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Exactly this one? I still have the gimp *.xcf. In case you want to colour it yourself.
Just fill the layers in the color you want.
Last edited by manuelschneid3r (2013-04-21 10:48:30)
Please feel free to correct my english.
Yes this one. *.xcf that's cool, soo if You can upload *.xcf too
Pretty simple... but effective
Hehe never thought someone with that music taste would run Arch Linux with Awesome WM.
# .Xdefaults colors
! --- standard colors ---
! black
*color0: #000000
! bright_black
*color8: #161616
! red
*color1: #be4138
! bright_red
*color9: #be786f
! green
*color2: #50af38
! bright_green
*color10: #87af6f
! yellow
*color3: #beaf38
! bright_yellow
*color11: #beaf6f
! blue
*color4: #5041a6
! bright_blue
*color12: #8778a6
! magenta
*color5: #be41a6
! bright_magenta
*color13: #be78a6
! cyan
*color6: #50afa6
! bright_cyan
*color14: #87afa6
! white
*color7: #d9d9d9
! bright_white
*color15: #ffffff
# theme.lua colors
cred ="#be786f"
theme.font = "Droid Sans 8"
theme.bg_normal = cbackgroud
theme.fg_normal = cred
theme.border_normal = cred
theme.bg_focus = cbackgroud
theme.fg_focus = cforeground
theme.border_focus = cforeground
theme.bg_minimize = cbackgroud
theme.fg_minimize = "#555555"
theme.bg_urgent = cred
theme.fg_urgent = cforeground
theme.border_width = "1"
theme.border_marked = cgreen
theme.border_urgent = cred
theme.taglist_bg_focus = cred
I relly like it too. But I had no time to make a gtk2 theme on my own. If i have it, I will come back and post a fake dirty.
Maybe a hot tip: 4bit Terminal Color Scheme Designer
Last edited by manuelschneid3r (2013-04-21 20:27:22)
Please feel free to correct my english.
Changed my theme to match jellybeans.vim, finally moved away from using Tomorrow Night Eighties for everything. I like the result.
- dots -
Can you git your .fonts dir, or point me to your 'Liberation Sans'?
Because this is the one I know.
Changed my theme to match jellybeans.vim, finally moved away from using Tomorrow Night Eighties for everything. I like the result.
that's very nice, we are you getting all the widget icons ?
Eit wrote:that's very nice, we are you getting all the widget icons ?
They're "sm4tik icons" which I found on the awesome wm wiki. All the links to download them seem to be down now
Here's a zip with all the ones I have though.
can you please share your .Xresources? these colours are quite nice
greetz flexo
Last edited by flexo3001 (2013-05-05 23:23:53)
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
Sure, here you go:
URxvt.transparent: true
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.shading: 20
URxvt.font: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-u
URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?$@#-].[\\w/]
URxvt.saveLines: 1000
URxvt.cursorBlink: false
URxvt.inheritPixmap: true
*background: #000000
*foreground: #ad9d72
*color0: #3b3b3b
*color8: #2a2a29
*color1: #705050
*color9: #dca3a3
*color2: #7aa16a
*color10: #93c783
*color3: #a1926a
*color11: #c7b983
*color4: #506070
*color12: #94bff3
*color5: #8e6a80
*color13: #745568
*color6: #688891
*color14: #758c93
*color7: #989081
*color15: #827c6f
Ekber wrote:diis looks very nice
can you share your config please ?You can find my config files on github
Really love this config. I was trying to understand how the volume widget works - looks like you're calling a custom script? (pavol?). Can you please point me to it if it's available somewhere?
This is my first time using Arch and also my first venture into tiling window managers. It's safe to say that I'm caught in the rabbit hole.
I'm happy with everything but my beautiful/widget themes, mostly the borders and text/icons colors. Once that's polished up I'll be using this setup for a while
Really love this config. I was trying to understand how the volume widget works - looks like you're calling a custom script? (pavol?). Can you please point me to it if it's available somewhere?
I can't remember where i got this script from, but I found the code here: … rom-shell/.
I know this is probably not the best place, or maybe it is, but can anyone please help me get my sensors working... I've honestly read the wikis more times than I can remember. I just need cpu, gpu and net sensors running on my status bar.
I think one of the problems I'm having is not being sure exactly where to drop the codes within rc.lua so I restart and get error codes. Anyone interested in taking a stab at it I can share my code and start out with something simple like cpu frequency. If I can get that running I"m sure I'll figure out the rest.
At least post some pretense screenshots
Last edited by manuelschneid3r (2013-05-19 23:49:08)
Please feel free to correct my english.
I know this is probably not the best place, or maybe it is, but can anyone please help me get my sensors working.
Your first inclination was correct, this is not the place to ask. This is a thread where members share how their desktops look. Your post, while inadvertent, is a classic example of thread hijacking
Please, feel free to start a new thread in the Applications and Desktop Environment subforum. The Artwork and Screenshots subforum is not a technical forum. The Application and Desktop Environment is technical.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
*sigh* I guess I should have gone with my first inclination but I'll post in the other forum.
manuelschneid3r here you go:
Last edited by w201 (2013-05-20 00:18:05)
@MrQuest: can i have the wall, please?
Some old ones, but still.
MrQuest! I love the mood your theme invokes. It's perfect for a raining day.
Here are some features of my current desktop...
PAC-MAN Start Menu: Click icon to Update, Reboot, or Shutdown.
Workspaces: Travel like PAC-MAN by munching on dots.
White terminals: For using Emacs/VIM to type academic/office documents.
Without error there can be no brilliancy. ― Emanuel Lasker