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I'm trying to connect to wireless during setup but I keep getting the error: zsh: command not found: wifi-menu
netctl was forgotten in the latest iso. Either use an old version, or set up wifi manually with wpa_supplicant/wpa_passphrase and dhcpcd (or dhclient).
Is it included in last months?
I think so... but I don't really know for sure. I am fairly certain it was just an oversight this month. Interestingly, all the other things that netctl depend on are in there... just not netctl itself. Go to the wireless page of the wiki and there are step by step instructions there (you just have to scroll past all the vendor specific info). In short, you use wpa_passphrase to generate a wpa_supplicant.conf and then use wpa_supplicant to associate, then use dhcpcd (or dhclient) to get an IP address. It is pretty simple once you do it once or twice.
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