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I ran
pacman -Syu
this morning. I rebooted in console mode and recompiled ndiswrapper and the ATi drivers, then rebooted again. Now both ndiswrapper and fglrx are invalid, and I have no networking or GUI. The current kernel seems to have been built with gcc 4.1 but my current gcc is gcc 4.0. Seems like somebody goofed.
I don't mind packages being close to the cutting edge, but this isn't a "too new" problem. It seems more like a "oops I mixed up current with testing and released it to everyone" problem. Am I wrong?
This has been covered in a few of the "Nvidia and new kernel" threads already.
GCC 4.0 kernel 2.6.14 on the way, according to tpowa.
Yup, we goofed.
New kernel is in Current, built with 4.0.2.
Yep, i had to rollback because NFORCE wouldnt work either.
I started trying every mirror, because i thought they were out of sync or something, I think you should post some note on the front page about it, saying that there is no new GCC yet.
(By the way, everything else worked nice and smooth, except for nv xorg drivers, that for some reason would get my monitor refresh rates out of ratio or something...).
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Just in case: is the 2.6.14-4 the one compiled with current GCC?
oopss.. i goofed now. your message said this already.
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Just in case: is the 2.6.14-4 the one compiled with current GCC?
Yes, this is it (not swaring though, as I use -Archck).
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