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Inspired by CDM, I wrote a login manager called TDM. TDM is also written in pure bash, and it has a config tool tdmctl, whose usage is similar to systemctl.
TDM has the following features:
Use links or scripts to set up the X sessions
Use tdminit file to configure TDM
Use tdmexit file to autostart some X programs
Can set the default session
Can be used with xdm (yet it sucks ^_^)
Dialog and text user interface
If you're intrested, you can have a try. Console TDM is on AUR and wiki.
Have fun!
I feel like an idiot for asking, but would it be possible to see a screenshot of the login screen?
I feel like an idiot for asking, but would it be possible to see a screenshot of the login screen?
Dialog UI
Text UI
Images cropped.
Last edited by mytbk (2013-05-02 09:56:41)
Thank you
All the best,
Last edited by HalosGhost (2013-05-02 10:25:25)
Nice work man!
Long time I was looking for a thing like that!
Very very nice!
Far better than xdm I used before!
I put in my .bash_profile:
# ~/.bash_profile
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
tdm --disable-xrunning-check
In my .xinitrc the command you gave advice
This line in the .config/tdm/tdminit:
# Pour avoir le logo archlinux et tout
And I moved this line from .xinitrc to .config/tdm/tdmexit:
# Example commands to execute before your WM/DE
#export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
#feh --bg-scale /path/to/wallpaper
#boucle pour afficher la charge de la batterie, la température du processeur, la mémoire vive utilisée
#et l'heure
while true; do
xsetroot -name "$BAT $LOAD $FREE $LOCALTIME"
LOCALTIME=$(date +"%R")
BAT="B$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)"
FREE="$(($(free --mega | head -c 115 | tail -c 4))) M"
LOAD="$(($(echo $[100-$(vmstat 1 2|tail -1|awk '{print $15}')])))"
sleep 15s
done &
I made
tdmctl add terminal_agetty /usr/bin/clear extra
To have ability to have tty session.
The result is I can have multiple graphical sessions, tty sessions, and a lot of choices.
I must just search how to add entries in the menu which can do these kind of combined commands:
pcmanfm --desktop && exec jwm
I'm against internet totalitarians of any kind.
And like cheese's humor.