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while I was compiling binutils (aur: arm-linux-gnueabi-binutils)
the system gave me some errors related to libiberty/fibheap.c:38:24, the 'LONG_MIN' undefined
this error still happens on the latest version of binutils from gnu's ftp
is there any solution that can fix this error??
* the same problem here: … mments=all
LONG_MIN is usually defined in /usr/include/limits.h. But I am not sure where/how arm-linux-gnueabi-binutils is supposed to be compiled - on an x86 desktop PC, on an ARM processor or with a crosscompiler for ARM. The corresponding development (crosscompiling?) environment would then provide the limits.h to be used. A post on the AUR package page and my own brief experiment suggest that this package does not compile on a regular x86 PC.
Officer, I had to drive home - I was way too drunk to teleport!
actually, I used centos with an older version of gcc and the same configurations / commands in PKGBUILD to compile and it works great.
I wonder if there's any change to gcc 4.8
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