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Just a quick question, since i am little bit of an eyecandy person i would LOVE to have the DE and look of Zorin 7. Is this possible on arch? Can i get the packages required to modify GNOME 2? I have tried to look everywhere, but i couldn't find an answer. That's why i am looking here.
Thanks for answer!
You could always write the PKGBUILDs for them.
All the best,
What were you searching for exactly? "Zorin OS themes" returns some useful-looking results.
I know that Zorin OS has some plugins on top of GNOME. However i cannot find any package for it nor Zorin OS themes returns anything that would actually made GNOME look like Zorin 7. I will look furthure on this. PKGBUILD i cannot make simply because i cannot even replicate the theme elsewhere.
You could install cinnamon and afterwards download cinnamon themes. They have 3 Zorin Os themes.
Zorin OS icons can be downloaded from
I'm thinking about trying it myself. Here's what I know:
Zorin uses a highly tweaked Gnome 2 ui, since getting ahold of a good installation of gnome 2 is problematic, I would recommend going with the MATE desktop.
Now, I also know that instead of using the stock panels, Zorin uses the AWN (Avant Window Navagator) panel. So that may be the most important step. The start menu is an add-on to the AWN panel, so you'll have to do some research on that one, because I don't know if AWN offers it as an add on or if it's just part of Zorin's installation. Either way, it's out there, you just have to find it. The theme too is specific to Zorin, therefore the same thing applies.
And Finally, to get the effects that make zorin so cool to look at, you have to use "Compiz" as the default window manager. (you'll also need to package CCSM, which is the control center for Compiz)
Now that all being said, It all sounds like a huge pain in the neck, but If you want to do it, I'm sure that's just about the most effective way.
If you can't be helpful, don't say anything at all. Fair enough?
ok...I just checked the AUR. Appearantly, I was wrong about it being based on Gnome you wont want to install MATE. Instead you're going to want to go with Gnome 3...BUT then get the following package from the AUR: gnome-session-compiz-awn
then configure Gnome to use Compiz as the window navagator, and AWN as the panel
If you can't be helpful, don't say anything at all. Fair enough?