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When you enter the command wifi-menu when installing arch, it does not support WEP at all. I tried entering a wep key it didnt work. Using a WPA network works great.
is it a bug or something? Not gonna switch to WPA, just saying it works on wpa but it has no support on wep.
Last edited by Jean3799 (2013-07-14 20:21:22)
Your WEP key might be hex, which requires a different format (dictated by wpa_supplicant). Unfortunately, wifi-menu only supports a normal string key. So you are probably going to have to either create a profile manually, or edit the failed profile.
You can see examples in /etc/netctl/examples. Also, an explanation of the particulars is available in the netctl.profile man page.
Will they ever make wifi-menu support hex keys?
Will they ever make wifi-menu support hex keys?
Better question: why are you using the broken WEP instead of WPA?
All the best,
Last edited by HalosGhost (2013-07-15 00:50:06)
Jean3799 wrote:Will they ever make wifi-menu support hex keys?
Better question: why are you using the broken WEP instead of WPA?
All the best,
Some systems arn't compatible with WPA2 like my wii,and old devices.
Some systems arn't compatible with WPA2 like my wii,and old devices.
The Wii is absolutely compatible with WPA (I have one using it right now ), as are most devices from the last decade. But, to answer your question, I find it doubtful that it's a high priority for netctl's wifi-menu to support WEP hex keys. WEP is a deprecated technology. However, you could always submit a feature/bug request on netctl's git.
All the best,
Last edited by HalosGhost (2013-07-15 01:09:04)
WEP is a yery dated technology. Just the other day, someone referred to using WEP as using a wet paper towel as a contraceptive, which I think is a very fitting analogy. So I really see no point in going out of the way to incorporate support for a technology that is not getting any more popular and is likely only very sparsely in use at all anymore.
Either move to WPA2 or manually create a config... which is ridiculously simple BTW.
Also, you should know that using anything besides WPA2 will make your wireless incapable of going beyond 54Mb/s. In fact, I am pretty sure I have read (I could be wrong here) that in order to get the maximum throughput from your wireless network, you have to use WPA2-personal psk. Though I am not sure about the whole Super-G stuff that was in use ~10y ago.
Pages: 1