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Assalamulaikum and hello everyone! This is my first post here.
Recently, I uninstalled my old Arch Linux installation as I had to format and rearrange the partition table. At that time, I was in a place where there was WiFi connection, but now, I don't have any WiFi connection around me. I have an EDGE/GPRS USB modem. So, I need to install the Arch base system through the usb device, as I don't have any WiFi connection. If anyone can suggest me how to do so I'll be very glad...
Thanks in advance
You can use wvdial, see the wiki.
Be advised - maintaining (as well as installing) arch will put a lot of strain on your bandwith, you will easily have ~500Mb updates regularly (depends of course on what you install). I don't think running arch with GPRS only is a good idea.
Thanks for the reply. But the wiki page that you have suggested assumes that I will install something, that means, I need internet connectivity for that. But I need to configure my modem first to use it.
According to arch/packagelist, the live system includes wvdial.
If you need any packages not on the iso, you will have to download them manually, put them on the USB, and install them in the live system with pacman.