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I just installed Azureus together with java on a fresh 0.7.1 system and when i try running azureus i get the following error message:
/usr/bin/azureus: line 4: java: command not found
I've got j2re-1.5.0_04-1 and azureus- installed. This is probably where i simple to fix, but i have no clue...
Java is pobably not in your $PATH. You can add it in /etc/profile
Log out and back in.
As best I know, java adds a login script in /etc/profile.d that only gets sourced when you log in - this script sets up Java's path.
Can't verify accuracy because I'm far from an Arch machine right now, but I'm fairly certain that'll work.
Here's how I fixed it:
Edit .bash_profile
Add this to the end of the file:
(assuming /usr/java/bin is the location of your java compiler)
Then close terminal session and restart the session again, if you plan to run azureus from the command line.
This signature just crossed the line.
Thx guys!
Logging in and out did the trick! I admit, though, that i should've remembered to check the path.
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