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It seems the latest xorg in current (i tried 3 servers) is corrupted. I downloaded it 4 times, all 4 times the package was corrupt, any idea why?
Have you tried deleting the package from your cache and/or changing mirror?
EDIT: Have you tried getting the package directly from instead of a mirror?
Have you tried deleting the corrupt file from cache before doing the download again?
did you delete the package from the cache between downloading?
nah, I did see both the previous posts, its just funny how quick people are to reply around here :-D
hehe, Snowman... I think we are on the same wave length.
oops... Dusty, too!
Yes, I did both, I'll try a direct download though, but I'm guessing it's broken too, as it's the package the mirrors are made from right?
replying from lynx here, it still doesn't work, the arch servers seems corrupted too, must be my connection or something I guess.
no, somebody else mentioned a corrupted X to me, but I think they got it working.... this is very odd.
hmm, after some fiddline with servers and such I got it working, it downloaded as corrupted, and I forgot to -Scc between -S xorg's, and it installed, but now when I exit x with ctrl+alt+backspace, it goes to a screen of garbled colors. I can' still type commands, and they respond, but I can't see them or anything.
type 'reset<enter>' and see if that helps.
This is all so cool. :-)
reset doesn't help.
edit: perhaps fresh install (again...) as I haven't done anything worthwhile yet?
woooo! Does clear work?
you might have to swear at it a little too.
neither work, something is screwy. I'm going to reinstall (I love how you can install a working arch base in under 5min )
This is very strange. I did a fresh install friday night (using the 7.1-pre iso) and everything installed fine. I don't see a new xorg waiting for me, either, which makes it difficult for me to believe that it's broken unless it's been corrupted since friday night/sat morning. It is strange, though, to say the least.
Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
-Albert Einstein
I am installing from the wombat iso. Like I said, I think it's my connection, but are you getting any garbled colors? I wonder if it will be fixed by the fresh install I did, if not, I'll paly around in xorg.conf.
i get a garbled screen when i use a high resolution framebuffer console. unloading X usually triggers the problem. so i just stick with the standard console.
so would I remove the vga-773 in my menu.lst? I did notice that my console was much higher res than my last install, how do I change it?
so would I remove the vga-773 in my menu.lst
Yeah, give that a try. Though 791 is working fine on my systems.
Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
-Albert Einstein
what res is 791?
hmm, it seems nvidia is doing the weirness, without nvidia drivers i can ctrl-alt-backspace out of x fine, with it it goes to the garbled colors. I did some fiddling with modules and it doesn't seem related to them. Perhaps a corrupt driver or an incompatibility between the new .14 kernel?
Pages: 1