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Sure, there you go:
i;m sory sir, i'm really really really newbie at awesome and lua programming, and i use your code a little, but i can't show battery, and net widget and so with the icon widget at my device, can you help me?
and this is my code
Last edited by GYBTM (2013-07-31 17:20:00)
It seems icons don't show because Awesome can't find them.
You have to set them properly in your theme.lua.
Battery widget is working, you can se 'AC' on the right, wich means you plugged the cable, while net widget needs the right network interface id, otherwise it won't work.
These themes require a little knowledge. You should start from something simpler before trying them.
Anyway this is OT, start a new topic in an appropriate section if you want me to help you further.
It seems icons don't show because Awesome can't find them.
You have to set them properly in your theme.lua.
Battery widget is working, you can se 'AC' on the right, wich means you plugged the cable, while net widget needs the right network interface id, otherwise it won't work.
These themes require a little knowledge. You should start from something simpler before trying them.
Anyway this is OT, start a new topic in an appropriate section if you want me to help you further.
can we talk with email?
Made the old blue theme work again:
Last edited by Elv13 (2013-08-01 05:33:50)
All my code:
An update version of my desktop.
If you're wondering why your widget icons are blurry, that's because multicolor theme bar height is 20px, and you're using a smaller one.
Resize manually your icons to match the bar, or set the bar height to 20, and you're done. ;-)
Hello people.
I'm using Awesome a long time, but now I have some new ideas in mind. I'm an Android developer and I want to make a Holo-like theme. I made some mockups whit GIMP, and I need some help to make it a real Awesome Theme.
If someone is interested, i will pleased.
Here I share my actual screen, and the mockup.
PD: Sorry for my English, i'm from Argentina.
I liked the mockup, therefore I implemented it.
I liked the mockup, therefore I implemented it.
Some screenshots of the Radical menu system: … alttab.png … cation.png … layout.png … ot/mem.png … ot/net.png … t/task.png
Last edited by Elv13 (2013-08-05 04:47:29)
All my code:
Always good stuff from you, I especially like layouts for menu.
Little by little, you're making a DE version of Awesome.
Always good stuff from you, I especially like layouts for menu.
Little by little, you're making a DE version of Awesome.
I had the exact same thoughts lol
Radical Awesome
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
More s Shell than a DE as I don't plan to write apps for it. While one is the least known secret is Awesome programming is that you actually _can_ create GTK dialogs from the API, it would make Awesome unusable as they would still run in the main Thread. Among the things missing for a proper Shell is upower, udisk, NM/wicd and a few other d-bus services. The current LGI dbus module make this possible, but I am not there yet. While Radical 1.0 is near release (2 blockers remain) and Tyrannical 1.0 is also coming soon (3 blockers), it wont be enough to call this a shell just yet. It will all come together with the Forgotten module that will make it possible to create rules at runtime and gather execution metadata to make Awesome smarter. After all of that, there would be a potential round of polishing and it would need a theme that other people than me can actually like
All my code:
Hey guys, a little announce.
I was about to start porting vain to 3.5, when I saw this.
Splendid, I'll offer my collaboration to finish the thing quicker.
The thing is done!
I looked at kw4s work, but imo he/she was trying to do things more complicated than required, so I decided to start from scratch and to port it by myself.
For now, the original module has been tested and proven working.
But of course there will be new things, such as:
- more fancy layouts (now that I learned how to do it)
- improved widgets + new ones + modularization
- portability
Also, readme will be extended and there will be a comprehensive wiki.
Screenshots soon.
To tell the truth, it was already working.
Anyway yours seems more than a port.
In the screenshot, what that little 3 means, up in the bar, before layout icon?
PS: I suggest you to add issues feature to your repo.
Last edited by sardina (2013-08-18 00:50:13)
To tell the truth, it was already working.
Anyway yours seems more than a port.
In the screenshot, what that little 3 means, up in the bar, before layout icon?
PS: I suggest you to add issues feature to your repo.
Oh!! really ! but if you used it from terceiro awesome-freedesktop repo it woll not work !
and the 3 means tag No. 3
BTW issues feature has been added to the repo
Oh!! really ! but if you used it from terceiro awesome-freedesktop repo it woll not work !
Simply add a init module section and it it will.
BTW issues feature has been added to the repo
I'm going to test it a little.
Simply add a init module section and it it will.
i mean i got desktop icons to work not the menu !
guys, can anyone test it please ?
I don't have a screenshot for this at the moment, but I wanted to share a quick little snippet function I added to my rc.lua, which prompts you to rename the current tag you have focused (doesn't require shifty as a dependency or anything). I wanted this because I like keeping my tags flexible instead of fixed; I have it bound to a keyboard shortcut.
local function prompt_rename_tag()
local tag = awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen){prompt="Rename tag: "}, mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget, function(text)
if text:len() > 0 then = text
Nice idea!
Do you mind if I include it in vain?
Not at all. I'll have to take a look at some of the stuff you have here...
mony wrote:guys, can anyone test it please ?
Hi, I have no time to test, but you can take a look at … /utils.lua
Back in 3.4 days, it was ~94% faster to load the menu using this util class than the old one. The whole lookup code was quite expensive. If you fixed it, fine, if not, feel free to use that version.
(the 94% stats come from a valgrind trace, I probably still have it if you can to take a look at it)
All my code:
Just started configuring Awesome:
Theme is an edited zenburn.
Just ask if you want the .conkyrc or wallpaper.
Hi, I have no time to test, but you can take a look at … /utils.lua
Back in 3.4 days, it was ~94% faster to load the menu using this util class than the old one. The whole lookup code was quite expensive. If you fixed it, fine, if not, feel free to use that version.
(the 94% stats come from a valgrind trace, I probably still have it if you can to take a look at it)
Thanks, currently i'm using mrzechonek patch
using Gtk and it's faster than before a lot
but i'll try yours
Last edited by mony (2013-08-30 23:31:12)