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Hi awesome users.
I hope someone here can shed light on this for me, I am trying to setup a vicious widget to connect to my remote mpd server but alas I cannot work out where I need to put the hostname (
here is what I have:
-- MPD Widget
mpdwidget = wibox.widget.textbox()
mpdicon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
mpdicon:set_image(theme.confdir .. "/widgets/note.png")
vicious.register(mpdwidget, vicious.widgets.mpd,
function(widget, args)
-- play
if (args["{state}"] == "Play") then
return red .. args["{Title}"] .. coldef .. colwhi .. " - " .. coldef .. colwhi ..
args["{Artist}"] .. coldef
-- pause
elseif (args["{state}"] == "Pause") then
return red .. "mpd</span>" .. colwhi .." paused</span>"
-- stop
elseif (args["{state}"] == "Stop") then
return red .. "mpd</span>" .. colwhi .." stopped</span>"
-- not running
return red .. "mpd</span>" .. colwhi .." off</span>"
end, 1)
Thanks for any assistance, your awesome
sorry if this is the wrong place if so mod's please delete & I shall make a thread.
Last edited by t0m5k1 (2013-07-24 10:30:22)
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
I'll split it our for you: Artwork & Screenshot threads are not for support...
I'll split it our for you: Artwork & Screenshot threads are not for support...
thanks Jason & apologies
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
had to edit
changed to
all works
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit