitely relates to some changes in nautilus, afaict from looking at commit logs; nautilus, when handling the desktop now paints an RGBA window (transparent) and only draws it's icons/folders/etc. Gnome-Shell then handles painting the desktop wallpaper. (behind)
- So in my case, i think i know why i am getting a black window -> I'm not running Gnome-shell (nor a fork), so there is no wallpaper being drawn. So the solution for me, is to use Gnome-flashback and/or using older version of nautilus or nemo (which do handle painting desktop wallpaper).
but there also could be some change required to my gtk+ theme, as well.... i haven't gotten that far yet, since fixing the ugly menu bug in themes being ported from gtk-3.6->3.8, (for me) was more important, (since i also worked around no background image issue, if even temporarily until i can fix it properly).
Last edited by triplesquarednine (2013-04-25 00:10:32)
Thanks that script worked for me, i made some little changes to get png and having more path to look for wallpapers.
Last edited by Koven (2013-04-25 20:07:29)
I hit upon this issue myself over the weekend when I did a system update.
I have 2 HP laptops. 1 older HP6715b (personal), and a newer EliteBook 8560w both of which I updated at the same time unfortunately.
In my case I get a dark grey background. At one stage during my attempts to recover from the update, my background was the Getty virtual console that was last visible.
Gnome-shell seems to work fine, at least as far as the background is concerned.
But like many other I don't like or use Gnome-shell. I prefer the Gnome 2.x look and behaviour. I used to use Gnome 3 in fallback mode. But fallback mode has been replace with "Classic Mode" which is a half baked attempt to adapted Gnome-shell to the Gnome 2.x style, and doesn't implement half the features.
I have resorted to creating a custom session similar to the gnome-flashback-session, which uses metacity and gnome-panel.
I can select a background image in the settings control panel and see it in the preview window. I've tried using both nautilus and nemo (nemo from the official repositories and nemo-git from AUR). I reset my themes to the defaults. Nothing seems to work.
The Gnome 3.8 update broke my entire desktop configuration. When I first logged in after the reboot all I got was a dark screen screen and with a light grey strip across the top (presumably my gnome-panel) and now window manager. I had to allow away my entire .config and reconfigure my desktop from scratch. I've since noticed that some of the themes I downloaded for Gnome 3.6 cause Gnome panel to lockup and display nothing but the strip across the top of the screen.
I have also noticed a few other things missing, such as the volume control and battery status notification applets.
In addition my laptop hardware function controls for brightness, volume, mute, display selection and standby no longer work. Although this may be a separate systemd issue as a result of the update.
So, for me, this issue is not resolved.
triplesquarenine seems to have a good handle on the issue. Is there any advise you can offer.
So, for me, this issue is not resolved.
For me it was just a problem of image size: 10 Mb was too big. I resize it (321 kb) and background is working again!
Settings>Displays>Primary> Flip the display
fixed the problem
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