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i3. Simple clean setup. I used dwm before, but I think i3 is way more simple to configure and has a few features I find nice.
Last edited by 007 (2013-09-03 01:12:27)
That's the first screenshot I've ever seen that made me consider switching. Incredible!
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
Back on Arch
i3 + wallpaper <3
font name pls ?
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
My first steps with a tiling window manager.
Awesome WM on Compton, Termite with Mutt, Weechat and Newsbeuter. Most of my settings are here. Fonts are from ttf-ubuntu. Wallpaper can be found here.
Very nice setup. How do you manage to have gaps between the clients please ?
jcornwall wrote:My first steps with a tiling window manager.
Awesome WM on Compton, Termite with Mutt, Weechat and Newsbeuter. Most of my settings are here. Fonts are from ttf-ubuntu. Wallpaper can be found here.
Very nice setup. How do you manage to have gaps between the clients please ?
I'm using a patched layout I found on this forum: tilegap.lua. You can change the spacing by editing the line 'local useless_space = 25'.
To use it, search for 'tilegap' in my rc.lua.
I started from my swm (dwm-fork) a new window manager called Calavera-wm ☠ minimalist stacking window manager, using prefix key style, à la ratpoison and stumpwm, without bar/panel and other fancy stuff.
(Just do it simple, fun and X).
Last edited by ivoarch (2013-05-17 13:06:09)
bl1nk wrote:Back on Arch
i3 + wallpaper <3font name pls ?
I guess this is my font Envypn.
vik_k wrote:bl1nk wrote:Back on Arch
i3 + wallpaper <3font name pls ?
I guess this is my font Envypn.
Yes, it is using it !! font looks awesome !!
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
Running dwm with a combination of the "noborder" patch and useless gaps:
- When there's only one tiled window, then there's no border. This allows me to throw my mouse at the upper screen border, click, and I'll *always* hit the menu bar (or tab bar in a browser). I don't have to aim for the menu bar. For it to work nicely with Gtk2 applications, you need settings like these. Firefox needs this.
- When there's more than one tiled window, though, it's very easy to distinguish different windows. Plus, gaps just look nicer.
- Gtk scrollbars are larger, so they are easier to reach. I don't like doing precise mouse movements...
- dwm
- dotfiles (dwm-config.h is in here)
- wallpaper
Last edited by Vain (2013-05-18 08:52:05)
I'm using a patched layout I found on this forum: tilegap.lua. You can change the spacing by editing the line 'local useless_space = 25'.
To use it, search for 'tilegap' in my rc.lua.
Ok i'm going to try that, thanks
Dualhead i3 setup (laptop + monitor above)
Registered Linux user #589468
OS: Arch 64-bit -- CPU: Core i7-4770 GPU: Radeon R9 270x RAM: 16 gigs Storage: 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD
OS: Arch ARM -- Raspberry Pi B, Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi B2
Dualhead i3 setup (laptop + monitor above)
Nice! How did you shorten the status bar? Any patches?
SonicSupremacy wrote:Dualhead i3 setup (laptop + monitor above)
Nice! How did you shorten the status bar? Any patches?
i didn't, that workspace is on the smaller monitor (laptop) so no patches are involved
Registered Linux user #589468
OS: Arch 64-bit -- CPU: Core i7-4770 GPU: Radeon R9 270x RAM: 16 gigs Storage: 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD
OS: Arch ARM -- Raspberry Pi B, Raspberry Pi B+, Raspberry Pi B2
another dwm layout very good for the eyes useing this for ages
My eyes are burning.... Dude, that yellow is bright!
I thought I'd make a new one since I changed a lot:
Busy (Not really and not funny):
Kde with ember theme, wonton soup color scheme and hycons icon theme
Wallpaper is from here.
If it ain't broke, you haven't tweaked it enough.
i3, dwb, urxvt, tmux, vim, mplayer2, irssi and inxi.
Last edited by MreDD (2013-05-19 05:51:13)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Now that Google are killing Reader, I have moved all my RSS subscriptions to CommaFeed running on RedHat's OpenShift:
It's a cool project: